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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. Can all artists release their stuff on Bandcamp? It would be the best thing since sliced bread.



    Speaking of sliced bread, I found out yesterday that King's Hawaiian had sliced bread.

    After obviously buying a loaf from the nearby grocery store... 

    This might be the best sliced bread since sliced bread became the best thing.

    If Non-Americans think our white bread tastes like cake, this must be like straight up sugar.

  2. Outside of a the Raid. lucky bag and a handful of stuff from ダウナー (DOWNER) (almost have a complete discog), I'd like to focus my attention to some Bandcamp purchases.


    27704.jpg   fujita-scale-NxxxxxS-300x300.jpg


    Vanilla - Origin (on the left) is absolutely stellar.

    I've listened to the whole album on YouTube several times, but I wasn't getting that visceral experience.

    Listening to the album in ALAC with my Mad Dogs is mindblowingly cool. 

    The whole album is this conglomeration of funk, groove, electronic, soul, pure moods on steroids, hip hop goodness.


    The right is NxxxxS - Fujita Scale. I ended up getting the whole discography since I like this artist so much.

    NxxxxS is a vaporwave/chillwave artist whose music is "in my ears" an experience. 

    Synthy, feel-good albums where each track stands out in its own particular way.




    So, what does everyone think of the teaser? 

    While I'm not crazy about it holistically, I still need to listen to the full tracks to make my "sound" judgments.

    ... I enjoy the energy that's there and Denis' vocals, but my partialness to the electronic infusion & melodies present in

    the first two albums... I'm still conflicted. 


    While I certainly like "The Black" and "Let it Sleep" from this new album, it's not "play in repeat for ages" 

    level of "like" for me atm.

  4.                                                                                                                                             tumblr_n2hxwsVn1a1r9b5wlo1_250.gif




    lol, what's with all the D-Frag! posts?


    I actually discovered Cloque. on Audioleaf before they released their 1st Demo.

    Really enjoy their sound and their America-y pop-punk aesthetic (which is pretty much my wardrobe, lol.)

    Hoping these guys do well!!!


    (I've been getting into a lot of pop-punk bands lately in the U.S like Knuckle Puck as well)

  6. Horimiya is love <3


    yeah that's a lot of stuff, I wish I had the time to read more manga but I struggle just to keep up with the ones I read right now... Too busy with anime instead XD


    Interestingly enough I used to dedicate most of my time towards watching/archiving anime (w/ my Kodi setup and all), but I've completely flip-flopped the last couple months.

    I guess I like hammering through a ton of content in a small period of time.


    That being said, keeping up with manga scanlations from such a myriad of translation groups can be cumbersome. The slow releases, dropped series, and translation "liberties" (in written text)

    sometimes make me want to bounce back to exclusively anime with its consistent dates and seasonal schedule. (My backlog list is also building up...)




    YESSS, Horimiya = Relationship Goals

    That and Miyamura's unintentional vk aesthetic.

    (If I remember correctly, in one of the earlier chapters Hori tries guessing what music he's into and guesses vk)

  7. Oh my, where do I start...


    So, I'm currently reading, at varying levels of progression, about 100~ish series. I can't recall how many I've completed (somewhere in the 200s as well)

    With some extensive research I ended up making a spreadsheet containing about 800 series that I plan to tackle 

    over the next few years (took a bunch of 4chan OPT threads w/ 2500 images and narrowed the series down until I found what I liked...(Don't judge *averts eyes*)

    (I still have a ton more images to sort through)


    While it looks like I read a lot, there are a lot of series that translation groups or mangaka stall/cast into oblivion.

    (I still consider myself reading said series *sniff*) There are also ton I have to reread since they get updated like once a year or something o_o...


    Here are some that I'm fairly caught up on (that I enjoy):


    • Urami Koi, Koi, Urami Koi
    • Amari Mawari
    • Horimiya
    • Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
    • Torikissa!
    • Shomin Sample
    • Kyou no Ceberus
    • Clockwork Planet
    • Gakkou Gurashi!
    • Omaera Zenin Mendokusai!
    • To Love Ru Darkness
    • Aizawa-san Zoushoku
    • Himouto!
    • Kanojo wa Rokurokubi
    • Youkai Shoujo
    • Kanojo ni Naru Hi (+ Another)
    • Real Account
    • Nukoduke
    • Abnormal-Kei Joshi
    • Gleipnir
    • Hibi Chouchou

    Yes, I love rom-coms...and more recently gender-bender series as well...


    I need to catch up with Taiyou no Ie and finish Pandora Hearts.

    ...and I need to read Ib, Kimi ni Todoke, etc. *starts ranting*

  8. Other than Filipino food (Adobo, Sinigang, Lumpia, etc.), I don't really venture beyond steak and scrambled eggs regularly.

    While I could cook anything as long as I have instructions, I only feel like doing extensive stuff when it's for a group of people. 

    Otherwise, I'll drive to the nearest "Cook-Out" or order stuff online >_>...


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