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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    ^ ahhh yes, i just saw it today when i've googled akercock lol! and that ass'n'arrow song is so good! <3 like most of their songs actually! (my fav is 浮世でPASSORI I ♥ ギャラクシィ〜 haha)
  2. Gaz

    lately i've been listening to lots of shitty music and some of it was really enjoyable. so i was curious about songs that most of people dislike and at the same time there are a few people who actually like those songs. and yeah pesky elistists may just fuck off so let me start this... donald duck goes wild! having tons of similar and repetitive songs mejibray were trying to experiment with their sound. it was a fail for their fans but a total win for me! dying to see/hear a live version of it. yeah THAT song. this band has already become a legend so if you didn't hear it yet it's a perfect time to fix this! and read the lyrics, it's gorgeous! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHj-QJXv_KM i didn't see much hate about them but every time listening to this song i have thoughts like "damn this is so bad it's good!" what else can make shitty song even shittier than one-take pv recorded on phone camera? nothing that i know of. well that's enough for now. feel free to share your favorite shitty songs, i would love to hear them ;3
  3. HACHIKUJI MAYOI NOOOOOOOO ;_______________; whywhywhyWHYWHYWHYYYYYYY? *brb crying all day long* /so yeah, after 2 months still watching Monogatari Series Second Season. everything is getting worse and worse. i doubt i will be able to handle the last arc judging of where the things are going but i'll try at least. maybe it wont be so awful as i'm expecting.
  4. awwwwww yeahhhhhhhhh *____* that just made my day. a bit sad that it's live-limited but i still hope to hear it someday.
  5. hard to believe that it has been only a year since i registered here. feels like ages ago.

    1. Gaz


      k ;______;

      @Ikna haha check out your profile. it says you are here more than 3 years! an oldfag already! :D

    2. Ikna


      Wow. Didn't know as I never bothered to check it, lol. I still feel like a newbie though, because I was veeery shy in the beginning and didn't communicate at all here for more than one year.

    3. Gaz


      so you were right, it's actually two years! XD

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  6. ^ correct spelling, please? if they are at least half that shitty as marchen then it would be awesome for sure nvm found out by myself
  7. exactly my thoughts. will keep an eye on them for sure
  8. ...DARY! kikei marchen's new album will be legendary!

  9. HOLY FUCKING SHIT MY BODY IS READY FOR THIS DELIGHTFUL SHITTYNESS!!1!11 please let it be not live-limited or something ;___; IN ANY CASE THIS WILL BE LEGEND...
  10. Gaz

    it's a bit sad that nobody has mentioned my favorite female kei band so far ;/ oh well reviving this thread with some awesomeness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SE2Gh6Sk5s delicious vocal, great composing. some basic info about the band you can find in video description.
  11. Gaz

    i always thought that i'm straight because i've never felt any sexual attraction to other guys from real life but fuuuuu sometimes when i see vk dude in some fancy outfit with sexy belly and zettai fucking ryouiki i feel like MAN I WANT U TO FILL MY EMPTINESS W/ UR SMALL DICK RITE NAU anyway voted for "straight" oh and ISHIKI IS VERY KAWAII I WANT TO FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF HIM ^__^
  12. Gaz

    so did you start to talk with her again?
  13. Gaz

    second song is really good!
  14. Gaz

    lovely laugh <3
  15. Gaz

    oh fuck no! D: i'm so tired of these disbandments ;_; +1 for the question about upcoming album. hope it'll be released as planned...
  16. Gaz

    ahahaha! not bad at all XD next time try out some vk outfit ;3
  17. Gaz

    i love pizza because ITS SEXY ~~~O: sup?
  18. noooooo ;____; there's not that much good active oshare kei bands but i really liked them. but at least we'll have the album
  19. Gaz

    early PENICILLIN is so good! O_O digging the "God of Grind" album ;3
  20. Gaz

    69 is my favorite number so just wanted to post some randomness here :v why is always when you are trying to succeed in something, putting a lot of efforts to make that happen but because of a lack of confindence/persistence/skills/knowledge/other stuff you are fated to fail again and again. so in the end you are like "nah, fuck it. 'die trying' is not for me i'd rather die without even trying." and you just return to your miserable existence and slowly await for the fucking end.
  21. Gaz

    i actually failed ;_; it should've been something like this
  22. yesssss! my body is ready for some hilarious pv like the first ones. hope there will be also two versions
  23. "03/27 - 「激安ジャングル歌舞伎町ドンキーコング」「色キチガイ」+new song「90年代のV系がやりたい」(tentative title) digital release" was this ever released? cant find it on shiTunes or elsewhere ;_;
  24. Gaz

    heh, easy choice since the only song i heard from your list is Nukegara by COMMANDO SQUALL ;3 1. Earl Grey - ファーニードリップ 2. R指定 - 神風 3. NEGA - Soul cry 4. AMARANYX - スミユキイト (Instrumental Version) 5. SEX-ANDROID - イマガスキデス 6. SCISSOR - B級ニュース 7. AMARANYX - スミユキイト 8. カメレオ - 思考は常にマイナス 9. Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Defeat and Beat 10. ロシアバレエ団 - 青春は二度とやってこない fuck off AMARANYX i dont even like that song! well it was easy. again. actually i dont listen to nega as much as i did but they are still one of my favorite bands. jin<333
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