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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    season finale of homeland was fucking awful. i was really hoping for some good suspence at the end of the season but they just had to put those sissy whinings ugh. also watched true detetive few days ago and loved it! a really good show! can't wait the second season.
  2. Gaz

    pffffft lol 5 SE's =___= i doubt this album will be better than pyuera's demotape with the same title but still gonna check it out
  3. ugh so many releases to check out, can't keep up with everything D;

    1. Tetora


      I'm in hibernation until PARADOGS.

    2. beni


      I thought this was just my problem. ;_;

    3. Spectralion


      So many new release, so many new things to try, so little time. :"(((

  4. Gaz

    ^thanks for the heads up! i <3 1piss but h8 ze w8 <__< and btw if you're trying to use common sense for blackdoll's posts then i have some really bad news for you :v
  5. Gaz

    uhm, so is there will be an end of dressrosa arc anytime soon? i'd love to read manga but i'm holding myself only watching anime because the last chapters/episodes in the arc are always so awesome and so full of suspence, it would be too painful to wait for the next chapter, ya kno' ;w;
  6. Gaz

    ^ and also that VAJRA guy who kicked bangyas in their faces. he's da man!
  7. Gaz

    he's a savior of vk <3 all the retarded bangyas must die. KILL THEM ALL, BRAH!
  8. and there goes another member... :/
  9. oh gawd i really like them D: i guess i need to do a christmas present for myself and buy their first mini-album from cdjewpan ;w;
  10. Gaz

    i think it's not a bad idea since sometimes people here request stuff that is available on multiply blogs but they are just too lazy to spend few minutes to check if those links are working or not.
  11. sry for offtopic again but i just couldn't resist orz IT WAS THE LAST TIME I PROMISE
  12. Jigsaw9, please write from your own account, buddy :v
  14. already married with the most awesome person in the world.
  15. ugh that is depressing still cool that they've released one more cd with 2(!) songs. i was dying to hear that Lost_ song P: mm dat cover
  16. Gaz

    ^ i simply cannot remember any other song than emily when he did that tbh
  17. Gaz

    so i’ve been hesitating to listen to this album because those previews didn’t impress me at all but right now when i’m finally listening to it, i simply cant stay aside and leave that small butthurt of mine just like that. as being into mejigay for quite a while i always liked their rough songs more and never really cared for such sissy crap as emily. but in emily’s case i could clearly hear that this song is well-composed and not bad at all. with this album it’s quite the opposite: most of the songs are just meh and i always wanted to skip them. even those harsher songs are so weak and lame i just cant… and what that fuck is wrong with tzk’s vocal? why does he has to use that awful vibrato all the time? correct me if i’m wrong but i don’t remember him doing that before. and now i’ve finished through the whole album and i don’t feel like i will ever listen to it again. hugely disappointed, to say the least. *brb putting some akercock into my body to get rid of that atrocious aftertaste of the album*
  18. ugh what the fuck? D; they just announced new single yesterday and now this? fucking shit! i really hope the vocalist will be in some other band soon. his generic vocal is so good <3
  19. Gaz

    awesome! cant wait to hear the full single.
  20. Gaz

    been really busy lately but finally managed to finish 1Q84. was really surprised by its ending. way too normal. anyway i enjoyed it. also read Lyubko Deresh's A little bit of Darkness. it was about a group of people who were going to commit a suicide together. pretty cool, though i wasn't expecting much from it but my friend gave me a physical copy of this book so i read it on my bus trips. now i'm reading 1984 by George Orwell. not my cup of tea at all. most likely gonna drop it after few dozens of pages if it wont gets better. and planning to read Keigo Higashino's The Devotion of Suspect X. my friend recommended me to read anything by this author so i decided to give him a try. hopefully won't be dissapointed.
  21. Gaz

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