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Status Updates posted by Ito

  1. I had to put my dog down today...I can honestly say that this is the first time in my life I have ever been exhausted from crying.

    1. hiroki


      so sorry to hear that. :(

  2. Had a coworker tell me yesterday that he is a bit of an audiophile...he has expenisve Beats headphones. It took a lot of me not to just openly laugh at him.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      at least he didn't say pedophile

    2. Flame-X


      Please educate that person with this.

    3. colorful人生


      ^ love MKBHD's channel

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  3. This weekend was a lot of fun but a lot of work. I am so ready for bed.

  4. Finally have consistent internet!

  5. I love all of you guys! Thanks for making MH such an awesome place.

    1. Delkmiroph


      you're welcome :D

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      here, have some positive vibes right back at you :)

  6. Anyone know a decent amount about NAS's? I am having an information overload doing research.

    1. Ito


      I really want to build/buy one to use as a host for all my XBMC media but man, mySQL scares me lol.

    2. Zeus


      mysql is easy

    3. Ito


      Then you can come over and set it up for me :)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  7. aaaand no more job for Ito....this is going to be a rough year.

    1. Flame-X


      Ouch. Find some freelance or part times to keep yourself afloat while you find the right gig.

    2. nekkichi


      :( I hope you can land a new job soon!
    3. Ito


      Thanks guys!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. Why does trying to find a decent apartment need to be harder than Yoshiki when he is thinking about himself?

  9. Damn the new Boris album is great.

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      a bit hit or miss for me, but for the most part it is really good. and the most important, in stark contrast to the last two efforts it doesn't sound like shit! melody and angel is where it's at :)

  10. So the 12 year old girls that tried to sacrifice their friend to summon Slenderman (by stabbing her 20-some times) happened one town over from me...

    1. Senedjem


      children are fucking terrifying

    2. kodama-kun
    3. Rize


      yes, saw that news. just crazy and insane.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  11. God damn is my new job ever frustrating...this week has utterly drained me. Time to travel to the land without internet to recharge over the weekend.

  12. TK's remix of sukekiyo's zephyr helps continue my thought that I like TK's work so much more when he isn't singing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sai


      "good" is not the right word tbqh. TK is a good vocalist, technically, you can't deny that. However, the way he uses his voice and how it sounds can be something that isn't your taste, but he's definitely not bad.

    3. Ito


      I'd agree with that.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  13. I had a beer bottle that I did the label design for sitting on my shelf in my room. Well, it decided today that it wanted to explode. Glass shards and beer everywhere!

    1. Ito


      I'm fine, but it happened at around 6:00 AM and scared the shit out of me.

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Damn... that blows xD

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      that design was... explosive

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  14. ^_______________^ Real job get!

    1. CAT5



    2. nick


      Congrats, Ito! :)

    3. whitegrey


      yay! Congrats!

  15. I was asked at the skate park today if I was a father... -__-

    1. DeithX252


      father of MH :3

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      "ye I'm cool dad"

    3. Senedjem


      i am cool / im the cool one

  16. ARRG, BLITZBAAAAALLL!!!!! ::shakes fists::

    1. Keiyuu


      It's 200. I remember I did it back then on the PS2, but I heard it's harder on the HD version because of the HDTV input lag... D:

    2. sai


      I hated Blitzball, took me 4 days to get through the first match bc your team was so incredibly underleveled. I played FFX for like 5-6 hours in total of gameplay and then I quit.

    3. Ito


      Haha, yeah, that's where I am at right now. I have decided that I must win! XD

      Who ever decided to have your first Blitzball match against an a much higher level team was an utter idiot lol.

      That said, FFX is still my favorite Final Fantasy.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  17. Any one the MH members from Seattle want to entertain the idea of hosting my gf and I if we fly out for Sakuracon?

  18. Got a job as a Photo Retoucher and got in to Newschooler's Photographer Program...things seem to be looking up.

  19. la la larks needs to hurry the fuck up and put out a CD.

  20. Russian Circles, Jesu, Mono, and Cohol? This concert is stacked! https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/t1/484878_10153877466490492_1429494628_n.png

    1. CAT5


      THAT is indeed gnarly

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      considering emigrating to japan just for that concert alone :P

  21. downy x toe concert? Anyone want to fly me to Japan? http://www.toe.st/shows/index.html

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