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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. that shit is sooo good! i should rewatch it someday, too :v
  2. Gaz

    hard choise ;__; i guess i'll go with deathgayz because ai's voice is so amazing and i still remember those days when i could listen to abyss for hours. br00tal as fvck!
  3. holy damn fucking shit! O_O i highly hope they will sell it through their website like they did with both jigokue remastering cds. also were ANOTHER GRAND GUIGNOL and GRAND GUIGNOL and OTHER STORIES 2 of these 3 SG remastering cds?
  4. Gaz

    ^ because it's fucking awesome. wooooh cool! no need to buy that overpriced stuff from auctions lawl @ "fancyshop" tho xD
  5. watched 2 episodes of NO GEMU NO RAIFU but damn it's so generic and so many clichés in there i just can't... gonna watch 2 more episodes and if it wont get any better will drop it for sure.
  6. voting for phantasmagoria because they were one of the first vk bands i really got into and even now i still find their music quite enjoyable. and also riku is one of my favorite vocalists so yeah :v
  7. Gaz

    cat's teeth are very sharp. VERY SHARP T__T
  8. Gaz

    hmmm... zettai ryouiki, legs, thighs, tights and stockings. how often do you post selfies?
  9. Gaz

    Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin Higashi no Eden (TV + 2 Movies) Sakamichi no Apollon Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 Usagi Drop all i could remember.
  10. Gaz

    oh well i guess this is the end... this "battle" wasn't as good as i've expected :/ no insults, no ragequits, meh. what happened to you guys? maturity is really an awful thing.
  11. Gaz

    come on, magatsu, don't give up like that! show 'em who's da boss!
  12. Gaz

    that feeling when guys in pv are sexier than girls
  13. Gaz

    sexy legs but the music is shit
  14. Gaz

    mediocre vs repetitiveness. easy choice, mahiro ftw!
  15. Gaz

    why is every thread blackdoll encounter turns out to some bullshit? OH WAIT.....COMMANDO SQUALL.....LICKAON..... something funny comes to my mind! now i get how these bands are related! well done, sai, good job. where's the rest of the party anyway? nvm, she has joined us already ;3 back to topic: voting for CQ because i'm sure i will still listen to them many times in the future, which i doubt about lycaon.
  16. krauser-sama approves of this
  17. Gaz

    めるへん so good!
  18. sooo, will you do a scan or photo of it? the suspense is thrilling D:
  19. Gaz

    dunno where else to post it so i just leave it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aTu-Yor81Y KYOHEI DESU~~~~~~
  20. onais first warning *achievement unlocked*

    1. nick


      inb4 gaz's transcode posts.

    2. Slsr


      Well done sir

    3. digi


      gaz pls

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  21. Gaz

    finished ace attorney investigations today (at last!). it was so fucking awesome game, i even tried to play it as slow as i could to extend the fun, but i couldn't stand that suspence in last three subparts so yeah, finished a bit earlier as expected :v and started to play professor layton and the miracle mask. puzzles, yay!
  22. Gaz

    they could at least find some bigger room for filming that "pv"
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