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Everything posted by inartistic

  1. inartistic

    The bonus tracks are re-recordings of old songs. They just happened to pick God of Megaromania for Propaganda's bonus track
  2. inartistic

    Hahaha, you mean what will be there once UNDER CODE is no more? Probably the same thing until I run out of random shit to post. And then a WE LOVE PSC banner. (BTW, does the “latest update” thing say something about Taku's memorial live? It's a PHP image that's supposed to update constantly, but looks like it's just caching an old version for me)
  3. inartistic

    Ditto! It was their only major release that felt genuine to me; not overly produced pop for the sake of sales, nor disingenuous forced heaviness for the sake of street cred (IMO at least)
  4. inartistic

    Agree/agree. Dear Dolce closing might have made for interesting news, but it was just tons of tiny bands supported by someone inexperienced. Not really the same. Re: something you said earlier: I would guess that this is a bankruptcy case. I don't understand how it works honestly, but it seems that lots of business people close their labels, and somehow that clears them of debt and gives them enough funds (new investors?) to start a new one. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case here (but who knows?).
  5. inartistic

    I think it probably just comes down to not doing as well as UCP was in 2004~2006
  6. inartistic

    Just FYI, this has been predicted every year. So yeah, “they were right,” but in the sense that they've continuously predicted the same thing over and over and were bound to be right at some point. Just saying!
  7. You have to understand that Japan doesn't have the same culture. Over there, you can use Christian themes as theme only―a style―without having any deeper implications. LIN's use of “Psalms” isn't disrespectful, but nor is it in a truly religious sense―it's just a word that has no social implication to them. So they're not doing it to “be cool” nor are they trying to ruffle anybodies feathers. They're not even thinking of things like that. It's just a word.
  8. inartistic

    I'm glad for such a boom. It was always frustrating that full album releases were the norm in most music but not in VK.
  9. inartistic

    I don't like Sadie, but I love that title!
  10. inartistic

    In an interview about INFERIORITY COMPLEX, they basically admitted that they only released the album 'cause their major label forced them to. They said it in such a way as to make it seem like a good thing, but we can see the writing on the wall―those were songs that they churned out in five minutes (hence them being utterly forgettable), not songs that they actually wanted to release. So, this means that they probably will “flood us with total garbage” because their label forces them to. (Although I wouldn't be surprised if they meanwhile wrote real songs and collected them for a good album.) Just my two cents
  11. inartistic

    So are they actually leaving PSC? Or they've just switched which major label co-manages them?
  12. inartistic

    “‘We're no longer visual kei!’ they say, as they take off their fur-trimmed coats.” If that's your definition of visual kei, good riddance
  13. inartistic

    Regular price in Japan is very expensive compared to other countries. It's the negative point of being a visual kei fan, haha
  14. @Trombe That's really, really cute haha
  15. inartistic

    The release contains 4 songs which could be considered “rare:” - 25:54 (a brand new SE) - 25:55 (live and web shop limited) - D PINK NUMBER (live limited goods table privilege) - Ryuusei Kouba (live distributed) The only one that's actually rare is D PINK NUMBER. It's a rerecording of standard pink number, which was given to anyone who spent 3,000 yen at the goods table during Dali's live. (I have a rip of that up at headache show, if you need it.) All other songs have been released on widely available CDs (and even 25:55 and Ryuusei Kouba are sold at regular stores now), so they're not rare at all. (FYI, a few of the songs are rerecorded versions from the band's previous best albums, the world is yours―but nothing has been rerecorded, remixed, or remastered specifically for this release.) All PVs are previously released.
  16. Oh, woah I saw this the other day but didn't even put it together. Wow!
  17. inartistic

    Dali was my absolute favorite band! I can't speak for the Eastern sphere, but I take the distinction of biggest and longest (???) overseas Dali fan; since 2005, quite literally, from Day 0. So, a few years ago (maybe even just one) this news would have been really depressing. But―maybe fortunately, I don't know―I've already come to terms with their disbandment several times over. They've spent the last three years teasing activity one month and then doing nothing for the next 11, so I am, at this point, unaffected. What very little music (8 publicly-available songs since 2009) they've put out these past years has been great, but it's just not enough. From the perspective of a foreign fan, who can't attend lives, Dali has been an absurd exercise in disappointment. In that vein, despite Dali being my favorite band, I'm neither surprised nor disappointed that they're breaking up. As weird as it is for me to say this, it is a relief to finally hear what may as well have been said in 2009. Now, I can finally stop being disappointed over their apparent disinterest in growing as a band, and can finally stop stressing over live-limited releases that I have no chance in Hell of ever owning. But most importantly, I can finally stop holding my breath in vain, hoping that they'll somehow return to real activity. I love Dali, but their time ran out long ago. I'm glad that they're finally facing that.
  18. inartistic

    That's why I never buy items from UNDER CODE's popular bands. There are too many sales gimmicks. And always, KISAKI's band is the worst. If you want to fully support “KISAKI's band”―it's a death wish. For example, Phantasmagoria released a special signed photo with purchase of 5 memorial watches―total cost 50,000 yen. If LIN gets more popular, it will be even worse!
  19. inartistic

    Eh, all of the music sounds clumsy and I'm not digging that they're already playing the “suits and a lil' makeup!” card. Buuut their logo is very cool and the vocalist has a “is this NIGHTMARE or the GazettE?” major-typical voice, so they could go places if they really wanted to.
  20. inartistic

    Geez why does every UNDER CODE post inspire such battles
  21. inartistic

    Oh, that sounds sort of stupid. Personally I'd prefer a real not-100%-acoustic solo album from him, but whateverrrrr
  22. inartistic

    He posted 10~20 stolen images, most of which were mundane things like food. Boiling it all down, and if I recall correctly, there are two images which look really bad for him: 1) the image of “his” food while in the hospital; 2) the image of “his” car window after it was broken into at night. All of the other stolen images (paper cranes, pancakes, alcohol, etc.) are bad too, of course, but don't deal with anything important. Right after all of this came out, KISAKI posted a picture of his tattooed arm with a bandage over where his IV would have gone in―to “prove” he was at the hospital. There is no way the image itself is fake, but of course it's also easy enough to tape a cotton ball to yourself. KISAKI has always gone to the hospital fairly regularly, and visitors etc. have confirmed this, so it's not as if he's always been lying about that. That's not to say, however, that this particular time wasn't a lie. In KISAKI's favor, staff member TAKAFUMI posted a photo from visiting KISAKI in the hospital, but, again, this photo could be staged with enough effort. Those are the facts of the situation. It's impossible to say with certainty what he was lying about and what he wasn't, but each person will have to come to their own conclusion. Personally, I'm a firm believer in “the truth lies in the middle.” I don't think he was lying about everything, but I also think he probably exaggerated or told half truths. It's equally naïve to think he's an angel as it is to think he's the devil.
  23. inartistic

    You're just looking to buy a copy, correct? I mean you already have the MP3 already? Anyway, I think it will be included: UNDER CODE bands usually include their recent singles' title tracks on their full albums ⇒ label said the REALies album will have 4 old songs ⇒ REALies has four singles (NuAGE, CHANGE!, NEXT⇒, and Plugn). So, I could be wrong, but I definitely think CHANGE! will be included (if not, it would have to be a b-side or from their recent mini-album, which would be weird for UCP.) --- More album theories, if anyone's interested... I would expect SUZAKU's album to include Magaru (...), Ouka Ranbu, and maybe Taeranoid. However, the info for their album says only “10 tracks total”―nothing about “mostly new tracks” or “1 new track” etc. That's actually weird for UCP. So that could mean nothing or it could mean something, not really sure at this point. Obviously it's all speculation, but most UNDER CODE albums include around 2~4 old songs, so that's what I would expect here. (Hopefully the tracklists will be revealed in advance so we can make informed purchasing decisions!)
  24. inartistic

    The title of the song is unknown as of now and you can't find a full version anywhere 'cause they haven't released anything yet. If I recall correctly, they're releasing some sort of distributed CD(s) during their tour, and then an album in December.
  25. inartistic

    LIZARD'S TAIL live 2012-09-02 at Shinjuku MARZ “OVERTURE SESSIONS” Those who attend will receive “LIZARD'S TAIL PRESS KIT”: deluxe sticker, group photocard, members' message, and studio-recorded and live-recorded songs (with lyrics).
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