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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

  2. Did Sumerian let Denis in with another band after he ditched the last three? Label must be desperate at this point, lol. 



    1. Seelentau


      I actually really liked The Black, but Denis does seem to have an unhealthy attitude.

    2. Axius


      I liked the black i just wish denis wasn't such a prick he has good talent in his voice i just wish he would use it for singing and not money

  3. colorful人生

  4. colorful人生

    Yo, this is a great album. The lead track, Sunrise, is REALLY fantastic, and the overall album is pretty consistent. The tracks explore a lot of different musical avenues, and their overall sound leans more elegant than cutesy. "You are not alone", "Truly Love", "겨울, 끝", and "A Starry Sky" are my favorites aside from the lead track. They really nailed, though. The distribution is really fair, and Sowon has a much larger presence in this release :D. Their previous "artsy" concepts were always a touch on the "cheesy" side, but I think they got it right this time.
  5. colorful人生

    Is this another one of those Brazilian memes, because I love it, lol.
  6. colorful人生

  7. colorful人生

    Drummer's head w/ that handprint looks like that ball from "Cast Away". (Yes, I do know the whole "hand over mouth" thing is supposed to symbolize censorship and/or suffocation. He just looks very "spherical", lol) I wonder which bands the members are from 🤔.
  8. colorful人生

    La La Love is pretty good :D. I'll have to give the whole mini a good listen starting tomorrow. I miss China line tho ;_;. At least they're included in the song "Memories". GFRIEND has me hypppped. I actually like this concept more than "Time for the moon night", which I thought was "artsy" enough for them.
  9. colorful人生

    ^ Well, that location just reminded me of this: ; _ ; I guess I'm on a GAKIDO binge the rest of the night.
  10. colorful人生

    I haven't combed over these thoroughly, but higher incidence of hearing loss might be attributed to ethnicity/genetics*. As for women, my understanding is that men are more prone to hearing loss**. It might seem like it happens more to female Japanese musicians (w/ how clumped these incidents are) , but I'm assuming the heightened coverage is just coincidental (implying that Japanese men might have as much, if not more hearing loss)***. Musicians, especially live performers, are more prone to hearing loss.**** https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/03005369609076781 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22124888 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/44568755_Hereditary_hearing_loss_and_deafness_genes_in_Japan Also, there are a lot of things that can contribute to hearing loss and dizziness. Just throwing ideas around. * I mean genetics obviously plays a role in hearing loss. I'm implying here that maybe Japanese or East Asians are more susceptible. ** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9746707 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1808869415313483 Whether it be hearing loss or tinnitus, it's a bit more complicated than what I initially thought. I was thinking of the 60% v. 40% finding by the CDC. *** @nekkichi brings up a point I completely glossed over here: Collectivist cultures like Japan's tend to misdiagnose or shove under the rug health problems in lieu of getting them actually treated. I think that further compounds the hearing loss diagnoses issue. What's likely is that the musicians probably have a fuck-ton of problems but don't get them treated so they don't become an "inconvenience". (This mentality generally exists w/ everyone but feels more severe given cultural norms) ****
  11. colorful人生

  12. colorful人生

    Eru out here looking like a member of the Golden Girls with that getup. What ever happened to this? feelsbadman
  13. colorful人生

    Now, this is a LOT more to my liking :D.
  14. so does it become a "reveal" or an "unboxing"?
  15. "2019" backwards looks like "eros" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Happy New Year! 

    1. Gesu


      Damn, now I can't unsee that. Memories of Lycaon come flooding back! Happy new year~ ^_^

  16. colorful人生

    Seriously, dafuq is that photoshoot, tho. Points for creativity, I guess.
  17. colorful人生

  18. colorful人生

    I'm like on my 40th listen of this. God, Yoshito needs a new band, like pronto. I'd give all the bucks I could scrounge.
  19. Nice, I might have to pick up both of the best-of versions. I'll likely wait for a preview, though.
  20. colorful人生

    Initially wasn't interested, but Wataru is theRogiwo on YT. He's a huge LILT and the Raid. fan (and roadie.) I've followed him for a couple years. What did he do to his hairrrrrrrr?! Mildly curious, but this doesn't seem promising imo.
  21. 🎄 Merry Christmas!!!

    1. Miku70


      Merry Christmas to you 😊

  22. colorful人生

    Currently visiting relatives. Chinese spicy stir-fried pork, salt-and-pepper squid, peking duck, fried tofu, etc. for lunch. Dinner was turkey, steak, and a fuck-ton of Filipino food. Stuffed out of my mind. Damn good, tho.
  23. colorful人生

  24. colorful人生

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