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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

    Album Art
  2. colorful人生

    One thing that I've always had validated time-and-time again, is how your enjoyment of music is subjective, like REALLY subjective. My father raved on about how talented Ed Sheeran was live w/ loopers (which he is) , so I tried to introduce him to some Jacob Collier live stuff that leans more toward jazz, poly-rhythms, harmonies, etc. but still emotional > technical in order to not intimidate him... He was absolutely having none of that, lmao. I realize I've expanded my music "comfort-zone" to the point where I forget that other people just want to stay in their grotto, which is totally fine. There are still a lot of genres that I'm not super versed with either. ...but then he wonders why I've always been so secretive about some of the music I listen to...maybe so I spare him from calling that "stupid" too... ; _ ;
  3. colorful人生

    The MV is hilari-bad/dated, but I've always enjoyed the early I've Sound artists (KOTOKO, Kawada Mami, MELL, Utatsuki Kaori, etc.) Unfortunate that some of their decent songs were wasted on ultra-budget eroge, luckily most of them ended up working on a ton of iconic anime OP/EDs.
  4. colorful人生

    Also, shoutouts to that awkward gap between "any time he's inside me" and the following lyrics. Though, the lyrics are the least of my problems with this, all things considered.
  5. colorful人生

    Gut feelings here. I'm also going for smaller bands, b/c bands in more prominent labels tend to just "stick around", even if it's their animated corpses. Hence, why Royz, Dog, and Blu-Billion are are still kicking =P (jk, they're all still popular, I've just lost interest, personally) A member-loss or extended hiatus is usually a shot at the Achilles' heel for those type of bands. Colors indicate confidence levels (+=red). I predict ラミヤ (Lamiya) will disband at the latter end of next year b/c while I like them, their sound is largely underappreciated as they lack a certain "intensity". Awake will finally disband some time next year b/c that dead horse they're beating has nearly decomposed. They tried going "major" and ended up losing members & popularity in the process. LOVE LOCK is bound for disbandment (perhaps in the near-future). I really enjoy them being around, especially Shibuya, but they're losing steam. アルファリア (Alphalia) b/c they're the least impressive on Planet Child's roster. I'm scared to say this, but I think ABOO might be short-lived. Soundcloud rappers have better promotion than these guys right now, I bet there are fans of DOWNER/ダウナー that still have no idea that they exist. I'm giving グラビティ(Gravity) a year-and-a-half. Their songs are fun, but their title tracks are all anthemic and lyrically "meh".
  6. colorful人生

  7. colorful人生

    the "Buy One, Get One Free" deal of metalcore-kei tropes
  8. nice to see the coming together of western & japanese artists over a.. r63 of bowser... and all the other nintendo characters... may god help us all...

    1. tetsu_sama69


      internet needs to simmer down just a bit

  9. colorful人生

    Finished 3rd "A Hat in Time" playthrough which only took 2 nights. The Death Wish levels on the other hand are ridiculously time-consuming to beat. I try to squeeze in a Trial of the Sword attempt in BOTW a day b/c it's really unforgiving in Master Mode. In other news, Maplestory 2 is launching on October 10th (for everyone) and I'm going to fiddle around with it. I played GlobalMS in late 2005 close to NA launch up until 2009~ish and a smattering of private servers on-and-off the past several years. I'll probably be super hype until I start seeing the limitation of not having pay-to-win elements and jump ship. *So, checked in on Maplestory 2... Just to play early you have to spend a minimum of $25 usd for some stupid cosmetic shit with tiers going up to $100 USD...WTF. Not too optimistic rn...
  10. TIL you can have an "@" symbol on your license plate... Shoutouts to C@LDF@GS  because idk what that even means.


    maybe some chilly 4ch anon, idk.

  11. colorful人生

    Oh damn, I just realized I've been using an outdated ver. of youtube-dl packaged with youtube-dlg (the python gui.) I don't use a gui w/ ffmpeg, so I need to just grab youtube-dl, lmao. - But yea, you can apparently use it now for timeshifted videos on niconico and livestreams. It does both flash vids and HLS streams ^_^. Download & Instructions: https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl
  12. colorful人生

    While you can use any rando flash video downloader plugin or inspect element to grab standard niconico vids, livestreams are a bit more difficult (even time-shifted ones) b/c of DRM. Here are some options: When recording this, I captured the full-screened window in OBS. Obviously not ideal, but it werks :/. http://clock08.tumblr.com/post/36799796458/namaroku-and-kakoroku (another set of instructions http://pakaianniob041.tumblr.com/post/18062039507/if-you-want-to-record-timeshift-broadcast-you) I'm unsure if it still works, since the posts are dated. It seems to be the most popular/user-friendly option. There are GitHub projects for niconico, but most of them don't have a GUI, so they require a background in their respective programming languages. I haven't messed w/ them b/c I don't have a premium acc. anymore. I haven't had a premium account in years, so maybe someone else has a more up-to-date solution. I would use a HLS downloader for Akamai streams, but idk if they would work with niconico.
  13. colorful人生

  14. I can read fine and clear. Their discography page (http://zigzag.asia/music.html) has it listed under in-store (sound source) releases, hence why I mentioned that there might be a standard release. For now it is strictly live-limited, and the listing could be a mistake on their part.
  15. 愛の美少女戦隊ジグザグ doesn't seem to be in the venue-limited section is currently listed under the in-store releases, so while it's limited to lives for now it could be released in the future? (Just a guess) That being said, the live-limited release came out on the 19th.
  16. colorful人生

    -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ 黒盤 毒占欲 トチ狂っテる LIVE.ver 糞麺氏ね LIVE.ver 十六夜 LIVE.ver 悪いのはバンドマン LIVE.ver うらめしや LIVE.ver -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ 白盤 大失禁 愛シ貴方狂怪性 LIVE.ver 臨兵闘者 LIVE.ver 真侍道 LIVE.ver あっぱれ珍道中 LIVE.ver 狙い投げ LIVE.ver Both came out on the 23rd
  17. colorful人生

    Don't get me wrong, I think downplaying these events are obviously wrong, and feigning ignorance is very telling of character. Music v. Artist is not what I was getting at in particular (which has already been mentioned), but more of the person v. persona aspect (which is certainly a more complicated topic.) I find the opportunism a bit more of a cynical response rather than a malicious one. I would hope that no one would try to sell stuff solely b/c of this situation, because that would be in bad taste. (I don't intend to sell my rando KISAKI CD from a ClosetChild box until this dies down b/c I've been putting together stuff to get rid of for months now.) I think not caring or not wanting to watch KISAKI in anything is a perfectly reasonable response. What he did is disgusting and horrible, but I could still watch a Lin MV. Then again, I don't really idolize celebrities & musicians the same way as some people do either. Anyway, I'm just trying to approach this from a more neutral state (not with the crimes but w/ KISAKI), since I was never a huge KISAKI fan (moreso Lin.) Personally, I'm not going to meander though non-KISAKI stuff with how omnipresent he was, but I will continue to have a distaste for his image whenever I see him. He can rot in hell for all I care.
  18. colorful人生

  19. colorful人生

    Can also vouch for EPSON scanners (not so much their printers...that one goes to brother) as I own a V550. I would probably go for the V39 since you can get Prime shipping with it (usu. indicative of the latest item in a product line), and everything else is pretty much overkill, if you're just doing booklet & magazine scans.
  20. colorful人生

    For some reason everyone is karma-farming this today. It's a healthy reminder to listen to EWF tho... even when it's not the 21st night of September, lol.
  21. colorful人生

    I enjoyed this a lot! Their Japanese songs are quite nice, and it seems like their overall pronunciation has really improved since Me Gustas Tu (JP ver.). Also, super gorgeous as always ❤️. Ayyyyyy sexy wizard-school concept. I still prefer "Dreams Come True" from this year as a title track, but this still sounds pretty great. Gotta go through the whole mini tho. Addicted to the mini, every track is fantastic *_*.
  22. colorful人生

  23. colorful人生

  24. colorful人生

    This sounds like some nu-Maroon 5 /Imagine Dragons -esque radio-rock song.
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