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Everything posted by inartistic

  1. inartistic

    So is the new album actually worse than their old stuff, or is everyone just fatigued with hearing/seeing the same thing over and over?
  2. inartistic

    He won't be announcing details like that until later. Since he's just releasing the CD independently, I doubt that it will be available through Brand X though (and almost certainly not at CD Japan). I suspect/hope that he'll give us overseas fans some way of ordering it though--I would assume that he's more understanding of the ~plight of foreigners~ than most. Anyway, yeah, it's just a matter of waiting for him to say something. (In the mean time, it can't hurt to send him a message expressing your interest!)
  3. inartistic

    LOL that would be perfect! One of PSC's top bands, truly
  4. inartistic

    Yeah, way back in 2005... Caim got well after a few months, but they never did finish/release that album, for some reason. And six years later, looks like they never will .
  5. inartistic

    Postponed? I don't think he ever said June in the first place... did he?
  6. inartistic

    Of Aliene? Yes, but that was just a one day revival. They're not members of Kyouka's new band.
  7. inartistic

    Yeah, Japan is insane about pricing. It's funny to think how an American album costs less than a Japanese single... and Americans will still complain about the price! If Japan only priced stuff reasonably, I could support practically every artist that I've ever listened to!
  8. inartistic

    ??? The plan from day 1 was to do PERESTROIKA for a limited time and then revive NEGA. They made that explicitly clear from their blog posts immediately after PERESTROIKA was revealed.
  9. inartistic

    Compare to PERESTROIKA's mini-album: 5 songs + PV for 3,150 yen. And remember that one of the PERESTROIKA songs is an SE--I'm pretty sure Megaromania's mini will have 5 full songs, for only 210 yen more. I mean, it's definitely expensive (God help anyone who plans to buy all three), but it's actually just a little bit more for an extra song (instead of an SE). (Of course, if one of the songs is an SE, then I have no idea why they're charging more than usual!) Same thing: in terms of absolute price, A type is definitely expensive, but in relative terms, it's not so bad. Consider that you're getting a 60 min live DVD; most UNDER CODE live DVDs start at 6,000 yen and go up to 8,000 yen. Even a 15 min bootleg live DVD costs 2,100 yen or so. So 60 min + 5 songs for 3,990 yen is a relatively good deal. (Relative to UNDER CODE releases--whether or not the other ones are priced right to begin with is another question altogether...) The official web shop privilege (early ship date + signed cheki + live DVD) is only given to those who buy all three types (in one order) from the official web shop. Usually their privilege live DVDs are only one song, but this one is two, so I guess that's their incentive for spending so much at once... lol (And just to clarify, the bootleg DVD is a free mail-order-application present. Mail in the three forms--one from each type of the mini--and get the DVD in the mail later. If you live in Japan.)
  10. inartistic

    By the way, to try to save Shaolan some embarrassment, it was my fault (s)he got the info all wrong; when I originally posted about it, I mixed up the info because I was in a rush. (Although I since realized and fixed it.) Sorry Shaolan!
  11. inartistic

    See (atrocious ALiBi face), exhibit 2 (line of rainbow smiles thrown around like nothing). Kind of nyappy!No yeah, I get what you're saying--it's not like they are playing AN CAFE covers. People are allowed to change their tastes over time, and it's completely feasible that Rayka is just into slightly more upbeat music now. However, you have to admit that Rayka's personality seems to have changed abruptly: There's always that one guy in every band, the one that blogs with colorful fonts, makes random words bigger, shamelessly self-promotes, has never met a sparkle.gif he doesn't like--Rayka is now that guy, and it's a 180° from the posts he made weeks ago on his Synside blog. Meanwhile, Lin comes off as the same guy from brodiaea. So you're right, REALies isn't from another planet, but Rayka seems to have changed enough that I can imagine the relationship between him and Lin being different than it once was.
  12. inartistic

    I'm getting the feeling that he and Rayka diverged, and I'm sort of siding with Lin. Rayka seems to be suddenly filling the role of nyappy vocalist, while Lin seems to be his same old self. Clearly this is 100% speculation, but my feeling is that they're not on terms with each other as they used to be. Sucks 'cause they were a really good combination, I thought.
  13. inartistic

    It's definitely, 100% certainly, referring to the band rather than to Misa's solo project. Here is the band's VKDB page.
  14. inartistic

    I spent today listening to their live album, and I have to say: their type of music isn't quite for me, but these guys are fucking talented. I have a new respect for them, because they were so on point. Very polished without sounding manufactured, and surprisingly mature. I can't say if their release schedule has put a dent in their quality--although, seriously, complaining because a visual kei band is releasing a lot of music, albums no less?--but I say more power to them for being higher quality than 90% of the “let's go major by wearing lip gloss and scarves!?? bands out there.
  15. inartistic

    Just ignore that ish and do what you want!
  16. inartistic

    Sarcastic? I don't see the point
  17. inartistic

    Poor UNDER CODE; clearly putting money into this band, but it seems that no one in the foreign community cares. ...Maybe that means they'll be a hit with the Japanese I love Rayka though, so I'll at least buy their first single and go from there. I have to admit though, I want to vomit when I see him do that ALiBi-esque wink-smile in the PV clip, and his sudden change in writing style (rainbow text, really?) is turning me off a LOT. If they don't impress me with the first single, I think I'll just ignore them a bit.
  18. inartistic

    But surely they had time to figure that out while they were waiting for their year-long-countdown to finish Or maybe they thought he'd improve in that time~ Hopefully they didn't put too much money into it.
  19. inartistic

    No yeah, I remember; I wasn't saying anything as to them revolutionizing. If you want to talk about that, well, the only revolutionary thing about them is that Jin started using a red cord on his mic. Change the scene? Not so much, at least in my eyes. I was just pointing out that PERESTROIKA is ending not because it was a failure, but because it was planned to end. You'd have to talk to the band itself to see if they feel like failures or not.
  20. inartistic

    PERESTROIKA was a limited time project
  21. Samples of a bunch of songs, apparently
  22. inartistic

    That was good
  23. inartistic

    lol @ ex-varell. All that buildup for like three months of activity and then everyone leaves.
  24. inartistic

    Yeah, I see nothing. Rats ;_;
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