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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. Chaos_0_sonic_adventure.PNG

    U call?


    Though seriously, while I'm just having a bit of fun in here, could this thread be actually removed?

    I mean, I live on shitposting but it's been getting really salty w/ the whole Trombe witchhunt. 
    I think we severely underestimate Trombe's contributions to the forum, and while at some times he's exercised a bit more control than necessary;
    we really need him whether we like it or not.


  2. colorfuljinsei's Top 10 Weekly Audioleaf Pickups
    I need an incentive to keep checking Audioleaf, so this sorta works =P.
    This is just stuff I find interesting after sifting through a couple of pages (so you don't have to (?))

    Maybe the band has already been mentioned on MH... Who knows? Maybe you'll find something interesting...Who knows? [2]














    https://www.audioleaf.com/eckeckecke/ (these guys were part of the 術ノ穴 presents HELLO!!! Digest No. 8 (another good channel for music))








    https://www.audioleaf.com/funamu-m/ (off. audio only on Joysound, lol)

    https://www.audioleaf.com/headlamp/ (hmm... I swear I've listened to these guys before...)




    https://www.audioleaf.com/kunel/ (ayy, I like mona records)

  3. 8 minutes ago, hiroki said:


    if you look at the video description i think the band just used an existing cover of this song for dance practice XD (i had also thought this was an original song they wrote at first, but apparently not lol).


    i still like them a lot though! :) i've had some interaction with their members and they are.. really nice o.o


    Yep this is originally a Vocaloid track by HoneyWorks covered by Utaite Gero.

    (which is one of my favorites <3) ┗|∵|┓ ┗|∵|┓ ┗|∵|┓


  4. 22 minutes ago, ricchubunny said:

    Idk about your guys countries but its not avaliable in Brazil.... ._.


    Not in the U.S either. It'll probably be on the other stores in the coming days.

    What's interesting is that when UNiVERSE rolled out, it was on the European Itunes stores a few days before the Japan store got it. 

  5. Huh, well just found out I had an acc. on Otonomai from 2014 and they've changed urls and have become private under a diff. domain... Which doesn't

    make sense since if I wanted J-pop I would've already made a JPS acc.... *cough* and they copy all of our dl links for vk *cough*  I really need to keep track of all the forums that I've joined.

    Next thing I know, I'll get an email telling me my Neopets are dying (and I don't even have an acc~ sp00ky.)

  6. Damn... Preaching to the choir here, but can people like calm tf down.

    I just want to listen to indies music and laugh at trash memes (whilst uploading shitty 4chan material myself), not witness a competition on who can shove a carrot further up someone else's ass. 










    Now that I've been back from my adventures, here's a bit of a recap of my latest purchases.

    @Suuu totally got this to me weeks ago, but I've been really lazy, lmao. Timely shipping and the whole shebang. Major kudos to V STAR PROMOTION.

    A big sankyu =)~ Also, <3 the Pitty cheki cuz traps. 


    Also got the Fivestars ver. of ASTARIA's mini and the Raid.'s live-limited.

  8. I will be forever sadboi after losing all my unscrobbled artists (700-ish), but I've decided to start scrobbling again (since I'm attempting to delve into new music "scenes".)

    This is my newer, less-established acc.: http://www.last.fm/user/colorfuljinsei


    Also, being blunt here... Please don't send rarez requests if you see me scrobbling them.

    I'll upload them on my own time.

  9. Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on my frisky frisby with rage and passion, because CAT5 didn't lick his favourite orifice. Then, a light stone made him super soft, but thirsty, so that booty juice turned pink with excitement, making noises like barks, so Seimeisen inserted coins up that ceramic bunghole of juiciness. During @Zeus's speech, he farted very slowly, pleasuring his special appetite for anal masturbation, whimpering silently, "Take

  10. HYPE


    *also, dafug is "32628332R23RFWE4F678547567678E24W7836051" supposed to be lmao (pops up a lot in the PV)

    I broke it down into 32 62 83 32 R2 3R FW E4 F6 78 54 75 67 67 8E 24 W7 83 60 51 but you don't get anything

    useful in hex, lol. 


    I'm probably just thinking too much, lmao.

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