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Everything posted by inartistic

  1. inartistic

    Yeah, I think I remember guruguru closing
  2. inartistic

    That's surprising
  3. inartistic

    A word to Vallquar on live-limited releases: OiGkWPo2zDc
  4. inartistic

    \m/ So happy that it's being sold through the official web shop as well!
  5. inartistic

    I see the new post Still have never heard of it being released in Europe before (just like KISAKI's solo album, SIVA's best album, etc. were supposedly released “worldwide” but never were). But I'll take your word for it
  6. inartistic

    When was it previously released? I've never heard of it before. Edit: Hmm, it seems that this came from a blog post that KISAKI made, but it's since been deleted. I wonder what that means...
  7. Ahhh that's interesting. Good theory
  8. inartistic

    KISAKI PROJECT re-recording
  9. inartistic

    Release day in Japan, it seems that he's #4 bestselling new release at Amazon MP3 today. It's not much, but still more than most artists can say!
  10. inartistic

    Definitely is! There was also Lycaon and NEGA
  11. inartistic

    Yesssss >O Excited!
  12. inartistic

    Ooooh thanks for the heads up! Sounds good and I'll definitely be buying it from Amazon MP3!
  13. Yh dfntly bttr thn SIVA tbh bb
  14. inartistic

    Too bad, their OHP was well done~
  15. inartistic

    Oh that's pretty cool! Too few visual bands actually acknowledge their fellow-vk-band inspirations. Nice to see the members having fun and doing cover songs that are actually relevant to the scene.
  16. Oh interesting... Juki should be vocalist~ But Yoshi ;(...
  17. inartistic

    ??? I don't see/hear any resemblance.
  18. inartistic

    Very good prices
  19. inartistic

    “MUSIC CLIP” means PV
  20. inartistic

    Hmm, I was going to try to sell these a while back. Interested in any of them? Cynthia  “白夜を舞う邂逅旋律” TypeB D'elsquel  D'elsquel DESCRIBE  Legend of Describe e.mu  revive/Newly・・・ Eye for you  Eye for you ギャランドゥ  おまえにチェック★イン JULæY (呪麗)  「華」 LAYBIAL  「visage」 L,DEAR  媚薬から伝説へ・・・ MIRAGE  en:Rouge ミサ/嘆キ使徒   架空ノ人々   嘆キ使徒 NO NEED  'Don't disturb' nord  -mid妄ari- ピュエラ  カメラ オブ スキュラ Radifia  月精の笛 REAL  REAL S  蜘蛛 -KUMO- Syndrome   Brand X   Devil'sNight -SPECIAL MESSAGE TAPE:Ⅰ-   蟷 ~age 1945~ -Psycho Cremation-   「症候群:Ⅳ」 -Completion×××First Episode- Vivid  Vivid Omnibus   Syndrome/Madeth gray'll   EVEN THE ODDS (!!WARNING!! vs IN/OUT) (Sorry for the shitty formatting--copy pasted)
  21. inartistic

    Ah I didn't realize (or forgot)! Thanks
  22. inartistic

    *raises hand* Now I just want Mahiro to come back, because he wrote one of my favorite songs.
  23. inartistic

    I think you're pretty spot on. Arc was initially fairly popular, but they suddenly changed styles and went through an awkward musical puberty that lasted years, so I think they actually spent most of their career having few fans. (And God knows they're unpopular with foreigners!) Restarting like this will give them more of a chance to gain momentum like you said (and I think the Japanese are more forgiving with theoretical bullshit moves like these). I also think it has to do with the fact that Arc was formed by those same members when they were like 17 or something, and anyone is going to change a ton from 17 to 24 (or whoever old they are). So I'm sure just wanting to shed that baggage was part of it as well. However, although I can kind of understand their thinking, it's still sort of a bullshit move. The only good thing I can say is that I'm glad KISAKI didn't announce this and draw it out for months and months; there wasn't even talk of a new band until about a week before, which lessens the disappointment a little.
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