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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. On 12/27/2014 at 11:34 AM, hiroki said:

    No idea where to post this so i'll just do it here since it's most important/relevant to uploaders.

    If you share iTunes purchases, make sure your iTMS Scrubber is updated. Apparently iTunes has sneakily added a new DRM field called "owner" which extracts your full name from your OS system files. This field is currently not erased by iTMS Scrubber v2.3 (for Windows), which is the version I believe most of us are using. I verified this by making a purchase 20 minutes ago and running the Scrubber, and my name wasn't erased.

    Here are the steps to manually update your Scrubber - you only have to perform it once.

    Open itms-scrubber.cmd in Notepad or a text editor. If you're unable to see the "Open with..." option, go to Folder Options in your Control Panel, unhide file extensions for known file types, and append .txt to your itms-scrubber.cmd to force-open it in Notepad.

    Now the 6th line of the code should read:

    FOR /R %%f IN (*.m4*) DO START /W tools\atomicparsley-utf8 "%%f" --DeepScan --manualAtomRemove moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.pinf --manualAtomRemove moov.trak[2].mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.pinf --manualAtomRemove moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.UUID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.apID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.sfID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.purd --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.Xtra --freefree 0 -W

    Replace this with:

    FOR /R %%f IN (*.m4*) DO START /W tools\atomicparsley-utf8 "%%f" --DeepScan --manualAtomRemove moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.pinf --manualAtomRemove moov.trak[2].mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.avc1.pinf --manualAtomRemove moov.trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.mp4a.UUID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.apID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.sfID --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.purd --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.Xtra --manualAtomRemove moov.udta.meta.ilst.ownr --freefree 0 -W

    You can toggle file extensions off if you've previously shown them to edit the file. That's all, the scrubber should remove the new field now. Steps should be similar for Mac version, though I'm unable to confirm that since I'm on Windows.

    Hope this helps :)


    Can the mods add this to the ITMS Srubber post under Rules & Guidelines? I'm seeing an abundance of Itunes uploads with the owner data still on it.

    I also have an updated scrubber with the changed line of code on MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!vJYjQBjD!_TBBe3YWbIz0TVnSOX_RPfVHTQ7PxFpiXZ_B3qb_Xq8

  2. Well, found out what drunk me is like (via vodka and goldschlager...), and everyone thinks I'm hysterical (so that's a plus.)

    I don't care much for beer other than weird specialty stuff like "Not Your Father's Root Beer".


    Spent some time with my new pair of Mad Dogs... The tracks I listen to either sound phenomenal or like absolute garbage (mainly vk shite recordings.)

    (Once I get back to my dorm I'll do some comparisons with my ATH-M50s and do a bit of a side-by-side review on the main headphone thread.)

    It's pretty much v-shaped, analytical, and in-your-face v. spacious, separated, and "quick" (punchy, responsive bass and crisp but rolled off highs.)

    (m50s and dogs respectively)

  3. Got one of the last five pairs of Mr. Speakers Mad Dogs that were in stock (I was going to buy the Pros, but he doesn't make them anymore. I can upgrade to them later though)




    I also have a pint of Sapporo in one hand and Tempura Seaweed Chips in the other... Yay for being 21 *A*.

  4. Here's mah cue, lol.


    1. Download TOR Browser: https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en
    2. Use these instructions: https://malwaretips.com/threads/how-to-change-ip-address-on-tor-browser-into-specific-country.27653/ to switch to any country that allows said video. (Preferably the closest one to you, but I have mine set to {JP} b/c UVERworld videos)
    3. Enjoy!
    4. If you are streaming and don't like the quality, use clipconverter.cc to download the video within TOR. 

    This seems to be the best free option that I know of so far. I'm subscribed to a VPN, but that's mainly for personal security/anonymity. 

    Dependent on your internet connection, your speeds may vary. 




    Also, the #1 rule is... DON'T DOWNLOAD HOLA BY ANY MEANS.

    They exploit their users, and free VPNs & Proxy Services are typically shite anyways, esp. Chrome extensions.

    I use PIA which is like $40 USD a year (Although, idk if I wanna keep using a U.S  based VPN, but it's been fine for me so far.)

  5. thanks to GEMA I have no idea how this sounds XD and the yt unblocker doesn't work too..great


    This is a bit off topic but I did a post on bypassing this stuff.

    Download TOR Browser and follow these instructions: https://malwaretips.com/threads/how-to-change-ip-address-on-tor-browser-into-specific-country.27653/

    Substituting {US} w/ {JP} or the nearest country that you can watch the vid from. PM me if you have any problems.

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