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Status Updates posted by JRD

  1. This breaks my heart and I didn't know about it until now. If you wanna keep in touch with me or see me write stupid shit; follow me @nameinbiography at Twitter. I'm gonna miss the last 14 years we had together. I answer dms and questions, I'm not mean or intimidating. Hope to see some of you guys, if not, then this is my last goodbye to you. Love you all and take care. You've all been such wonderful people over the years.

    1. Axius


      O_O wow thats crazy. Id never thought is see this many cd's in one place before. 

    2. JRD


      Get ready to gag when I get my third shelf soon lol

    3. Axius
  2. It's seems like I need a third shelf and I need to re-arrange my room lmfao. I think I'm hitting close to 10k CDs, not including dupes, the question is, how the fuck is this going to fit in my room.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VkBrutaliaN


      I kinda feel ya.

      As much as i love collecting myself there are a few things when you collection gets bigger and bigger which might be considered as "work" which kinda sucks.

      Also although i don't want to paint the devil on the wall but i guess you have copied everything to (tons of) harddrives but i would die if one or more would get screwed so the files can't be played anymore...  but anyway i leave it with that cuz otherwise i could write a whole roman about problems once your collection gets bigger etc... XD

    3. JRD


      Oh you don't even know how many backups I have lmao 3 external hard drives and my PC. That's how paranoid I am, especially because those live distros aren't going to last as long as professional print.

    4. VkBrutaliaN


      Yeah thats also why i started to copy everything to my pc and external harddrive.

      Before i just deleted everything i haven't listened to in about 6 months.

      And luckily although i had to copy quite a lot CDR when i started to rip my whole collection there was only once CDR which was fucked and it was the CD "Bring back memory" from the band LIMITED but luckily its just one song and a ballad i really don't care about. The song could be ripped but there's a constant scrachy noice throughout the whole song... quite strange... XD


      Currently i try to rip all my comment DVDR's to my PC and harddrive. i guess in about 1-2 years this new project will be finally finished.

      And there comes the next problem with collecting since my external harddrive seems to have an USB3 port or whatever it's called and my PC only USB2.

      so therefore i can transfer/copy files from my PC to my harddrive but sometimes it takes like 40 seconds just to open some files which sucks etc.

      Collecting was really an easier hobby when my collectio was WAY smaller so alone therefore i totally feel ya in every single way.

      Done with the rant!^^°

  3. Jin-Machine has so many releases my iPad has a scroll option for them. It's too insane.

    1. tetsu_sama69


      Anyone who manages to collect their entire release discography should have a placement for a world record for how massive it is.

  4. Well that ends the era of Jrockdrama/JRD. Someone else can take my mantle and run with it if you have the money.

    They make Golden Bomber masking tape. Wtf. Also got surprised with Jin-Machine rarez I didn't know existed. It's like you have to go to EVERY tour final to get a CD with unreleased songs. Some of them are really good, some of them are like them fucking being dumb. Also MiMiC loves giving me merch and chekis with MiO. It's like they know. Also MiO writes all  of their songs.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Axius


      Thank you everything you have contributed. Its sad to say but we need rarez like the ones you have in the community. Some limited live and others will forever be lost. I'm glad you were able to share some to be heard by the masses. Thank you again. 

    3. Elazmus


      Thank you for everything!! Love to hear from you again if you ever get bored or change your mind :D

    4. tetsu_sama69


      Thank for sharing your gems with us. I'm glad we're able to enjoy them! Your sharing will be missed.

  5. Countdown begins. It's been a great 10+ years giving you guys rarez and such. I know most of you really appreciate it. I love how you all collectively think I was a huge bitch when you DMed me, but got the total opposite. I'll still be here, but I won't be uploading. There's a tie for 3rd so you guys get 4 releases thing. Also if you wanted to play my guessing game, it'd be fun, and you can a list of rarez I have that you can choose from.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gaz


      thanks for everything! ❤️

      your dedicated contribution will never be forgotted and it would be definitely missed.

    3. filth_y


      Idk where do I find that game that you hint but looking at your twitter "completed BUK BUK discography" I can tell you that at least 1 release is missing (at least in the picture) :P

    4. JRD


      I found it lol

  6.  I didn't label my BUK BUK & Tensai collab CD; now I can't find it. I'm gonna murder myself.

    1. Jigsaw9


      Should have put a ................... BUKmark on it.

    2. Mamo
  7. I have about 200 something CDs to rip. I might not even finish it for months. I'm that lazy. And my schedule is hectic, so that adds in more time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JRD


      Don't envy lol They're mostly Koteosa, Osa,  Kirakira or Kirakote bands. I do like some bands you like, so if I have releases that you don't have then sorz  >.<

    3. VkBrutaliaN


      I'm sure you have plenty releases i don't have. XD


      "I do like some bands you like" - i guess luckily it's only some. ;D

      But i gotta say i was very, VERY surprised when i found out you also liked DictavE.

      My MOST FAVORITE Vk band of all time.

    4. tetsu_sama69


      Good luck with the rips! Take as much time as you need to get what you feel needs to be done.

  8. Since my S/O decided I wasn't important today; I decided to rip some CDs. Some bands were not meant to be heard, but I found out Kiki(Mercurious, Kisnate, Hi;BRiD, POPCORE) was in Kluze and actually wrote the better of the two songs and Nobro was a terrible singer. Oh I love my Koteosa bands.

    1. shiroihana


      Oh wow is there any chance you will share Kluze?? I'm dying to hear that band. 🥺🙏

  9. Was watching ViViD's last live and I didn't realize how hot and muscular. IV was. Totally a masc4masc Top.

  10. UHHHHH Who's セフレ did I just get followed by?

  11. I'm still waiting on my parcel from Narciss to come, but MIMIC took ONLY 1 day from order date to get. That's a band that cares for their fans! Also btw you guys that bought the digital album didn't get the actual demo versions of 嘘くん, 月曜になったら殺す, and 神様と騎乗位

  12. Ugh I hate finding things out late. Yuuki is no longer in Awake, and he was the MAIN song writer. 

  13. Goodbye ヘルタースケルター..another good band gone. I just need that damn android song. I'd trade ya for World End or whatever you're missing from them.

  14. Waiting in the DMV line in hot humidity weather. I want to die. 

  15. Sorting my CDs and stuff. Found a band called Marybell. They have two tracks, I don't know the names. Does anyone happen to know the name of the tracks?

  16. I'm gonna do a poll for my final upload on Sept.23. I'll let you guys decide on which release it'll be, trust it's a list of how the fuck did you get that, only one release will be uploaded. And that release will be the winner of the poll. I'll start it tomorrow and it'll end on Sept.22. I'm super tired from work.

    1. Gaz


      I'm both tempted and dreading to see the list, knowing only one thing gets uploaded :-( 

  17. By the end of the summer, there will be no more uploads from me. I've been called a bitch, elitist, e.t.c. I spend my hard earn money to share bands I love with you guys. I've been with TW/MH since the beginning, some of you even have my personal cell number. I'm trying a new twitter @nameinbiography I'm not very social-able. You can also catch me in discord. I'll still be here giving my opinions or fan girling or stuff. I don't dislike any of you, some of you even make me laugh with your wits and I respect you for it. I'm very approachable so don't be afraid of me cause I'm more afraid of you.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. JRD


      It's just built over the years and I finally got tired of being the person to say  yes or no to certain releases and if they can't get their way they throw a fit. If you guys know me, I always share releases I have if you ask me to, I don't even upload them here, I do it because of course I like the band, and you like the band, so it's like sharing things in common.  Random throwaway account  dm me for releases when they know I have it; then don't talk to me ever again until I have something they want or throw a fit because I won't give it to them because I don't know them. I know you all for so long it wouldn't bother me if you asked me for something I have that you want. I grew up here; with most of you, and I really do like all of you. Trust me you guys have been awesome to me, random throwaway accounts, can't really tell who they are, but I'll still be around. I won't publicly upload anymore, but if you slide me a DM and I known you for so long, it wouldn't bother me to give you it.

    3. Keiyuh


      Why would you listen to them?

      Do their thoughts matter? 

      When have they ever shared? 

      Do they give emphaty to those who wants fulfilment in these times?

      Know this I've reached a point where I can no longer learn or understand because I've been in the middle of every thought and all I can muster to say is I appreciate and gratify to those who share their thoughts and emotions without second thoughts but you do what you do because you care about everyone it doesent matter if he called you names believe me all I can ever share in these deppresive times is just a little smile to give hope to people on this war on love

    4. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I'm sorry that people have treated you like this, and I totally get why you'd stop sharing. I'm gonna miss that good shit™, but I'd much rather you feel comfortable and happy. I hope that they'll leave you alone now 😢

  18. Why do all these new Vkei bands dress like Kpop rejects? I guess asking your friend who knows how to sew or a mistu/Tsunagari doesn't work anymore. Go big and flop like Xodiack, at least that's an attempt at visual kei artistry. Remember it's us gajins fault for not buying their digital mini.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. platy


      Cheaper. Harajuku fashion is a lot more pedestrian anyways, I think the days of extreme styles are over. 

    3. filth_y


      In general, the brands, magazines, stores for "rockish"/"gothic" vk style (not the extreme costumes) changed/vanished completely in the last 3-4 years I felt. At first everywhere stores changed towards a more colorful/"hip hop" look and since 2-3 years K-Pop Style. And that is what I felt I could looking at people especially in Harajuku. The only store l feel is left is Civarize and even that is more miss than hit lately for me (with the renewal of 109mens so many cool stores closed and change to such a bad style in my opinion..).

    4. JRD


      I know that fashion trend, but why does it has to go into the melting pot that is visual kei. I read somewhere from an article from the 90s, it's all about the costumes and atmosphere, and a shoujo magazine character coming back to life. It's just being lazy. I have a lot of offshots of bands designing their costumes from the past. Now you can throw on Uniqlo/H&M with visual kei makeup, and bam now you're a visual band. This should be branded ストリート系.

  19. MIMIC is so good(in my homosexual opinion(Dixie Lynn Cartright + Aunty Chan™)). I'm in love with all the songs on BLACKBOX. Also think ViVi and eight are brothers.

  20. Kote-Osa making a comeback with that Jaki solo mini-album. Bring back ブラックPIG. I miss how terribly bad Kote-Osa was, but it was bad that it was good. Calling it now, the Kote-Osa Kei revival is gonna happen. I hope someone covers uNrust's 鎖. Plugging the single https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/41391-savage-孤独-april-fools-unrust-極死天鎖/?tab=comments#comment-486103


  21. Did anyone save that instrumental by Project Delta? I really liked that song, but they took it down T.T If anyone can send it to me I'll upload a rare.

  22. Finally got SPUN!'s Starry Night. I wanted this CD so bad and now I have it! Now I need TRiPPER store distribution CD to complete their disco.

  23. Is the United States suspended from receiving any mail from Japan???? I bought a lot of stuff and they're saying the US is suspended, but I looked at the suspended countries list and we're not even on it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Are dhl and fedex still options? I have something coming from cdj using dhl and tracking says in shipping process 

    3. BrenGun


      yes dhl and fedex are still options.

    4. secret_no_03


      Weird, I used the cdj proxy and the only option I had was EMS, no DHL or FedEx.

  24. Got myself the Sennheiser Momentum wireless earbuds. I love it so much! PTO again this week with a 10 hour extra time of double overtime pay. I admit that when I lost my job, I thought it was the end of the world; but now I'm even more happier than ever  since I got a new one.

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