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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    i've almost forgot how good early lolita23q was... cheap and crappy and ZAI ZAI
  2. Gaz

    as a choleric type have to say it's near to impossible to do that XD and in most cases i was the one who'd bullied others. not like i'm proud of myself though ;__; @ゆうぎ yes, being nice to people when i dont feel like being nice with them is a pretending for me. it should be natural feeling, but not forced. i forced myself to be nice to others for quite a long time in my life and couple months ago i finally gave up. what is the point in pretending when you feel like "ugh, you are so annoying with your shitty life problems no one care about" but tell something like "oh, you look sad. what happened?". that's stupid and pointless, imo. the same when you are saying compliments to others but thinking "ahaha you are so ugly, how could you even believe what i'm saying?" the whole world is built on lie. fake people are everywhere. you never know what to expect even from your close friend with whom you've been in perfect relationship since school. pretending has become normal to most of people, they don't even notice doing that. well, you have your point, i have mine. if you really believe in what you're saying and it comes from your heart but not just "because it's right" - it's wonderful, keep on doing that. i can't even like people who actually care about me, so it's really hard to understand when somebody likes the person who did nothing but shit to them without any particular reason. anyway, i'll just go with what i feel is right, even if it's wrong in terms of society.
  3. what? D: my whole life was a lie ;____; *brb deleting all my accounts on redtube/e-hentai/whatever*
  4. Gaz

    so you are saying that no matter how much you dislike/hate person you should pretend being nice with them and it will solve the problem? have to completely disagree on this. first of all, pretending itself is an awful human's quality. you are not honest with yourself and with the person you are pretend being nice. i'd rather tell people what i think about them than just say nice things they want to hear. the same thing i expect from them too, of course. "oh, you hate me? i hate myself, too! we have so much in common, let's be friends! :3" etc etc. believe me, it's a really disgusting feeling when you like person and think that s/he likes you too but it turns out s/he hates you and say shit about yourself behind your back, ugh. so pretending is bad, k?
  5. ONO CREEPY CYBERG00F TATSUYALOID WATTA YA DOIN STAPH!1!!1 i really dont see any point why are you guys whining about this. it doesn't change anything, you can just like it or hate it or don't give a fuck at all. i myself choose the latter, despite i'm guilty for liking zechs' hack your brain song D:
  6. he was my least favorite member but it's nice to see that all the lolitas are in different bands now. i didn't hate him, though, i just couldn't accept him when sou's left. maybe he will succeed in this band, looking forward to hear something by them.
  7. Gaz

    ^ love the second one! i don't know whether it fits to this thread or not but whatever, i just found it and it's fucking awesome XD LONG LIVE POSER KEI! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx4xjedROGc
  8. nice. they are quite shitty but it's my type of shittiness, haha
  9. Gaz

    thanks. sounds quite chaotic and interesting and there are some s/m elements on the cover *_*. i'm considering buying the album now.
  10. i'm a slowpoke but this is fucking brilliant:

  11. Gaz

    oh, i was curious about how do they sounds like. is there any preview of their music somewhere?
  12. Gaz

    サディスマリィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィィ love them so much D;
  13. offtopic but it'd be nice to have similar poll about gurls ;3
  14. nope. among all those "oldschool kei" bands grieva are the least inspired, imo. today's oldschool sounds more like this, this or this
  15. Gaz

    not at all. i'm the center of the universe, so the only fact that amaze me is my existence. do you like pain? (i mean not toothache or headache but that nice mild pain after workout or some fight)
  16. what the fuck? 4 bands that i followed has disbanded in 1 month... am i cursed or what? *sigh*
  17. Gaz

    great. just great. ;/
  18. Gaz

    ^ i have to agree with this. love his guitar style, though. @Tokage heh, i've totally forgot that electel shiki and pinochiwo are considered shitty. always liked them lol. and that first song is also good, imo. weird, but good.
  19. Gaz

    never changed that lame windows wallpaper lolol it's probably because i don't really use desktop, just switching between tabs ;v what would you do if you have to die tomorrow?
  20. Gaz

    ^ahaha wtf? i've never heard of them but have to admit that this is the shit! also, riding a unicorn? loooooool i wonder whether they are being serious or not xD
  21. Gaz

    しゅ~ふるまぁ~じゅ level of shittyness is beyond of my understanding, sadly
  22. Gaz

    @ヒューマノイド awwww <33333 akercock is fucking masterpiece, it needs more love! and yeah, a bit sad that they didn't do more songs like akercock. well that makes it one of a kind then! xD also that first song you linked is quite enjoyable. gothic lolita ftw! couldn't get into maria's song song, though :v
  23. Gaz

    trying to not think about the cause of the stress and concentrate on things i like. how often do you take bath/shower?
  24. Gaz

    ^ i wish i could hear them, seems like something interesting ;__; also speaking about ass'n'arrow, that reminded me of previous vocalist's band. they are quite... em.... different from ass'n'arrow XD still awesome anyway many people were hating first ryuka's band, uNruSt. still i think their song ワイセツ曜日(Waisetsu youbi) is great. couldn't find it on jewtube but you can listen to it here
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