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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    as been mentioned above it's the copyright bullshit. people aren't get motivated to upload full pvs just to have thier account taken down after few weeks. and seriously guys, who gives a fuck about vk pvs? same decorations, same room, different guys. it's good enough to check out the song and new look, but that's it. i myself rarely watch a pv for more than once (the only exception is favorite bands' pvs).
  2. Gaz

    i remember we've already discussed this shit in another thread and came to the conclusion that people are just 2lazy2search for some good bands, whining about how shitty vk is nowadays. the same about the shock factor. there is a proper thread about it. go and whine there. this thread is about jewtube and decrease of the vk videos there lately, in case you haven't read the OP-post. about the topic: i kinda disagree about it because now some japanese bands learned how to use youtube themselves. i dont remember seeing any official channel of indie bands from mid or late 00's, not even saying about early 00's lawl. and people are rarely comment on bands' last.fm shoutboxes nowadays(talking about indie bands here). so i think it's not just a youtube problem but more like a decrease of the foreigner's interest in vk in general.
  3. well it seems like both albums will be sold at lives. here goes my hopes to ever hear this :/
  4. Gaz

    too bad :/ hopefully they wont disband soon. also aren't they calling themselves めるへん now? o0 kewl new songs btw
  5. fucking shit! D: i hope you are happy now pesky shitheads!
  6. Gaz

    whoa, just 1500 for cd+dvd definitely worth buying, though i have doubts about its quality...
  7. ?????れ??も人間??ー?? ??????????ゃん××??ー??

    1. Tetora


      You on that Gintama time?

    2. Gaz


      i'm always "on that Gintama time". Otsuu-chan is <3

  8. it was really good but i remember i hated the ending lol and yeah there are tons of easter eggs in the show. iirc there even was some reference to Baccano!
  9. atrocious lipstick but besides of that he's alright.
  10. i guess it's time to re-watch first season because i watched it like 4 years ago and barely remember what was going on there.
  11. so what is left to do is: -buy a telescope; -post all these at some jp blog/board he reads; -sit down and enjoy how his butthurt will fly him to the moon.
  12. yeah right they sold it saying "hey man! we're an obscure bands that barely few people know about. but you are some popular son-of-a-bitch! you can use our songs claiming that it's your early bands' songs and make some good money out of it!" that's so naїve i just cant
  13. i'm starting to think that every COCKSUKEY's band before Stella maria were just garage bands of some teen guys which haven't actually released anything. and now he realized how to make moar moneyz by just making up band's history and putting up releases that never existed. so then comes the funniest part: making those "releases" himself recording some no1curr about stuff on tapes and selling them for crazy prices. DUDE COME ON AT LEAST CHANGE THE SONGS TITLES TO MAKE IT LESS OBVIOUS!
  14. i bet you're from canada
  15. ^ ohhh duuuuude.... that was a really bad move of yours D: never, NEVER try to argue with backdoll. inb4 tons of typical bullshit ITT
  16. i'd prefer them doing more quirky crazy songs but those are nice too
  17. Gaz

    HOLY SHIT THE KARAMAZOV BROTHERS IS SO FUCKING GOOD! O__O it's nearly impossible to stop reading now! (i'm here just because my kindle's battery had died so i'm waiting until it's charged T___T) though there were few boring chapters in the first half of the book, especially those discussions about religion and god :v but it's still awesome despite of that! definitely a must-read! also in meanwhile read some other shite: Haruki Murakami's Hear the Wind Sing and Pinball, 1973 (ahhh his early works, so unexperienced and tasty <3) Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (i'm not a big fan of utopias book, but this was a great one. loved the ending, though it was so predictable :/) Lyubko Deresh's Lizard Worship (Kurt Vonnegut's ukrainian wannabe xD loved his stuff when i was at school so wanted to re-read this one because of nostalgic feelings ;///;)
  18. yeah i'm serious. all you did so far is brag like "i will buy this", "i bought that", pffft. but whatever i'll probably buy this single myself, so keep on hoarding.
  19. didn't you realize yet that s/he is a hoarder? useless to even ask :v
  20. no intro video... life's suck T__T
  21. Gaz

    ok-ok, sorry. sometimes i just can't see the line that i shouldn't cross orz
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