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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. as always, nekkichi is trying to piss off people who like something that she doesn't because it's fun to see how weeaboos' arses are burning on fire. anyway, their ohp gives me feeling that it'll be some calm music without growls and vomits. i hope i'm wrong, but we'll see.
  2. Gaz

    always loved their visuals and the full song is great too
  3. Gaz

    hmm garuga in kiev? i'm sure it'll be cancelled ; /
  4. OMG OMG OMG! ;w; that's fucking awesome news!
  5. i hope it'll be better than their last mini
  6. oh wow, this is hilarious :'D SEXY! *__*
  7. 色キチガイ is so good <3 is it their own song or some cover?
  8. а ответ на етот вопрос мьі узнаем только после 7го ;w;
  9. Gaz

    would you mind borrow some stockings then? i dont want to shave my legs D:
  10. Gaz

    some1 pls buy me goth-loli dress
  11. oh, so are we playing a game IMPRESS NEKKICHI now? o: my turn, my turn!
  12. omg new gintama's movie with subs *__*

    1. freesia


      it's awesome! very funny and touching!

    2. Gaz


      agreed! really happy to watch it in the end of 2013 :3

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      yes my favorite 2013 anime movie along with the steins;gate movie :)

    4. Show next comments  123 more
  13. Gaz

    every band with dark sound iz nagooya kei. gaiz, correct yo tags! ©
  14. "в другом городе буду больше уделять времени этому" <-- наивная.. хотя зависит от того, насколько тьі упоротая упорная. в любом случае, удачи.
  15. Gaz

    fuck noooooo T__T
  16. ну теперь понятно откуда у тебя такое убогое чувство юмора
  17. damn, he's such a great troll O:
  18. бред упоротого чувака, наверное :v
  19. "2 users active in live chat Magatsu, Ryu" ?_?

  20. как раз к следующему фесту замутишь косупуре :з
  21. wuuuuuut o_0 а что за содержимое?
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