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Posts posted by Ito

  1. ^ LMAO


    i personally can't stand dog in the pwo and lagless (new band? that i just happened to chance upon on twitter minutes ago).

    and of course, babymetal. what were they thinking.


    I think Dog in the PWO is one of the worst band names ever. I feel like I shouldn't listen to them strictly on principal. 

  2. Man, this thread has been kind of dead lol


    How did everyone feel about season 3? To be honest, I feel like I am kind of over this show, but for whatever reason I am still drawn to it.

  3. I was thinking about this the other day, and I really need to add X Japan to my list. I feel like modern X has left such a sour taste in my mouth that I can't enjoy their old work in the same way. There are still songs that I really enjoy, but I doubt I would ever really care to sit down and spin one of their albums all the way through again.

  4. While I am certainly open to dating anyone, I would be lying if I said that I didn't have preferences. It more comes down to that I find some races more attractive that others, but that is entirely a personal preference, and honestly looks will only get you so far in a relationship.



    Now to be gross lol, but I honestly can't see me ever dating anyone else that the person I am currently with XD

  5. I am going to try and make my quick comments a monthly thing...since I'm not hip enough to listen to things soon enough to make it on the list lol. Same thing as always - one play through with nothing more than the first thing that comes to my mind and a rating system that forces myself to be positive or negative.
    Green = mhmm
    Yellow = hmmm
    Orange = uhhhhh
    Red = uuuugh
    "月-MOON" by AvelCain
    Really not bad, but rather bland. Also synth violins :( (although I must say that there usage here this is much better than most of the time I hear them). 
    "Luxuria" by MALISEND
    A lot of promise here, but it still feels pretty rough. Vocalist feels like he is better suited to screaming and growling that singing. Synth bits weren't doing it for me, but the rest of the song felt solid. I think the 2007 me would have ate this up.
    "形の無い、何よりも、愛したのは、お前だけが" "(katachi no nai, nani yori mo, aishita no wa, omae dake ga)" by gibiky gibiky gibiky
    I'm a sucker for Nagoya kei.
    "さようなら僕だけの人 (sayounara boku dake no hito)" by ベル (belle)
    I dig the song as a whole, but the falsetto is a bit much for me.
    "欲望の歌 (yokubou no uta)" by ゴールデンボンバー (Golden Bomber)
    Song was meh. But the PV was absolute gold.
    "灰燼に帰す (kaijin ni kaesu)" by サウイフモノ (souiumono)
    Good "standard" VK. Wasn't much feeling the vocals.
    "Little Boy" by Seuss
    Vocals flat out kill it for me. No thank you.
    "エメラルドグリーン (emerald green)" by そこに鳴る (sokoninaru)
    I dig the fuck out of this. I love male-female vocal tradeoffs, and when combined with competent musicians in an interesting composition, we have a winner.
    "朱色の空 (Shuiro no Sora)" by Deathfina
    somewhere between bad and bland.
    "若者離れが止まらない!" by ZETSURIN⚡HAGUKI
    Other than the band chant, I dug this one.
    "9rue1 au5ocracy" by Insanity Injection
    I'm sorry Zess, but this is just bad. 
    "Vinyl" by HOLLOWGRAM
    I can't appreciate this track over youtube. I needs to be played in fully analog to truly appreciate it ::pushes up hipster glasses::
    Side note - ""Vinyl" sounds like KEEL without aie's influences" pretty much means to me that it doesn't sound like KEEL lol.
    "Strong Fate" by 和楽器バンド
    Pretty sure your youtube link is wrong ;)
    Wagakki keeps killing it.
    "B.R.N" by Insanity Injection
    I think I might be the grumpy old man that just used to link VK...idk.
    "Where the Falling Angel Meets the Rising Ape" by Cyclamen
    Hayato is Cyclamen. And Hayato is awesome.
    "「サプリミナル・ダイエット」" by Charisma.com
    I've never understood the hype behind this group. That said, this probably one of the better songs I've heard from them.
    "Veiled Eyes" by PLASTICZOOMS
    This is one of those songs that I can see the appeal of, but just isn't for me.
    "No. 2" by CIDERGIRL
    Solid song, but in a style that I feel like I have heard a hundred times before.
    "氷の皿 (Ave Maria)" by Poet-type.M
    I don't mind dreamy, but something about this feels a bit too cheesy for me.
    "Urusai." by SUPER BEAVER
    Enjoyable high energy rock track. Nothing super standout, but I like it. Helps that it doesn't overstay its welcome.
    "KOKO" by WEAVER
    Kinda bland
    Nothing special, but hard to ignore how fun it is.
    "時を貫く槍(toki o tsuranuku yari)" by Within The Last Wish
    I love the raw emotion that comes out in tracks like this. Maybe not the best screaming, but the passion makes up for it.
    "Delicious" by MONKEY MAJIK
    Now there is a name I haven't seen in a while...my roommate in college loved them. MY gf will be happy about htis.
    "gods" by mothercoat
    Jangley and fun with quirky vocals that somehow work. I dig it.
    "C.P.U." by マリアハト (Maria Hato)
    Not sure this one is for me
    "殉恋歌(junrenka)" by BORN
    Probably one of the better BORN songs I have heard in a while - A nice one to have at the end of the band's life.
    "Ruin" by Deviloof 
    Feels a little "Heavy for Heavy's sake." Like they haven't quite grasped the context if they allow of a bit of lighter parts, the juxtaposition will give it so much more weight when the intense parts. They might want to take some cues from Nocturnal Bloodlust. That said, they certainly do heavy better than most VK bands I've heard.

  6. I'm back again (and late) for my quick thoughts on the tracks of the month! By you should know my drill lol.


    Green = mhmm
    Yellow = hmmm
    Orange = uhhhhh
    Red = uuuugh

    I'm really hopping that is terrible youtube compression, because oh boy. The song really doesn't feel it's length, which is certainly a good thing, but the vocalist sounds like he has a bad cold and needs to find a stockpile of facial tissues.
    "「ここにラブソングを」 (koko ni love song wo)" by DEZERT
    I didn't particularly like the start of this song, and I thought it was all over, but man does it make a shift. Once the "chorus" kicks in I start enjoying it more.
    "Open your heart" by LONDBOY
    I would be lying if I said this song didn't have some rough patches (that piano riff for example), but man does this show some promise.
    Bit too "snoozy" for me.
    "光線 (kousen)" by クウチュウ戦 (koochewsen)
    Bit too quirky for me, but I can see the appeal.
    "N_tower" by LILI LIMIT
    Funky and fun. and dat bassline.
    "Speaking" by Mrs. GREEN APPLE
    Youtube blocked me from listening to this. Sad day.
    "Mobile Phone" by Swinging Popsicle
    Not my cup of tea at all
    "ゴードン (Gordon)" by FINLANDS
    I want to like this, but the vocalists squeaks drive me fucking batty. Which blows since I enjoyed this song other than that bit.
    "タイムマシン (Time Machine)" by 加治ひとみ (Hitomi Kaji)
    Big dose of poppy "nope" for me.
    "1 Nite Wonder" by ATATA
    I like this band. A lot. Tell them they can't wait this long again next time lol
    "Luv U Tokio" by METAFIVE
    I really like the groove, but I really don't enjoy the vocals at all.
    "ブルース (blues)" by Galileo Galilei
    Youtube strikes again. I enjoy this band though so I will check out this release anyways.
    "女子達 (joshi-tachi)" by NakamuraEmi
    Fuck you youtube and your area restrictions.
    "Captive of Mists" by CHERRYBOY FUNCTION
    Not really in line with what I enjoy in electronic music, but still enjoyable.
    "Big Bear Remix from Gravitation" by ギルガメッシュ (Girugamesh)
    Dammit youtube! XD
    "FANTASIA" by 魔天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera)
    It's nice to get some purely instrumental tracks for VK groups from time to time - it's always nice to hear a band being able to carry itself without the use of vocals. While I wasn't blown away, it was fairly enjoyable (and a bit of the riff felt very Ghibli-esque, though I can't recall from what).

  7. i hate angelo just because karyu is in it instead of d'espairsray, i hate micro forehead for the same reasons--D'espa are so close yet so far? what the fukkkkkk!!!!


    Man, I feel you. I just don't get how everyone from d'espa went on to be in such marginal bands.


    they got a new song out off the new album coming out march 4th

    their only album released 10 years ago and this is their first material after that massive hiatus

    i havent given it a listen yet but their old material was essentially godspeed on antidepressants



    edit: i literally cant breathe...oh my god...


    That was great - gave me a strong Balmorhea vibe, which certainly isn't a bad thing.

  9. I love RPGs, but honestly, I wish I had more time to really enjoy them. 60 hour plus games just sound so daunting to me now, knowing that if I am going to play one, I am going to need to commit for months just to get anywhere. There are so many classics I would love to pick up, but I know they would just sit on my shelf :(

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