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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

    It's that time of the year, folks. Jaejoong was absolutely gorgeous here *_*.
  2. colorful人生

  3. colorful人生

    God, next year is going to be crazy. 4 albums released one year... DJESSE is going to be mental.
  4. colorful人生

    Aside from the Pokemon Red & Blue visuals, I do like the joint concept + them covering the same song. Still not crazy about them, but they could improve along the way.
  5. Huh, these guys are on the same label as 雨ノ弱 (amanojaku), a non-vk act I've gotten into. I was wondering why a vk band was on the channel in my sub feed. I'll have to check out the earlier Eiji bands, then. They sound pretty gud. *Oh, 秘密結社コドモA rings a bell. They were pretty good, too
  6. colorful人生

  7. "Cautiously pessimistic" just about sums my feelings. We never know though, it could be good. inb4 they release a trailer and the actors aren't to *insert group here* 's liking and they complain about *insert here*-washing. The internet gets fixated on it until it airs, and then everyone forgets that they were arguing in the first place. Most of those who've complained never end up watching it. Then, contrary to popular belief, it doesn't ruin the original anime series, like initially predicted.
  8. colorful人生

    holdup, try this
  9. In a weird twist-of-fate and lacking headphone jacks, I'm using my iPod Classic on a regular basis again. I miss the PMP days.

  10. colorful人生

    Man, did everyone flock here quick, lol. Not an exhaustive list and def. has bias. If you find an artist you like, last.fm is a good tool to branch out... or at least was. Just binge a bunch of YT vids. What everyone's posted looks good. We might want to tone down the embed vids tho, out of consideration for those w/ slow internet speeds and/or bandwidth caps.
  11. colorful人生

    --- This is cute. Kinda status-quo for them, tho.
  12. colorful人生

    Every month-or-so I'll use my mother's salmon recipe. Includes soy sauce, red wine, ginger, green onions, some bird's eye chilis (TIL, I just call them thai chilis), and lemon juice. Shits gooooooooood. It's probably some variation of a Chinese dish.
  13. colorful人生

  14. colorful人生

    Black Friday deal Tin T2 Pros came in the mail. I've gone through two pairs of Klipsch S4s, budget Sennheiser IEMs, Bluetooth Sets (Jaybird x2s, x3s, and LG Tone Platinums), and other "Chi-Fi" offerings... This is my favorite pair to date. Soundstage is great, every sound is separable and textured, and the bass is where I like it. Also, with all the wired headsets I've broken, I refuse to get headphones without detachable cables. Since I'm not someone who buys high-end IEMs (more so over-ear pairs), I'll probably be sticking to Laosoft's products for a while.
  15. colorful人生

    Ended up getting the Tin T2 Pros with the Black Friday coupon, which are good budget IEMs. Also managed to get a Calvin Klein puffer jacket for about 70% off original (half-off discounted.)
  16. colorful人生

    Super hyped that Solji is back :D. --- Wasn't crazy about Dejavu (as a lead track), but this seems really promising. Still looking forward to them promoting w/ Minhyun next year.
  17. colorful人生

    Eh, it's not terrible. I don't think it's very original, but I can give it a shrug/10 like most everything else they do. I could shit on the band (or even KEIOS) all day, but it pains me to see a band with some level of competency go to waste. Rather than pull from the gazetto playbook, maybe hone your sound and release something more personal (?) ... or just keep raking in those euroweebux, idk. Though, with YOHIO's latest solo offering, I remain to be optimistic that they'll ever change.
  18. colorful人生

    ADRIANWAVE tape is hereeee... Sounds pretty decent too :D. I'll have to watch out for more Neo Motel drops in the future.
  19. colorful人生

    He looks like a juggalo inchworm in that second image...
  20. colorful人生

    Feelings are a bit mixed here. One one hand, the melody is def. a call back to old-Royz (which I loovvvee), but the song itself is really tame. I haven't been able to get into anything Royz-related since S.I.V.A, and even that was preceded by underwhelming singles.
  21. colorful人生

    The vocals need a bit more work, but I like their sound, overall. It's taken a bit for them to grow on me.
  22. colorful人生

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