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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. I've been noticing the current trend in gas masks lately... (xTRiPx and now DIV) I hope it catches on (oddly enough).
  2. colorful人生

    Geez, so many types again... v[NEU] likes to drain my wallet. Still looking forward to it though.
  3. colorful人生

    My jaw just dropped... This summer is going to be amazing...
  4. colorful人生

    All aboard the hype train! Oddly enough I wasn't expecting that many new songs so I'm pretty surprised.
  5. Love the new look for DIV, but Chobi... *¬* So cool... The everything... http://ameblo.jp/div-chobi/

  6. colorful人生

    NOOOOOOO! T_T ... *weeps in corner of room*. I did not see that coming at all...
  7. colorful人生

    My review: 1. Tear drop - Enjoyed it very much, not my favorite by Royz but definitely up there. 2. Starry HEAVEN - Loved it the first time, still love it. Really nice track. 3. Ms. Veronica - Amazing. I've listened to it so much it's already reached my top 25 on my Ipod Classic. 4. アルカロイド - Cool 5. NOAH - Still like this song. I remember this song was pretty high up on the Oricon charts. 6. 糜楼 - Dem screams and growls. *love* 7. Flashback - Reminds me of INNOCENCE, not too crazy about the growls. 8. INNOCENCE - Never was really crazy about this song. Not bad though. 9. アテナ - I am inclined to believe I was taken to heaven and back. Favorite song by Royz of all time. I listen to it everyday. So, so, beautiful sounding. 10. 夢空 - *insert towel waving/spinning here* Fun song! Kinda cheesy, but fun. 11. 恋花火-Re Arrange - This song has always been pretty catchy. 12. Aerial Cord - Very nice song. Love everything, but I can't help but notice every time Subaru breathes in XD. I try not to remind myself of the breathing.
  8. colorful人生

    Awesome preview. This is even more upbeat than Natsu no Yukue XD.
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