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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. i really hope it'll be better than -273.15℃ ;v
  2. well, it's okayish enough for me to like them at this point. and no, they don't sound like nega. yeah, jin's vocal is still shitty and still delivers but instruments are so meh. hopefully this is just beginning and they wil improve themselves in the future. i miss san and ray so bad now ;_;
  3. Gaz

    hi long time no see
  4. Gaz

    the grey one's name Here-kitty-kitty-kitty and the black one's Akakuroneko, but my parents call her somehow different. Akakuroneko always like to jump on my shoulders and do some weird stuff there o0
  5. Gaz

    *embarassing high five* dont regret about it either though. if not these bands i doubt i'd ever got into vk because i was pretty much racist and japanese hater back then. anyway from 2009 till 2011 i just listened mainstream stuff like gaze diru giru despu etc and i didnt really cared about fandom at all. but after registering on lastfm and discovering more and more obscure noname bands i started to talk with some people here and there. and then i found out about mh... so yeah ;v
  6. Gaz

    just look at your goatee, man! you are definitely have been fooled! D:
  7. Gaz

    crossing fingers for kikyo/keika/saku/somekotefaggot announced ua tour this summer ;v
  8. Gaz

    LOLOLOLOLOL SO HARD! he should cancel all the ukrainian gigs before 3,5 fags didnt bought tickets yet ;v
  9. V one of the reasons why i like mh ;3

    1. pinkmakona


      Nooooo, it's lameeeee

    2. Gaz


      b-but she is so cool ._. she's arguing with mods all the time :v

    3. pinkmakona


      NO SHE ISN'T. It doesn't impress me.

    4. Show next comments  120 more
  10. Gaz

    ^where are you from if it's okay to ask? you're look like a mix of asian and murican tbh ;o; pretty cool tho
  11. Gaz

    and that happens when i already sold my psp... god damn it! ;/ currently playing apollo justice btw. lol @ not shaved outcast phoenix
  12. Gaz

    is this means that XALTEA is officially disbanded?
  13. Gaz

    happy b-day cat ; )
  14. ^ i actually dont want him to change. he is great the way he is, imo. anyway, can't wait to hear this one!
  15. Gaz

    didn't really like their latest mini but they always have some kewl songs, so i'm looking forward to this album!
  16. Gaz

    oh fuck it ;/ but at least they've released pretty awesome first album. looking forward to vocalist's next project, though.
  17. Gaz

    hopefully this will be not so disappointing as their last maxi-single. full-length, please!
  18. Gaz

    ^ wow, XALTEA's live dvd! a really nice gem.
  19. Gaz

    oh i see! it makes perfect sense ;>
  20. Gaz

    good to know that they are still around. btw, syuchi-nikurin will also perform at that live as opening guest
  21. Gaz

    goddamnit ;(
  22. Gaz

    i really don't want them to disband. their single is so good! 100 is not a big amount of people, so probably they will manage to reach it
  23. lel @ garuga really curious to hear this song performed by them
  24. Gaz

    i already love it lol
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