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  1. Like
    nullmoon reacted to saishuu in How come Mejibray are more popular than a lot of VK bands from this decade?   
    people like to reward garbage and seem incapable of finding and enjoying good music
  2. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Seelentau in Dir en grey   
    We all know that the only good release is the Karma / Aoitsuki demo, everything else is sellout.
  3. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Tanishi in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    I'm surprised to see people hating on the studio version of Utafumi. It's a really catchy song, has a slight progressive edge and it's mixed a little better then this single (still far from good). The harsh vocal sections are especially good. This song on the other hand sounds like c-grade Arche, it's just boring and has the worst production I've heard from these guys in a long time. Ash is alright but the title track is their worst single track yet imo, even below Sustain the Untruth.
  4. Like
    nullmoon reacted to blacktooth in DIR EN GREY - TOUR18 真世界   
    This is all I needed to know.
  5. Like
    nullmoon reacted to EzraEroguro in 彩冷える (Ayabie), Fatima and ホタル (Hotaru) one-day revival   
    Ah, I see you too are a man of culture.

    Seriously, if anyone tries to downplay Yumeabie against Ryouabie, I show them the Re-Recorded version of "Aikagi" vs. the Ongen Shuu version. Or you know, "Electric Moon Light"/"Day Dream" vs. "Lempicka/FAINT/Topaz".

    The only notable songs that Ryouhei composed (for me at least), happen to be "Bittsu-Asshuku Roll", "Gothic Party Speed Session", and "Kuroi...Sasagu"
  6. Like
    nullmoon reacted to ghost in Dir en grey   
    This is how I would describe all their albums. I figure you can start with what sounds appealing to you and make your way around. My personal favs are Macabre, Vulgar, and Arche.

    Gauze - Classic 80's/90's jrock with a bit of bite, a nice mix of pop songs and heavy metal
    Macabre - An evolution of Gauze with more experimentation
    Kisou - Crunchier, heavier, and more industrial than the previous two
    Vulgar - An evolution of Kisou, heavier, more industrial and refined. Still retains a fun upbeat atmosphere. Strong Western rock influence.
    Withering to Death - A stripped down form of Vulgar with less industrial sounds. Even stronger Western influences and a darker more vicious listening experience.
    Marrow of the Bone - Raw, violent, unrefined and dark. Very depressing and hopeless atmosphere.
    Uroboros - A change in direction. Injects strong oriental and spiritual vibes into their sound. The album is a journey.
    Dum Spiro Spero - It's like an exaggeration of Uroboros. Takes the sounds from previous album and intensifies everything. More spiritual vibes, heavier, more contemporary/avantegarde song writing.
    Arche - A return to form. You can hear a bit of all their past work mixed in with their current sound. Overall, a softer more tame listening experience.
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Kaye in Dir en grey   
    I second this tbh. (Though I'd probably start with Vulgar.) I'd known Diru for a while but got into them right before Withering came out. Since it aligned with my music taste at the time it was easy to get into, and from there on they continued releasing things in a fairly logical diru-evolution (along with my own). I've always liked Vulgar as well but the ones before I've never been able to link with. Maybe if I'd gotten into them earlier.
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to geist in Dir en grey   
    1. Start with Kodou
    2. Ask yourself "Do I want something heavier, or lighter?"
    3. The Former: listen to Withering to Death - Arche
    4. The Latter: listen to Missa - Vulgar
    When I first started listening to the band, roughly when Withering to Death came out, I didn't listen to their older material until YEARS later. That also probably explains why I'm not really fond of their older releases compared to everything they've done from W2D and on.
  9. Like
    nullmoon reacted to suji in Dir en grey   
    Ok, this sample nonsense is getting old. The band will release the samples very soon, so have some goddamn patience and chill the fuck out. If you really wanna stay updated, follow the band on social media or check up their website. It's not that hard. As for those trolling the samples, that's enough. 
    Any more posts about this will be hidden and you may even receive a warning.
  10. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Jigsaw9 in Dir en grey   
    Coincidentally "Grief" is also the title of the photograph (taken during WW2) they used for the album's cover art.
  11. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
  12. Like
    I met Game Grumps today, and asked Arin to sign the picture of Gackt in the Merveilles booklet since he said he wanted Gackt to fuck him in the ass.
    Here's some notable things:
    - Arin remembers saying he wants Gackt to fuck him in the ass
    - Arin enthusiastically took the booklet and signed the picture of Gackt whilst saying aggressively "Damn right I'd let Gackt fuck me"
    -Arin exclaimed how beautiful he finds Gackt upon Dan saying so himself
    -Arin knows of Malice Mizer 
    -Upon asking Danny to sign whoever he found most beautiful, he chose Mana, despite struggling to pick.
    Here's the beauty itself (they loved my partners Danny Sexbang cosplay, Danny said she was "Dressed for success" xD)
  13. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in sleepyhead (Takeru ex-SuG) new album release "DRIPPING"   
    mamaw this is cancer
    someone lied to her several times that female mumble-talk in ex-VK acts was the hot shit, it's the old maiden shit, and she shoulda get refunded for it
    0/10 pucci noT dripping
  14. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to blacktooth in Dir en grey   
    Give me a sec and I might be able to whip up a sample of the new song. My dad works for Dir en grey.
  15. Like
    nullmoon reacted to The Piass in Umbrella new album 「ダーウィン」release   
    Their new album 「ダーウィン」(Darwin) will be released on 2018.05.30. (3240 yen)
    Tracklist :
    02.ヨルノカーテン(Darwin_ver.) (Yoru no curtain)
    04.ヤマアラシの涙(Porcupine no namida)
    05.ミラーガール(Mirror girl)
    07.五月雨(Darwin_ver.) (Samidare)
    09.叩けば誇り。(Tatakeba hokori)
    10.アラン(Darwin_ver.) (Alan)

  16. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Mamo in The Official Brutal Kei Thread   
    A band that sounds more like Job for a cowboy, OCEANO, Behemoth, Vomit Remnants  and less like "Avenged Seven fold" lol I wouldn't call it a high standard Mejibray just aren't brutal. Most vk bands truly aren't  brutal but many come far closer than Mejibray who aren't  even on the spectrum.
    By the way your standards are super high too. "Hey Mejibray has that one song where they growl and use heavy guitar riffs. #wow_soooo_br00tal"
    The irony that you're calling into question my standards when you're the one defending Mejibray LMAO 
    No I meant you're being hypocritical  because the same techniques you say Mejibray  could use to be more brutal, are the ones QEDDESHET actually  uses. Get it? And no you actually said
    Which was what I was responding  to and I even had this same quote right there.
    Still FARRRRRRR superior  to the vocals in Mejibray, harsh that is.
    Lol correct a technique  doesn't  equal brutal that's why Mejibray  shouldn't  even be in this conversation because  the majority  of the time they don't  even do metal lol Also QEDDESHET's instrumentals or anything  else aren't  weak but lots of things about Mejibray  are such as singing and playing rock and not deathgrind for starters.
    Yeah you did actually and I said it didn't  matter  but since you're calling  me out on it there ya go.
    Or how about I just mention Meji since their on an even less level of "br00tal" than UnsraW LMAO At least UnsraW was consistently doing METAL.
    VK.......... let me finish that for you, vet of the last 10 years. Listening since 2008. And listener of real Brutal music both Western and Japanese since the mid 90s.
    I don't  know if you're  serious with this or not but I shouldn't need to remind you that QEDDESHET are consistently heavy and whether you agree or not they are WAY heavier than Mejibray in every way.  I hope you really are done because I  really am lol I'm  beginning  to feel trolled because these bands legit aren't  even comparable  in terms of brutalness.
    I'll  do a band battle and put it to a poll on who is more brutal if I have to lol because  this is just silly. 
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Wakarimashita in Far East Dizain new album "ALTERED DIZAIN" release   
    That was better than I was expecting... still flat and uninspired to me though. the GazettE "outmetal-ing" Leda, what a time to be alive!
  18. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    Traces Vol. 2 probably gets the award for album that made me the most unreasonably angry in 2017 
  19. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Kelrya in Dir en grey   
    I hope that the remake of Ash isn’t almost completely unrecognizable (like Tsumi to Batsu or Hydra 666, although I do like both of these songs a lot I see them more as sequels than remakes) but also not so similar that it serves no purpose (like The Final or Kasumi).
    I think their best remakes are the ones that have enough recognizable aspects of the original for fans to latch onto, but update the song in interesting ways, like Kiri to Mayu  or Zan or Karma for example. Of course at this point I’m just expecting a heavier version of the instrumental with a bunch of cat noises, angsty whispering and yodeling from Kyo.
  20. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Seelentau in Dir en grey   
    How would one do that when it's released in April?
  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Wakarimashita in DADAROMA   
    No hate needed, just don't support them if you don't like what you hear. Easy as that!
    Kindly, a disappointed fan
  22. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to platy in DADAROMA   
    Not unpopular. I find it hard to take them seriously these days, although warui kusuri restored my faith and now this shit has destroyed it in one clean punch to my face. 
    I'm still hoping that somewhere in that CD, there'll be good stuff. 
    To think I was gonna pre order this lmao
  23. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Aferni in DADAROMA   
    They're just not Metalcore/JazzyRoma anymore lmao. Some songs from their full length were cool and Zouka to Kalashnikov the title track was really goood but other than that...ehhhh. The most recent thing thats kinda worth checking out is ii,kusuri
  24. I feel ya..
    nullmoon got a reaction from Wakarimashita in DADAROMA   
    ...could the lyrics be any more obvious? 
    I assume this is an unpopular opinion but I haven't clicked with these guys since dadaism#2. What are they doing?! 
  25. Like
    nullmoon reacted to CAT5 in Cyntia go on "indefinite hiatus"   
    Welcome to MH! We're always happy to have new members here, however, we do have rules - one being that we do not insult other members here. So I'd highly recommend taking a look at our forum rules before posting again. Thanks.
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