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Everything posted by inartistic

  1. inartistic

    I'll allow it.
  2. Hmm... interesting. I wish I had more money to go around, because I'd really love to support these guys.
  3. inartistic

    Almost didn't make this post--still not sure if it's technically allowed here--so sorry for the late notice. I run an UNDER CODE PRODUCTION fan community called WE LOVE UNDER CODE, and this weekend I'm sponsoring to events for the community (but also for UCP fans at large). So, although it's really short notice, I thought I'd post about them here just in case there's some poor lonely UNDER CODE fan who has nothing to do Saturday night. Well, that's it! Hope you're all fine with me posting this here, even though it's not about “real” events. But hopefully at least one stray UNDER CODE fan will see this post and participate~
  4. inartistic

    Ok, grass thread just tweeted “AN CAFE revival?”, so I'm officially on board. (Not that I ever listened to them to begin with, I dunno why I care) Edit: nevermind, he was referring to the posts that are going around foreign news sites. So back to cautious suspicion.
  5. inartistic

    No, you have a point. We'll just have to wait and see.
  6. inartistic

    I'd take that over DIAMOND and MAR MAROON any day.
  7. I hate when band guys do that! But I hope he's alright
  8. inartistic

    Yeah, SEVEN was great; one of the first times I liked a modern 12012 release. If they continue in that direction, I will be veeeery pleased...
  9. inartistic

    Copypasta from WE LOVE UNDER CODE:
  10. inartistic

    Yeah, I'd help you buy it (maybe not a ton, but help nonetheless) in return for a good rip / scans if possible. I'm definitely fine with that.
  11. inartistic

    I'd be down for that honestly. If you're in I'm in.
  12. inartistic

    Oh, it's a DVD. And it includes shots of unreleased songs. With 49 tracks, I'd say it's definitely worth 10,000 yen.
  13. inartistic

    God damn it >|
  14. inartistic

    >|. That sucks!
  15. inartistic

    Yeah, I agree. It's pure conjecture of course, but I get the feeling that he'd rather retire than touch UNDER CODE or any indie label with a ten foot pole. Even though Rame's new band is with a different label, he's been at a million UNDER CODE events just because he's cool; Jui, on the other hand, hasn't done jack shit (and I'm sure he had an offer to do KISAKI PROJECT again and turned it down). It would be cool to see him back with UNDER CODE, but I just don't expect it at all.
  16. inartistic

    He was on both, as sword records has an arrangement with CROWN; the bands are managed by sword records while CROWN is the major distributor. (I presume that his contract with CROWN will also be over when he leaves sword.)
  17. inartistic

    Wow, the international edition has great bonus tracks--I high recommend getting it if you don't own those songs already! (Night-ship “D”, Yami Yori Kurai Doukoku no A CAPELLA to Bara yori Akai Jounetsu no ARIA, Dearest you, and Sleeper) Looks like it is only at that Cool Japan store, 3,150 yen.
  18. inartistic

    I'm glad someone else shares this sentiment! Starwave is definitely not a completely visual kei label, even though that was its purpose. There's a certain “spirit” that real visual kei bands have, and it doesn't matter how “visual” you dress if you don't have that spirit. Admittedly, it's something that's undefinable (an “x factor”), but it's just a feeling that I've developed after being a fan of visual kei for x years. For example, THE SOUND BEE HD, Calmando Qual, and jealkb might be “visual,” but I absolutely do not consider them visual kei; but on the other hand, TRIGGAH is wearing suits and light makeup, and I absolutely do consider them visual kei. I don't bring it up often because it seems so subjective, but maybe I'm not alone here. --- For me, it also comes down to the “spirit” when talking about DEG. I absolutely consider VULGAR visual kei; Withering to death was a transitional period, but I still feel that spirit, so I still consider it visual kei, even if loosely. CLEVER SLEAZOID, too, was still visual kei in my eyes, but Agitated Screams of Maggots, on the other hand, was not. That's the point that the “spirit” felt different for me, and so that's when I consider them to have made the transition. So I would say: VULGAR is visual kei; Withering to death is transitional; MARROW OF A BONE is definitely not visual kei. And to bring it around to today, I would say they're becoming “visual” (with the zombie makeup), but obviously not visual kei. (And on that note, everything they did for a few years seemed to scream to me “I HATE YOU MOM AND DAD, YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND ME *rebel*”, so I'm glad that they've finally matured enough to realize that visuals don't automatically make them visualkeijapanfagz.)
  19. inartistic

    By the way, it seems that they're signed to B.P.RECORDS. Weird to me that they would join a label and not go for UNDER CODE, but at least we can be sure they'll keep a steady release schedule. (And maybe lots of stupid distributed releases too \:D/)
  20. inartistic

    It's just a best album with re-recordings and remasterings. I don't think it's that scandalous/sad/confusing...
  21. inartistic

    That's too bad. I only recently gave that single a shot, and it was actually really good. Wish they could have stuck around for a little longer.
  22. inartistic

    I love that they're still being released through S'CUBE. It's endearing, somehow.
  23. inartistic

    Yeah. As much as I like them, I've just been waiting for them to announce disbandment. It seems that they might release one other song (maybe another single), but I would expect them to dissolve after that.
  24. Aww that's really sweet. So I guess the original plan was to reform under a new name immediately after HEISEI ISHIN disbanded? That makes his death even sadder then.
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