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Everything posted by inartistic

  1. inartistic

    The album is being released through Virgin AIR entertainment. I guess they will join that label?! (The label already has a band recruitment message up at its website.)
  2. inartistic

  3. inartistic

    I disagree! There have always been scores of new bands who play shitty hardest rock we can think of, but that's a far cry from DEG's transitional Agitated Screams of American-emulation burpfest bullshit. That's somewhat uncommon, and it's especially uncommon for a high profile band to switch like that. So the attention isn't unwarranted, at least in my opinion! At any rate, even if every other band in the scene is doing the same thing, 12012 still deserves ridicule because they fucking suck at it!
  4. inartistic

  5. Lame/out of touch/uninspired jrock packaged as vk by way of hair dye. They'd make a killing if they toured overseas!
  6. inartistic

    This. A certain percentage of vk guys get sticks up their asses and delete their entire internet personas (I've seen it happen in less than two days!), and Yuuga seems like the type 8D So get downloading!
  7. inartistic

    Yeah, they were most likely inspired to use those latin words because of DIR EN GREY, but at least that's where the “inspiration” stops. Aside from that blatant rip off “guilt trip”, NEGA is thankfully not a slave to DIR EN GREY's whims. (Not to say that NEGA doesn't take lots of inspiration from other bands, but their music really has nothing to do with DEG)
  8. inartistic

    It's not that they release material infrequently per se (although some bands are slower than others), but full albums are extremely rare.
  9. copypasta from weloveucp.com~ VANITAS will be released May 30th, in two types (A type with PV / B type with bonus track). The core album will be 13 songs: - FABLE IN THE COLD BED (ALBUM VERSION) - DELUGE (ALBUM VERSION) - 躊躇うことなく「 」を傷付けた指先は,途惑うことなく穢れた「 」を飾る (Originally planned for DELUGE) - 虚しき「生」の寓意≒「死」の真意 (Munashiki 「Sei」 no Guui ≒ 「Shi」 no Shini) (A TYPE PV) - REASONANCE (B TYPE bonus track) Inside the album will be a special “draft paper”. Anyone who presents the “draft paper” at NEGA's special 7th anniversary oneman will receive two privileges: - MMFP, a new song which was deemed “too extreme” for inclusion on the album. - OMNIA VANITAS, a booklet of poetry and photography which gives insight into the world of VANITAS. Finally, those who purchase both types of the album from the UNDER CODE official web shop will receive a one-of-a-kind personalized comment DVD and a making of DVD of the PV from the A type. And if you don't love this promotional picture, you don't love visual kei >|
  10. inartistic

    To those who are confused: With most coupon privileges, you must wait until you receive both copies of the CD, and there will be some sort of coupon (proof of purchase) enclosed within each. You mail both coupons to the record company, and some time later the bonus disc will be mailed to you. 99% of the time this is limited to residents in Japan. Of course this case could be different, but that's the general scenario that I've experienced. It would be wise to contact the shop directly and ask them if/how they can get the coupon privilege to you. If they can't, you can always use a shopping service.
  11. inartistic

    But it's weird that RIKU calls them GUEST PLAYERS when I thought chariots was coming back as a formal band. Also, Kentz' profile lists a different lineup, but I guess his profile is out of date...? And finally, his profile says to contact UNDER CODE for tickets, even though it is not chariots event but rather Kentz' event. Kind of strange (although I understand Kentz did support for chariots at one point, it is strange that he would not be included in the lineup for this live).
  12. inartistic

    Well it's because their last live in 2003 was only an activity pause. Just like MALICE MIZER technically isn't disbanded either.
  13. inartistic

    By the way, Trombe, did you find the OHP that they mentioned? I don't see it! ahaha
  14. inartistic

    It's just weird. I can understand finishing up the album he had planned. But where did the single come from? If there was two extra unfinished songs just lying around, I would have expected them to be released with the album. And it's not as if Isshi is as popular as hide was, so it doesn't make sense to be scraping the barrel to find random stuff to release. Just weird! But I'll resist the “he isn't dead!” theories until he posthumously releases something else.
  15. inartistic

    Ah, so it's not just the USD? That makes me feel a bit better
  16. lol! This is going to sound stupid, but that just reminded me that MISARUKA and Secilia Luna aren't the same band. For some reason I've been reading all their news items as one band for the past months.
  17. inartistic

    Damn that sucks ;( I really liked their first album. And what shitty timing, they just got distribution with Danger Crue so they were obviously doing well.
  18. inartistic

    Wasn't implying that anyone should actually use that name, just showing how ridiculous those names can get! Ooh which reminds me, one of my early favorites was ∀ile≒de〔Σu〕! Yes!! Like, it doesn't even look good from an aesthetic point of view. The proportions and kerning are so weird! I also hate it because you might look at it and think “oh, some weird little band of newcomers who don't know any better” but then you realize it's made up of 40 year olds.
  19. inartistic

    You mean 【zɔ́ːdi̽æ̀k】? lol. Along those lines, one of the most ridiculous is ex-Kiryu Lυτёη∀ (who I actually liked, but that's beside the point). I actually love names with a bit of decoration (eg. D≒SIRE, Mareydi†Creia'), but the ones that go crazy with Euro/Greek/Russian letter forms (the two above) are just too obnoxious! I also hate bands that don't know what their name is, eg. ZI:KILL / Zi+Kill / Zi∻Kill ...
  20. inartistic

    Seems they'll release a song for free online in February
  21. inartistic

    *KISAKI/UNDER CODE have never done anything about lyrics, images, or uploads. The most aggressive UNDER CODE has gotten about copyright is a poorly written copyright message at the beginning of DVDs. So I don't see the point in mentioning him
  22. inartistic

    They mean the former. It's lame as hell, but Japanese companies can be ridiculously, illogically heavy-handed about the use of “their” materials. This is the reason why you might see older Japanese fansites using drawings of artists instead of actual pictures―although some labels have even cried fowl on that. Lyrics are similarly sinful. It's only the really big labels that have such huge sticks up their asses, but, unfortunately, PS COMAPNY is on that level. But whatever, it won't hurt them.
  23. inartistic

    Saw that this morning... Unbelievable! Guess they are trying to cash in on HIZAKI a bit (no offence to YOHIO). I wonder how his bandmates feel about this!
  24. inartistic

    It appears they have the same management as DELUHI, or at least same web designer, and they reused code from DELUHI's website. So it's a simple copy+paste mistake (hilarious though)
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