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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. wooh it took some time but upvoted all of your pics though it didnt change anything :/ anyway i need ya help now! D; vote this one up please: and will be also cool if you'll downvote others as well :v thanks
  2. ahaha this so much! BOKU WA NIHONJIN WA DAISUKI DESU~ ^___^
  3. well you can tell like everything? i mean stuff you like, your hobbies, what are your favorite things etc. whatever you are comfortable to talk about ^w^
  4. okey at least now i know how much is left for me to suffer ;D i'll do mine soon too! i'm just waiting for yours so i could make a proper one and do not look totally lame ;__;
  5. ugh nononononNO! D; make me unsee it X___X BOKO NO WAIFU DESU ^__^ well i randomly found her pics in zettai ryouiki group. here's 2 more: HONTO NI KAWAII DESU NE? ^w^ hmmmm..... not sure about this one....
  6. but-but-but the video is more important than school! ;__; the days are getting insanely long when you have to wait for something, you know D;
  7. bump! >_< share the video please ;__; i'm dying to see it.
  8. Gaz

    green skinny jeans and a simple green t-shirt :v
  9. awesome previews! cant wait to hear the full single
  10. Gaz

    damn... .... not safe for work i guess
  11. my body is so fucking ready
  12. Gaz

    i actually couldnt ever got into Chemical pictures. i even listened to all their stuff available in the web but still noooope :/ so definitely KuRt, they have some rad stuff which i really like in vk.
  13. Gaz

    oh :v well it's been awhile and my memory is kinda weak
  14. through which stores his best albums will be distributed? can't find it anywhere D; tried to search some info on his shitter but that rat, youna, only posts some pics of food and clocks over there! FUCK!
  15. Gaz

  16. an album? naaais~ definitely looking forward to it ; ) don't disappoint us, buddy!
  17. Gaz

    multicreep-heaven.com ^w^
  18. okey hmm, i guess so. but still i better wait for your video until i start making mine. i've never did that before D;
  19. ugh one year is too long, i might die until there never know for sure when you live in such shithole like this. i'll do it asap. whenever i'll have a good camera ^^
  20. kk ^^;; soooo when are you going to post your video?
  21. okay fine ;__; i hope it'll be alright if i'll just pm you that shit whenever i have it done? THOUGH IT WONT BE SOON SO DONT GET TOO EXCITED ABOUT IT :Р
  22. sorry, but i'm very boring person and my english is horrible :/ on top of that my laptop's camera is suckey as hell. maybe someday when i'll have some better camera...
  23. well you better hurry because we need some videos! don't make us wait even more ;__;
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