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Everything posted by inartistic

  1. inartistic

    It also seems that “南条ひなfor LUNE” (idol musician?) will release a CD through ELE-MUSIC, although probably not formally signed. Furthermore, Black Klaxon and LOCUS seem to be released through ELE-MUSIC umbrella branch “Elective System.” So I wonder if this means they aren't formally signed either.
  2. Why is he afraid of success haha
  3. inartistic

    Surprisingly good tracklists! But now that you mention it sai, I'm sure you're right. Too bad a few things from those eras couldn't be included~
  4. inartistic

    Oh, that's weird... kind of sad to see those ones change their names! Does that mean HOLIDAY GROUP is no more??
  5. inartistic

    Wow that's unexpected! I thought they'd been doing well
  6. inartistic

    They're unabashedly 100% about re-doing that entire era. Many bands have drawn from DEG over the years, but that song is literally Cage in a higher key, lol. And every single aspect of their artistry so far (from titles, to makeup, to clothing, to performance, and even scenes of those PVs) are ripped directly from that era. That being said, I don't mind in the least―I welcome it!! I've always loved the themes of that era of visual kei, and I'm so so so down for it to be continued. They're going to introduce it to a whole new generation of teenage girls who―while not actually catching all the references―will vote it in vogue again via their parents' wallets. Grieva is already showing a great deal of success with this “revival kei,” so much so that Shimizuya is already throwing together their own band to capture the spark. And I'm completely happy about it!
  7. inartistic

    ??? They were perfectly capable of moving to a new label. They've been the most popular UCP band for years, so I'm sure any other indie label would be happy to have them. There's nothing to suggest that disbanding wasn't their decision. Good thought.
  8. inartistic

    To be honest, OZ has been so weirdly half-active the past years (or have I just not been paying attention), I'd expect disbandment
  9. inartistic

    Right? I thought VANITAS was super great and have loved almost all of their stuff in recent years (including PERESTROIKA).
  10. inartistic

    This is unconfirmed, but according to tweets, NEGA's important announcement was disbandment. Going to bed now, so more info link → http://weloveucp.com/blog/nega-to-disband-unconfirmed/
  11. inartistic

    That's a decent price for 6 songs and a PV!
  12. inartistic

    Yeeeeeeeeah, I'll believe it when I'm listening to it... But their first album was really good, so I hope that they're able to follow through
  13. inartistic

    It's a book that explains their full album and such
  14. Hey again! I got busy with work and forgot all about this―I'm so sorry! I just sent you another PM, if you still have stuff to sell. Sorry about that!
  15. inartistic

    Kinda weird since they literally just released a new best album, but I guess it's different since fans chose that tracklist and members chose this one...
  16. inartistic

    On the other hand, what great excuse to disband! If only KISAKI had done something like this with UNDER CODE, he could say “well, it was your fault for not buying those Arc CDs~”
  17. OMG I want a bunch of stuff! Will send you PM~
  18. inartistic

    Ooof, wonder why they're leaving PSC (or are they graduating?)
  19. inartistic

    Seems like they had a smaller budget for this PV compared to their older ones―some of the camera work and editing is bad! But I do like the song And lol at KAMIJO taking a bite of that giant chicken leg
  20. BTW, the CD-R is released by Mis†ake, not Dali (although Mis†ake features the same members + ex member SAKI)
  21. inartistic

    I cannot believe that it's being sold at CDJapan! How nice for fans!
  22. inartistic

    Has anyone ordered from PureSound recently?
  23. Well it's totally composed and produced by the drummer, so... just like their other recent live-limited releases, I think the songs aren't 100% quality. So I think that's why they don't even bother with a proper release. (Still, I wish they wouldn't do it, 'cause even if the songs aren't the best, I'd still like to hear them!)
  24. inartistic

    That sucks! Even though KYOHEI said they would release another CD, they never did!
  25. inartistic

    - All releases until March will be through UCP. - Personally, I think chariots will be done once UCP is. I say this because chariots hasn't been very active, and (as far as I know) it's never been very successful either―KISAKI just kept putting money into it because of his personal relationship with RIKU (again, as far as I know). - chariots has always more or less been a solo project of RIKU; it's his style (especially the later stuff once it was officially a solo project) and KISAKI no longer producing it probably wouldn't change it much. (Besides, KISAKI is automatically listed as “total producer” for every UNDER CODE release, but that doesn't mean that he necessarily gives much input.)
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