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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

    ugh. really wanted a new ISS album, but this'll make do.
  2. colorful人生

    slowly going through and organizing/saucing about 5,000+ webms i've saved over that past few years... man do i have great taste in the dumbest shit.
  3. colorful人生

    Leftover Pad Kee Mao/Drunken Noodles w/ a shit-ton of chili flakes. Have red curry in the fridge that I will absolutely demolish tomorrow.
  4. colorful人生

    What kind of god-awful fever dream is this...They should have at least dressed up as gnomes. At least we know who the big spoon in the relationship is, now.
  5. colorful人生

    Thanks Spotify for just reminding me about this :/. That being said... One of the best albums of the year.
  6. ppl need to accept that 2010s post-hardcore & crabcore are dead, just like other (micro)genres that have come and gone. just b/c bands adopt genre-fusion and/or give up the emo sweep & skinny jeans doesn't mean they're suddenly "radio-rock" sellouts, lol. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      I forgot Crabcore was even a thing. Nowadays it sounds like some sort of meme

    2. Tokage


      that emo sweep & skinny jeans shit isnt even 'og' post-hardcore sweaty ;) 

    3. colorful人生


      Yeah, I forgot about the earlier eras. I'll just refer to them as 2010s or "mainstream". 

  7. colorful人生

  8. colorful人生

    Neoncity tapes got here. The sound quality is meh, but they look pretty nice. That turquoise-pink combo matches my lamp 😩. Kinda wish I framed the shot better. "Moe Moe" does not shine on this medium, but "A Million Miles Away" fares a bit better. ADRIANWAVE tape is on its way. I haven't gotten anything from Neo Motel before, but they're based in Japan.
  9. colorful人生

    9 Quality Time 8 Physical Touch 5 Acts of Service 5 Receiving Gifts 3 Words of Affirmation I just like spending time with people, no matter how insignificant the occasion is. Some of them might be skewed b/c there is a shit-ton of "gift" questions and I became hyper-aware w/ mostly avoiding them. Gifts are nice, but I find it important to spend enough time w/ loved ones as possible b/c you never know when they'll be gone.
  10. colorful人生

    Sarah Brightman is already J-pop queen, time to conquer jay rawk.
  11. colorful人生

  12. colorful人生

    Yes, those titles are no longer available for streaming.
  13. colorful人生

    So, for those who have not been sailing the high seas and use Crunchyroll, yesterday you lost all of the Funimation licensed shows. Credits to user SoThatsPrettyBrutal on r/anime. It's already been shown that the increase in streaming service options has pushed more people back into piracy... Here's the list:
  14. colorful人生

    MV is filmed at Maxell Aqua Park in Minato, Tokyo if anyone is wondering. Royz latest releases have been pretty underwhelming imo, but at least this is nice & calming.
  15. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - "Carol of the Bells" is my fucking jam, every single year. A close second is "Jingle all the Gay!", lol.

    1. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Right their concerts are always awesome.

  16. colorful人生

    I thought seapunk was dead.
  17. colorful人生

    Just adding a post before this thread gets locked :P. The instrumentals are not bad, but the vocals and the mixing of the vocals is pretty bad. Some of the songs sound like the vocalist recorded in the bathroom and then dubbed over the existing track. The over-enunciated/accented Japanese has and continues to be a deal breaker for me, but that's stating the obvious. Overall, they've improved, but they need more work. (Honestly, I feel like this is the case with many gaijin-kei bands that are at least semi-talented)
  18. The anticipated drop was underwhelming ;_;, but the song is nice overall...If you're not already burnt out from synth/club-kei. Also, who needs a mic when you have a cigarette and a bottle of white wine XD.
  19. colorful人生

    Kinda glad I only witnessed the "Sonic-portion" of the soap shoe era... If I knew these were actual shoes as a child, I would've been 10x weirder than I already was.
  20. Well, these guys are on my radar now. 


  21. colorful人生

    Those descending guitar licks (or whatever they are) are wonky af and the vocals need to be implemented better. The skills are there, they just need to develop a more cohesive sound.
  22. colorful人生

  23. Someone made a 90s vk essentials chart on r/visualkei... I haven't listened to any of these releases *whistles loudly*, so I guess this is a good place to start (?). 


    1. Zeus


      i'm gonna have to agree with @nekkichi on this one this deff isn't exhaustive

    2. IGM_Oficial


      I'd kill some people if "Sculpture of time" wasn't there

    3. YuyoDrift


      Hey thanks for reminding me I have a low quality rip of that D≒SIRE album lol

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  24. colorful人生

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