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Posts posted by colorful人生

  1. Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on my frisky frisby with rage and passion, because CAT5 didn't lick his favourite orifice. Then, a light stone made him super soft, but thirsty, so that booty juice turned pink with excitement, making noises like barks, so Seimeisen inserted coins up that ceramic bunghole

  2. woah that's pretty crazy.... [2]


    A.I. has taken leaps and bounds, whether it be AlphaGo or the plethora of demonstrations w/ the Evolution Algorithm (testing species fitness,etc.)

    While I don't think this would do anything for piracy, this "A.I. Intuition" would be mindblowing in a myriad of other settings. 

    An in-home robot that could recall and replay events to help you find your lost keys or a robot that could stitch together events in the courtroom using commonalities.

    Skynet doesn't seem too far off after all =P


    This output is similar to the reconstruction of animals/human brain activity. Hence, why I'm reminded of these older videos:




    Fascinating stuff.

  3. Ok, so I found this blog mentioning Purple Stone, and hiroki translated one of the most touching things T_T.






    Before I went back to Hong Kong, I went to see the live Purple Stone co-presented with Follow. At the 'buppan' i used my crappy Japanese to chat with Keiya. Actually I hadn't intended to say anything,

    but I eventually said "I'm going back to my country this month, I'm not sure when i'll be back, but i'll certainly return to see you live again."


    I wasn't sure what I was expecting him to say in return. Maybe if he had said "I'll wait for you", I'd already be so happy I'd be fly to heaven, but he replied:


    "I'll go to your country in future".


    His smile was so pure and genuine. I felt he was really silly, but at the same time I felt immense respect for him.

    I believe, even for artists who have been around for 5 years or 10 years - they wouldn't say something like this. It isn't a matter of ability, but a person's attitude. Maybe with their popularity now it would be impossible for them to perform overseas, but at least he has the ambition to do so.


    This dream may be as far as the distance separating my country from his, but all I could do was to hold his hand whilst being on the verge of tears.






  4. Friday June 3rd

    Theme: Live Performances (anything performed live, as long as it's a single song)


    Join us at that time XD


    (Seems like I didnt give enough time for selections, so postponed 'till said date. Casual dub for Sunday, May 29th) 

  5. I've taken three different tests including the official Pottermore one...

    All of them are...





    It actually ended up being really fitting >_> (I thought I was a Ravenclaw, but this is much better :P)


  6. Too many, haha.

    My favorites are documentaries, sci-fi, adventure, and action, but I'm a huge sucker for rom-coms (which I usu. watch in television format.)

    I also oddly enjoy war movies, particularly WWII ones. I enjoyed Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor, Letters from Iwo Jima, etc. (Second to that is stuff based in the Vietnam War)

    Martial Arts movies are great (I love Ip Man *_*).


    Oh and let's not forget the best movie ever....


    Mean Girls :P

  7. Yay, another Charlie fan xD.


    Similarly to hiroki, I'm a bit more partial to Ray C, not so much otoiroha. I haven't really listened to zigzag so you've piqued my curiosity, since they seem vastly different.

    Other than that, enjoy your stay on the forum! It's nice to find someone with a different perspective of the VK world :D.

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