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Everything posted by inartistic

  1. inartistic

    & like other recent webshop-limited releases, it will probably be sold in stores too, later. Probably distributed by Free-Will
  2. inartistic

    lol @ new logo and them wearing headphones. Dubtancegamesh start?!
  3. inartistic

    BTW they announced from the beginning that there would be more... 6 in total this year (so the ones Trombe mentioned would be #3 and #4).
  4. inartistic

    Oh, they sound good! Of course gene is always great, but I'm actually liking the music this time. Can't wait to hear all of it.
  5. inartistic

    Uh... Yeah, clearly avex' doing, but still hilarious
  6. inartistic

    Awesome! DEICIDA OF SILENCE was so good; I'm super excited if they continue that sound!
  7. inartistic

    I hope their album isn't delayed somehow
  8. Ahhhhh what a shame! Completely abandoned their roots for Disney Rock, and it seems that cuter (and vocally inferior) miko is being set up to usurp Jou. But hey, get that money if you can!
  9. inartistic

    I got many many many UCP lucky bags over the years. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not... As example, here are some posts from WE LOVE UNDER CODE: KISAKI lucky bag review My UNDER CODE lucky bag from Brand X Basically, I put it this way: do you own many UNDER CODE CDs already? “No” ⇒ You should buy the lucky bag! “Yes” ⇒ Maybe don't buy the lucky bag.
  10. Hi! I would like to do the $10 option. Here are the ones I pick: CindyKate, FUTURISM・BOYZ, KISAKI (1), Megaromania (2&3), NEGA, REALies (1&2), UCP, Vior gloire I live in USA, zip code 22802. PayPal address is yamachi at gmail.com. Thanks!
  11. Some other notes: - From their OHP, I thought they might be associated with GOEMON RECORDS (since it recently uses this “MAG” content management system). But, I was wrong! It appears they're on a label called 秘密基地 (Himitsu Kichi)―so yeah, guess they left AKA-ON. - Leaving AKA-ON is probably why they changed their name (although I like their new, focused concept as well). - Seems that their distributor/marketer is BEVAULT, which is the label of DEATHGAZE. I thought it was interesting! - Their logo uses RESIDENT EVIL (movie) font, hahaha. The logo's quite cool anyway.
  12. I knew of this release from when it popped up at online shops, and from the name and cover art, I assumed this was a virtual/doujin band... glad that I am wrong! This is much cooler. They have great instrumentation (as did PIECE original ver.), so I can respect/enjoy this music even though I don't usually like “positive” bands so much. And on top of that, their costumes look really good and somewhat original/unique to the scene right now; and their props (drummer's chair, balloon as part of costume, etc.) are really thought out; and the PV looks good!― ―so in all, I'm impressed with this “positive” band, and I'm actually interested in the full CD. Good job!
  13. inartistic

    Another poem book with cool illustrations would be great, but neither a book of promotional shots nor a book of amateur photography sound very interesting. IMO at least From the previews, the self-taken photography looks especially bad. Seems like looking at an amateur just learning and trying to figure stuff out, which IMO doesn't make for a very good book. Again, just my opinion on the release and no hate toward Kyo
  14. inartistic

    I was actually thinking the same thing...! I wonder if we're crazy
  15. inartistic

    Cool! I'm all about labels and sublabels! And even though I don't like Lycaon's music, I almost want to buy the special edition because it sounds so cool, lol
  16. inartistic

    Very rough estimate of 1 CD's shipping to spain is ~$3 USD. All 4 CDs would be about ~$8 USD. (And the price can go down if I ship without jewel cases.) MIYAVI CD is the original 2nd press (NOT the one sold at his live)―it's the one with the image of clown MIYAVI as the cover (but NOT the KING RECORD reissue in 2005). I've read that it was supposed to contain a trading card, but there was none when I received it. First person to message me with definite interest will get them.
  17. It will. Hhahahahahah CindyKate
  18. inartistic

    Yeah, I wouldn't even bother trying to SELL them. But it's crazy how literally nobody gives a fuck. Feels bad to literally throw away VK, but oh well~
  19. inartistic

    Yeah, I wouldn't even bother trying to SELL them. But it's crazy how literally nobody gives a fuck. Feels bad to literally throw away VK, but oh well~
  20. inartistic

    To be fair they've been “working on an English album” “to be released this year” for like the past 6 years, right? X JAPAN sucks.* *at being a real band―I guess it's not as bad if you just think of them as another group of old guys getting together for “one last tour”, but I really believed their lies about new album(s), and I imagine it's terribly disappointing for fans
  21. Free CDs are gone! Thanks
  22. 1. SUZAKU and Vior gloire are the least popular. Economics and VK culture. 2. F・B's members are special to the label, and KO-JI, in particular, became an unofficial “face” of UCP. So KISAKI gave them special treatment because he is close to them, but also because any fan of the label would expect it. It's hard for us to see 'cause no one likes them online, but that doesn't represent reality. If it gives perspective, KO-JI's MC is the first one that made a lot of people cry. 3. BFN was there because of Rame. Beyond the VIDOLL connection, he was actually in a co-producer type position when UCP first opened, so he's really important. Furthermore, unlike Jui or JUN, he has actually continued to care about the label after joining a successful new band. So not only is Rame important to KISAKI, but I'm sure he wanted to participate (where Jui or JUN, etc., might not have cared). 4. Dali “did” disband at their last live, but on the next day they announced that they were postponing their official disbandment until May 3rd―they didn't feel that it would be right to miss UNDER CODE's last live after being a part of the label for so long.
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