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    nullmoon reacted to Miku70 in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    Tokio Hotel, Killerpilze, KYO (french band pop , rock, edm), An Cafe, BLACPINK  they hate by people but I don't care, because it's their opinion.
    One portion of fans of The GazettE are hysterical, but I listen them for their music.
  2. Like
    nullmoon reacted to robkun in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    Not Japanese at all, but I always loved Limp Bizkit, aaaand... yeah, a lot of people hate them lol. As far as Japanese bands go, I looooove me some Sharan Q. No one really hates them per-se, at least that I know, but I only talked to a few Japanese folks that actually take em serious lol.
  3. I feel ya..
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    I'm not sure on people's opinions about KAMIJO's solo career, but I've heard a few people say they find him annoying as a person, whereas I like him/his solo career. I think his songs sound like boss fight music, which is A-Okay with me. I was actually gonna go see him in September last year, but I missed out cuz I fell out with the person I was gonna go with. I'm still fuming over that.
  4. Like
    nullmoon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Band that everyone hates but you adore?   
    The GazettE
    Almost everyone calls them the “Nickleback” of VK, which is the worst thing to compare them to. The people who hate them either think they ripped off Dir En Grey or think their music is cringe. What’s even better is that both Dir En Grey and The Gazette are both in my Top 5 for favourite VK and J Rock bands. 
    The whole rip off thing pisses me off. They sound nothing alike 
    Hell, Stacked Rubbish is one of my all time favourite J-Rock albums 
  5. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from ShTon in random thoughts thread   
    Totally agree here. This is why I don't get people who spend more time working than with their family etc. Sure money is great for security, luxuries etc but if you can't be happy and enjoy life then what good is all that money? 
    If we truly get one shot at life, we may as well spend it doing what we love (providing it pays the bills!). 
  6. I feel ya..
    nullmoon reacted to plastic_rainbow in random thoughts thread   
    can people just stop being greedy for money....my friend wants to keep her job cuz of the higher pay but i KNOW she's not happy with it. it's about an hour commute and she always comes home dirty with grime in her hair as she's a machine operator and the place she works at isn't the cleanest. yet, she isn't willing to sacrifice all that pay for a more moderate and cleaner job that pays just good enough to make a living, in other words the job i've been working at. i mean, she lives with her mom and sister so the rent shouldn't even cause a huge dent in her bank. plus she doesn't even have any loans to pay. she tells me that she wants to earn a lot so that she can both save and spend money at the same time, which looks to me more like spending than saving. well whatever, it's her life so i can't try to change her mind. it's all just kinda ridiculous to me though.
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Robb_Jr in Hello Folks I'm Kiwamu's Bitch   
    Hey man!

    Excellents choices, but I choice (classic) Endless Rain - X Japan, or Anata - L'Arc~en~ciel.
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Tokage in THE NOVEMBERS   
    tears for fears
  9. Like
    nullmoon reacted to EzraEroguro in THE NOVEMBERS   
    How about...this album pales in comparison to the output on Hallelujah?
    Honestly, some hooks were great, but holy shit -- Yusuke cannot top the songwriting on Hallelujah or Zeitgeist, no matter how much he screams.
  10. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Eruerufu in THE NOVEMBERS   
    Also the novembers started following me on IG so i guess IM KINDA A BIG DEAL lmao jk jk
  11. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from platy in Show Yourself (again)   
    I coloured my hair and wore glasses today. Am I K-Pop ready yet? XD 

  12. LOLOL
    nullmoon got a reaction from Licio123 in How do you guys deal with depression?   
    I'm attracted to my therapist. Brilliant XD 
  13. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Ro plz in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Most of my favorite Lynch. songs are from their major era. The same goes for the GazettE. 
    Its a bit of a process at first however.
  14. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nick in ギルガメッシュ (Girugamesh)   
  15. LOVE!
    nullmoon reacted to CAT5 in Family planning and the lack of it   
    This has become a major life goal for me! I could imagine nothing more beautiful, noble, and rewarding than marrying, starting, maintaining, and nourishing a family. Kids are wonderful and they're a blessing to be sure - you can learn a lot from them. I look forward to both the challenge and the privilege of hoisting that level of responsibility onto my shoulders, and I'm excited to see the man that I'll grow to be through it.
  16. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Family planning and the lack of it   
    Personally, having kids is the last thing I'd want. I would love to get married, but honestly, I'm extremely irresponsible and untrustworthy to have kids in the future. Don't mind being around them, but just having kids isn't on my list.
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Chi in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    my opinions on kpop is that the stupid fans are the same you will find in VK
    btw this is in the wrong section
  18. Like
    nullmoon reacted to emmny in NAZARE   
    i'm excited for the new PV track (maybe cuz it sounds like aharewata...shhhhh). I feel like the whole issei vs retsu drama is good news for br00tal kei fans because their respective bands seem to be getting better as they continue to 'compete' for abare kei supremacy lolol. The gya need a new band to follow after nokubura imploded so...good timing.
  19. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Triangle in random thoughts thread   
    Yes! Me too few months agoXD. I don’t even care if I see them irl anymore and they notice that I had removed them out of the list.
    Like, fight me for this stupid reason.
    I don’t understand why people get mad if you remove them from your ‘friends list’ on any social platforms. Bitch, I don’t like you anymore. 
    Honestly the moment someone asks me why I removed them from my list I will literally cancel the conversation and ignore them forever. 
  20. Like
    nullmoon reacted to YuyoDrift in random thoughts thread   
    This has been my view on it for a long time, and partially why I didn't want to partake in the sharing of my life to everyone.
    They don't need to know, they just want to be in the know.
    We could discuss this for ages but my take on the effects have more to do with the vulnerabilities that the younger generation are choosing to ignore/willfully accept for the sake of this "broad communication" that you mention. Most people in their late 20's can recall the time when the internet didn't run their lives, and younger people are becoming more and more aware that this was ever an event in history. My worry is that future kids will never know of this alternative, let alone be given an option similar to it.
    I forgot who told me this saying but it went something like:
    "The internet works both ways. You get to see what's going on with the world, and the world gets to see what's going on with you."
    It's a quote that could open a big can of worms to those who think about it too much.
  21. Thanks
    nullmoon got a reaction from saiko in Family planning and the lack of it   
    @Gesu There was so far too many reactions I had to this so I settled on laughter You raise a lot of good points though and I can also echo the annoyance relating to parents/friends/strangers being weirdly invested in the output of your genitals. It's your body and your future. It's also the 21st century and staying at home to cook and clean and raise kids is, hold on to your hats, not the inherent destiny of all womankind. 
    People need to stop projecting their own fears and regrets onto others. 
    Also, I found out an ex of mine was pregnant a few months after we split up. I have never felt so much fear in all my life. I essentially thought my life was over. Thank Jebus it wasn't mine. I don't need my life to be Jeremy Kyle's wet dream. 
  22. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    That is six degrees of overthinking it!
    I started by pulling up my entire friends list and going down. I made several passes over it and it was pretty fast. I got rid of obvious annoyances that are always angry or upset or lashing out at groups of people. Drama queena too. Culled a few inactive accounts, then did a second pass and removed people i haven't talked to in years. People who were the barest of acquaintances when they were in my life. People i would not miss. I had no target number in mind. I just went over the list asking if each person added value to my life. Some people add value in different ways, and the amount of people i was on the fence about was less than expected.
    With the way the site works, you dont see things that it thinks you dont want to see. The algorithms put people in a bubble and shapes their worldview. If they have over 150 friends and don't interact with you at all, they probably won't notice you are gone, especially if you are like me and rarely make statuses. I've deleted hundreds of people over my various purges, and only 3 ever noticed and added me back. And it took them so long to notice, they assumed it was a new account or that we were never connected to begin with.
  23. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    I haven't used Facebook in aaaages. I think I just got sick of it after a while. I'm not an old coot who thinks all social media is inherently toxic and that it's damaging our youth because I think that the people who make it that way are to blame and that the idea of blaming an inanimate object instead is kind of moot, and I actually think social media is a good thing as it allows for broad communication, but I guess I just don't like the way a lot of people act on it and how vitriolic they get over it. I prefer a more neutral community where people can discuss things like adults (like MH! After all, I guess this counts as social media) instead of saying "if you don't agree with my point and share it then your mum will die LOLOLOL", but that's just my take on it.
  24. I feel ya..
    nullmoon reacted to sleepy coffee in random thoughts thread   
    been sick for the past 8 or 9 days fuck this lmao 
  25. I feel ya..
    nullmoon reacted to Aferni in random thoughts thread   
    Working at the airport is hilarious, flight attendants tend to have very nasty attitudes aswell as a whole bunch of witty sarcasm. Like I get it but come on, you don't have to be nasty to like..everyone. It's never that deep. Shoutout to the sassy flight attendant dude though, he was cool and very sassy.
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