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Status Updates posted by Ito

  1. Distant Worlds concert tonight! :D

    1. Ito


      This will be my third time going, so I would think so XD

    2. sai


      Have fun Ito! :)

    3. Ito


      Thanks sai! It was great, as always

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  2. Please tell me that the QTE's in Tomb Raider come to an end...

    1. Wonrei


      no, the game is just a really long QTE ride where you keep running from stuff falling

    2. Ito



    3. Ito



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  3. Memorial came in the mail today...time to grab a new pair of pants.

    1. Ito


      Only three songs in and I am pretty sure it's going to be my album of the year.

    2. Zeus


      I'm about to spin this too.

    3. Ito


      Bad news: the best songs on the album are ones that I already heard on their bandcamp.

      Good news: It doesn't matter because those songs are still so fucking good it is unreal.

      Excuse me while I put Memorial (the song) on repeat...I can't tell you the last time I put a song on repeat. And I never thought I would like Chelsea Wolfe either...

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  4. http://taintedworld.net/ So....anyone play Counter Strike?
    1. Rize
    2. Champ213


      I get it now. A bunch of spambots gained scentience. They escaped from their evil masters and re-created the forum they used to haunt during their slave days. They just want to chat with each other, but they can't completely escape their spambot past. Hence they are condemened to meaningless communication about cheap gold. Quite sad.

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      they're trappen in a goldprice-timeloop-paradox, occasionally writing a gold related post and then infinitely visiting that thread over and over again...

    4. Show next comments  3 more
    1. Ito


      Do you know who that beautiful man photoshopped in to the banner is? XD

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      aaarg, who is that fugly mofo? my eeeeyes, they are buuuurning! :D

    3. Gaz


      so who's that?

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  5. VVVVVV makes me so angry...but why is it still so much fun?

    1. Ito


      I was playing it at my girlfriends and I quote: "Can you stop making so much noise? It sounds like you are dying over there."

    2. Eraser


      You should give a try to Super Hexagon (a much harder game by Terry Cavanagh). It's like you wanna punch the screen every minute, yet you can't quit cause it's so good. I'm still struggling at the last level. :\

    3. Ito


      omg, that made my head hurt just watching the small preview on steam XD

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  6. I had a beer bottle that I did the label design for sitting on my shelf in my room. Well, it decided today that it wanted to explode. Glass shards and beer everywhere!

    1. Ito


      I'm fine, but it happened at around 6:00 AM and scared the shit out of me.

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Damn... that blows xD

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      that design was... explosive

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  7. So the 12 year old girls that tried to sacrifice their friend to summon Slenderman (by stabbing her 20-some times) happened one town over from me...

    1. Senedjem


      children are fucking terrifying

    2. kodama-kun
    3. Rize


      yes, saw that news. just crazy and insane.

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  8. Anyone know a decent amount about NAS's? I am having an information overload doing research.

    1. Ito


      I really want to build/buy one to use as a host for all my XBMC media but man, mySQL scares me lol.

    2. Zeus


      mysql is easy

    3. Ito


      Then you can come over and set it up for me :)

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  9. Had a coworker tell me yesterday that he is a bit of an audiophile...he has expenisve Beats headphones. It took a lot of me not to just openly laugh at him.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      at least he didn't say pedophile

    2. Flame-X


      Please educate that person with this.

    3. colorful人生


      ^ love MKBHD's channel

    4. Show next comments  3 more
    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      +1 looks more like an old man

    2. Ito


      I don't know, something about those glasses and that hat with the face just remind me of someone's grandma XD

    3. Jigsaw9


      DIR EN GREY ニューシングル「Amish Midwife」リリース

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  10. While listening to Best of Tornado, I am reminded of the thought that I would enjoy them so much more without TK's vocals.

    1. Tokage


      wow can a mod pls ban this guy or something

    2. Seimeisen


      When I listened to Best of Tornado, I learned that ALL of Inspiration is DEAD needs a fucking remix/remastering job, instead of just two songs. XD

    3. saishuu


      I actually like them better because of TK's vocals. His over the top and high-pitched vocals do it for me.

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  11. 12 hour work days will be the death of me.

    1. Chi


      twerk your way to work

    2. ghost


      Twerk your way Through work. Yikes though! That's some brutal hours.

    3. Ito


      12 hour twerk days to really get those bums in to shape XD

      tbh though, as nice as salary jobs can be, when it's crunch time things can get really shitty.

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  12. How the fuck can people stand synth violin?

    1. fitear1590


      Are there any songs that are particularly egregious for you when it comes to canned strings?

    2. nekkichi


      that bitch STOLE yohio's signature singing manner and you're complaining about cheap arrangements, what's wrong with u goddamniT!

    3. Zeus


      if you don't know what its supposed to sound like you won't notice the difference. i used to be ok of it but after rookie fiddler i'm much more demanding like you

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  13. Who am I seeing at the ACME concert at Anime Milwaukee tomorrow?

    1. Ito


      @YuyoDrift lmao, I go up to them and be like "hi, I'm the founder of Mononchrome Heaven."
      I wonder what the chances are that they know about the forum?

    2. Ito


      And I was always planning on going - I was going to be at Anime Milwaukee anyways.

    3. YuyoDrift


      You'll either be shun or offered a partnership lol

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  14. Fuck today -____-

    1. Yasupon


      ikr maaaaaan

    2. CAT5


      Damn, Ito. You're rarely in a bad mood, what's the problem? =/

    3. Ito


      It's kind of a culmination of things...My car was frozen over this morning, it took me about an hour and a half to drive to work, I lost my work ID, smashed my hand in between my chair and my desk...These are just thing to add on top of this huge project I am working on that is refusing to go my way. My boss through me in blind to the project management role for this project...I have never done any project management (and never shadowed anyone on it) and am in over my head. My boss expect...

  15. Just got back from my first bachelor party...strippers are gross.

    1. Miasma


      I'll have to rethink my career choice then.

    3. Ito


      Yeah, winning Ito's heart by becoming a stripper may not work XD

  16. Toe was incredible live. It was so much more energetic than I would have ever imagined.

  17. https://vimeo.com/77177549 Seems cold to me.
    1. Champ213
    2. Ito
    3. Biopanda


      Well that sure was a thing that existed.

  18. Finally listening to KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND's katte ni shi ya gare....was is supposed to sound like it was recorded in a garage or do I just have a terrible rip?

    1. Jigsaw9


      It has a pretty clear sound on CD, so prolly just a bad rip. xD

    2. orangetarts


      did you download the one i posted or a different one? cuz i dont remember mine sounding like that lol

    3. Ito


      I downloaded your's, orange. It just sounds super shrill, like the pushed up the highs and then nuked the low mids. It sounds like there is no fullness at all the the music, it just sounds hollow. I figured out part of the problem though, somehow when I imported the songs in to itunes they got thier volume bumped to +100% which made them sound super low-fi...I changed that, though...but I still can't help buy feel like the mix is just so....off.

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