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Status Updates posted by JRD

  1. What band you guys want me to upload. Koichi's old band Mind Flare or -O'Mega-'s 痴神-GOD SEXUAL-

    1. Mamo


      痴神-GOD SEXUAL-  I like this one's name.

    2. Mamo



    3. Kiryu999


      I'm interested in Mind Flare :) 

  2. I had a dream; where I was in a vk band. We had our last live at a sold out venue(it was huge). Our last song was called Fuck You, V Kei. We basically said fuck you to everyone single person in the crowd and told them off . Everyone cheered for all 7 of our members, except the keyboardist, who got booed. He was probably the one that disbanded us. Anyways we ended up giving everyone a copy of the song, by throwing them into the crowd.

    1. reminiscing2004


      What instrument did you play? What was the song like? xD

    2. JRD


      I was vocalist hahaaha makes sense since I am a singer, but on how the song goes, I vaguely just remember it being, fuck you bitch, fuck you girl with the red hair in the maid outfit that looks like slut. Something in the lines of that.

    3. Gaz


      ohhh so you are actually Lupo Label's vocalist! ;o;

  3. I'm a huge FULL EFFECT' Stan but moving to BLAZE to Sound Museum Vision? Do THEY HAVE THAT MANY FANS? I know they wouldn't be able to fill half of Blaze, but Vision has a capacity of 400 more! That's 1000 people!

    1. Komorebi


      You're going to see them this month, right?

    2. JRD


      Yes! But I'm talking about them changing their oneman venue in November(also going to that)

    3. Komorebi



      have lots of fun then!

  4. only on FB can I get chastised for caring more about coronavirus than Kobe Bryant's death. I get all the contributions he had made and all the liveshe has affected, but only in America can celebrity death outweigh something that can turn into an epidemic.

    1. colorful人生


      having facebook, fertile ground for that zero-sum/"false dilemma" mentality, is the first mistake in that sentence, lol (though that's clearly reflected by the people, not so much the platform.) the deaths of those helicopter occupants was tragic, but people have to understand that the nCoV situation has exponentially higher priority for those dealing with it. 


      dunno, stupid gonna stupid.


      *also forgot to mention that I realize the need for FB, for like work or extended family where it's the SNS of choice. i'm glad I can just get away w/ LinkedIn and GitHub when it comes to my actual identity... for now...

    2. diryangrey


      coronavirus won't be an epidemic. you're no more at risk than from the common flu. spreading panic only helps US spread propaganda against china & racism against chinese people

    3. platy


      I like how people would rather you fake-cared about some celebrity's death (sorry, I never heard of him until now and that's the truth) than actually express your real feelings about a real issue that's affecting people on a global scale. USA is gonna USA. 

  5. The day after I posted the for the first time since my regular hiatus, I GOT FUCKING FIRED the next day. HR suspended me for a month, then last week I had to sign my termination papers. Someone apparently said I orchestrated smoke breaks with people to go get high(I don't even smoke weed) and they didn't even drug test me. Luckily I found 2 job offers yesterday thanks to my 10 years of working Business Management and everyone hates that bitch that got me fired.

    1. tetsu_sama69


      y i k e s

      Sorry to hear that. Good luck with your future opportunities and hopefully the person to blame gets a nice serving of karma for their bullshit.

    2. inartistic


      Holy crap that's fucked. Glad that things are already moving. Hopefully it's one of those situations that works out better in the end.

    3. ChaoticEnding


       Good luck with your future opportunities²

    1. Axius


      O_O wow thats crazy. Id never thought is see this many cd's in one place before. 

    2. JRD


      Get ready to gag when I get my third shelf soon lol

    3. Axius
  6. The highlight of my day is waking up for morning poops.

    1. freesia


      that's healthy!

    2. DeithX252


      it's normal I guess

  7. I need new Over Ears Headphones.

    1. Zeus


      Price range and open or closed? I'd be happy to help.

    2. JRD


      Price range would be about $200 top.

  8. Puresound had Vier la drain's Aurolla and it fucking already sold so fast. I am now extremely depressed.

    1. Manic


      Don't give your best smile to them D:

    2. digi


      aww vier la drain were good ;<

  9. sliced my top ear in two cutting my own hair. at least my bangs still look nice.

  10. I uploaded Teddy's live DVD if anyone is interested

    1. ricchubunny


      loved these guys, thank you very much :))

    2. Biopanda


      Hey brony check last.fm :v

  11. I did an interview for a high paying job. I think I fucking failed OMG I'm gonna kill myself.

    1. Zeus


      i thought i did too. then i got the job. have faith!

    2. JRD


      Yeah I'm keeping faith right now. I'm just gonna look forward to Monday with optimism!

  12. You know it hurts when someone blantly lies in your face a swears that they weren't in the wrong and blames you for even caring. Then you hear it from another person that what you've believe all along was true

  13. Did RPDR S7 lose budget or something? Those Official Photo's look terribly did. A lot of the queens look unpolished too. #MissFame

    1. JRD



    2. hitsuji-hime


      Yeah, the photos looked kinda...bland. Let's hope this season kicks ass tho :3 werrrrrrk~*~*~*

  14. I started using last.fm again. Does anyone know how to get them from redirecting my artist? It's really an inconvience when they are redirecting Unicode now.

    1. Zeus


      it's under settings -> website

    2. JRD


      Thanks a bunch!

  15. Heard my brother-in-law passed away today. Just surreal.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      :( wow, that's awful. Sorry to hear it...
    2. beni


      Wow, that's just.. R.I.P I wish you and the family and friends are well.

  16. I'm thinking about purchasing a new car. I really dig the Mini Coop and how cute and tiny it is. Any recommendations on anything of the likes?

    1. Tetora


      Only ever used Mazda 3, Subaru WRX and Evo. Don't drive much but Evo was best overall, WRX best car I ever drove in bad weather conditions, esp. snow.

    2. JRD


      I don't have to worry about snow, cause y'know California XD, but that Mazda 3 looks really cute~

  17. Almost finished with my テディ discography. Now just need those 50 limit live distributed CD that I will never get T.T

    1. hiroki


      never give up hope!! :D

    2. xriko


      Can take years for get a discography complete ! good luck ! missing only 1* CD for complete mine (4 if you count different version CD)

  18. After 3 years with the HD429 I upgraded to the HD598 with a new DAC T.T Love you beautiful sounds T.T Also selling my body for the HD800 T.T

    1. Zeus


      I sold a part of my soul for the HD600s and I don't regret it.

    2. JRD


      Gawd I wanted one of those too T.T but it was out of my price range ;A;

  19. OMFG, Closet Childs new Web Layout is fucking beautiful!

    1. eiheartx


      Oooh yeah it's so much better than before!

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      nothing special, not too many change

  20. Oh gawd, when VK meets twee pop. It's like a match made in heaven T.T Hisato, why you make me love you even more?

    1. fitear1590


      This sounds intriguing! Which band is this?

    2. JRD


      Full Effect', it's an Acoustic Style of a song, but it turned it into Twee pop lol

  21. Almost my 1000th post~ I'm thinking about uploading a gawd awful rawr to celebrate that occasion~

    1. yakihiko


      Tenten solo album? :DDDDD (jk)

    2. beni


      lmao yakihiko. x'D Massive thank you for still being here and not minding to share. <3 Looking forward to celebrating that with. x3

  22. 3hr & 30min Live DVD for an indie band. There should be more Last Live DVDs like this.

    1. yakihiko


      Which band?

    2. JRD


      Somatic Guardian

  23. Does anyone know if Tenso actually checks your packages sometimes? Like some packages they received for me I know for sure contains more than 1 CD, but they labled it as just 1 CD or something and its really got me worried.

    1. inartistic



      Says they do, but I always feel like they *don't*. You should email them if there's still time D:

    2. JRD


      I'm like hyperventilating right now T.T My Paradeis rares are one of the things I'm worried about.

  24. I still can't get over the news with MBHI. I give it a year and he'll be back with new members. I fucking hope.

    1. Elazmus


      He will be back in some form, Tenten literally can't stay away from the VK scene..

    2. yakihiko


      I hope he can comeback with MBHI or new band or KMW :)

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