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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    what i was trying to say is that you should cherish you parents even when you dont like what they are doing to you. saying things like I HATE MY MOM PLS DIE is the most ungraceful and atrocious thing the child could say. i'm sorry about that shit happened to your mom but please refrain yourself from spewing such hating bullshit in the future. of course i don't believe it was because of what you said in the past but hating parents IS NOT FUCKING COOL AT ALL.
  2. ^ lol go post it yourself if you care that much.
  3. Gaz

    ehhh what? D: damn they were really good. at least there will be 3 live-limited singles (i hope)
  4. okey, first think i wanted to mention is that panda prolly hates me since i didn't get any flyer or some other useless shit ;c OH WELL I GUESS I'M NOT A CUTE FEMALE AFTER ALL T__T so this is what i've got: the cover card of mouse's tape looks so new and fresh, i could even smell the wet paint on it! (what a quick shipping!) panda you're such a nice guy, you probably went through many troubles to make this, but b/w cover would fit better for this band ;D and too bad you left the back side white ;__; you could at least draw some cute panda ther ;3 the other tape is kinda same inside, just looks a little bit older. SO MUCHO GARCIAS LE JEWPANDA <3
  6. Gaz

    man, you shouldn't been listening to k-poop from the loudspeakers when she was around ;c
  7. hopefully their sound wont be affected by this...
  8. Gaz

    SEEMS LIKE SOME THINGS WILL ALWAYS STAY THE SAME ;P the more you're trying to escape from visual kei, the harder it will be. leaving the scene should be natural, not forced. see ya in a month or two bai
  9. yeah it's kewl but what scares me the most is that i need to spend many hours entering all my "anime data". i dont have mal because of the same reason - i was so fucking lazy to input 500+(at that time) titles there and also rate everything... so troublesome =__=" btw great taste, bonsai. found many of my favorite anime in your fav list.
  10. Gaz

    already heard about them releasing an album some time ago. i hope this one will be as good as GALLO was.
  11. Gaz

    memento. it was brilliant. no idea why i haven't watched it earlier. dr. pepper or mtn. dew?
  12. Gaz

    chrome ftw! how many hours do you usually sleep?
  13. THANK'S 4 THE SPOILERS SAKU-KEWN <3 though i've already read it in manga so whatever
  14. Gaz

    yes they were good so far, but what i'm afraid of is that releasing stuff almost every month they might lose their originality and turn out to some generic band. they've released a bunch of songs already but still haven't reached devi+tec level :/
  15. Gaz

    these faggots are releasing stuff way too fast! D: i hope i wont be disappointed by this album.
  16. O_____O !!!!!!! OMFG!!!! DAT TRACKLIST BJGHJGHJGJHGSHAGH!!!!! WANT THIS SO BAD!!! trombe please say it wont be live limited or something ;__; edit: oh fuck live limited D< goddamnit!
  17. kon looks so awkward when he tries to lick the mic lol cool song tho
  18. Gaz

    oh i remember you from tt o: halo halo
  19. Gaz

    is this also hakuei? o0 damn he's hawt as fuck!
  20. lolol suckface, stop stalking my profile! seriously, you won't find anything interesting there.

    1. Shir0


      @Gaz: Haha I'm already doing the video for you >< there's no time to stalk you xD

    2. Gaz


      ^ aww, my heart is broken now TT__TT but it might heal when i see your video *q*

    3. Shir0


      aww >< haha don't expect to much :P

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  21. Gaz

    WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? T______T *brb suicide*
  22. Gaz

    looking forward to your hangover ;p
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