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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    i've always wanted to learn to play baseball but we don't have any team here ;__; why girls doesn't shave/epilate their arms? (the contrast between perfectly smooth legs and hairy (or not really hairy) arms confuses me a little :s )
  2. Gaz

    kyouka's squeaks are so good <3
  3. Gaz

    their bassist has an extremely sexy belly!
  4. Gaz

    i feel ya, man ;_; that awful feeling when someone is so fugly you cant even use his photo as an avatar D;
  5. oh, i just started jewjew's s1 few days ago and it's really good! way too much pathos but still good. and lol are you serious about first 3 arcs of one piece? i thought they were so fucking awful and boring, i was thinking about dropping the series even! but after ~200th episode it started to get more and more interesting so thanks god i didnt dropped it XD
  6. wait, so that Kumo guy is actually Ryu/Magatsu? o0 seems like i'm getting old and my stalking abilities are getting weaker D;

  7. Gaz

    well for you it's "just" 3,99€ but for some people it could be a daily salary :v
  8. oshiii this is some mind-blowing stuff any news about upcoming maxi? will it be live limited again? D;
  9. Gaz

    the most terrifying thing is that i wasn't kidding at all D; should stop watching Hannibal probably :v
  10. Gaz

    yesssssss finally!
  11. Gaz

    well what can i say... listened to this album twice but i don't feel it at all. there wasn't even a single remarkable song. some were alright but most of the tracks are quite boring. i guess it's just not my cup of tea. personal rating: 4/10 | not even close as good as 9gbo, deg or res
  12. Gaz

    do you also have thoughts about cutting woman's body on half just to have the best part of it? and then you can put on them all kind of clothes you want *__* ^__^ ^__________^ ^_____________________________^
  13. Gaz

    you can't even imagine how much ;__;
  14. Gaz

    arghhh it's fucking summer time D; so many skirts, mini-skirts, tights, stockings and just nice legs everywhere ;___; makes me want to stay at home all the time and don't go anywhere. fuck!
  15. hiyori is not very kawaii there :/
  16. welcome to the club. though, it'll be sixth(or seventh? i've lost count already *sigh*) band in my case ;v i really hope they will resume their activities someday. newish stuff was decent, i liked it more than old one.
  17. Gaz

    ^ your desktop reminds me of another user's desktop (orangetards is her nick or something like that). she also had only "random shit" folder there XD edit: ah, found it http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/742-show-your-desktop/page-14#entry287142
  18. Gaz

    hundreds of 'em how many times per day you eat?
  19. Gaz

    dammit :/ so who's next?
  20. Gaz

    cool! HI-NA-chan is sexy <3 and Mr. SaTaN likes to swallow the mic haha ;D
  21. Gaz

    sitting at the computer or reading something what is the most important thing for you now?
  22. Gaz

    bah! i thought you came up with some original bullshit but you are just quoting others! ;/ it's not jewtype i know of! kinda missed you since Grieva shoutbox, though ;_;
  23. Gaz

    somehow i just cant get into them that much as i would like too :s yeah they've got all things i like: old school inspired sound, darkish look, crappy vocaliist. but damn eveytime i here his clean singing it just sounds... wrong? indeed, it sounds like yuuki's vocal, but it doesn't fit their music, imo.
  24. Gaz

    ^ it's nice to see that your awful sense of humor is still with you well, Reeper wasn't bad at all so this might be something good too
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