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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. LOL, here's some more recent ones.
  2. It's always a treat seeing him on my twitter feed, lol. 



  3. colorful人生

  4. Fan since listening to "pirorhythm stabilizer 〜only your world〜". Talented as hell, the whole lot. Misaki Fujiwara is best bass waifu. Check out her instructional/explanatory vids :D
  5. colorful人生

    R.I.P ;_;
  6. colorful人生

    Going against the grain here. Gimme those sweet-ass Okinawan genes. I'm probably like .005% b/c I'm a genetically Asian clusterfuck on my mom's side. Too bad I got almost none of the health benefits o_o".
  7. colorful人生

  8. colorful人生

  9. colorful人生

    We've hit peak bleep bloop kei. I think this is by far the most convoluted vk track I've ever listened to... I don't exactly hate it either. Kind of endearing in a speedcore kind of way, lmao.
  10. colorful人生

    Really like the song except for what I'm assuming is a violin effects pedal making that godawful noise. Also the vocal effects are a bit wonky/robotic.
  11. THREAD RESURRECTION TIMEEEEE... I've been in a post-hardcore/screamo/metalcore mood as of late, so I'm gonna spam my spotify playlist & some of my favorites here.
  12. colorful人生

  13. Should have been KH3's opening ;P. Reminding everyone this still exists, lol. 



  14. It's vk_oyaji's time to shine! *thumbs up*
  15. colorful人生

    MY BODY IS READY - This really good for a debut song! They have a ton of potential :D.
  16. colorful人生

    As someone whose "modern" vk tastes lie more on the キラキラ系 side, I do find most of the newer bands in the sub-genre/scene pretty samey in both composition and content. All of it is in my grotto, so I don't particularly mind the sameishness. However, if I were to pick out a band that really goes against the "grain", ドレミ・ファ ( prev. #ロストワールド) would be one of them. Om's voice is pretty refreshing and the songs are wonky in the best way possible. They might not be the most "dynamic" band, but their material never gets boring imo. GARAK'S is another one that stands out to me. I guess it's their classic-rock tinged songs and "clear" vocals. They feel really clean... Might not be the most unique tho. As for everything else, it's difficult, honestly. Visual kei really encompasses a large array of rock and metal subgenres. Some bands that might sound unique in the vk world are status quo in another genre/sub-genre. For example, vk "djent" bands can sometimes fall flat on me b/c I've been exposed to Western djent longer than I have w/ vk (and are my preference.) Same goes for br00tal kei v. Deathcore/Metalcore. *On a side note, I REALLY want to see a Math Rock vk band. Like "Shibuya Football" or something, lol. ** Early ジグザグ was pretty fuckin' neato. I wish they didn't go full meme-kei... Hoping they revisit that sound.
  17. colorful人生

  18. colorful人生

    It's been 10 years, holy shiiiiit... Also, Oceano - District Of Misery & the "Depths" album turns 10 this year too... ; _ ;
  19. colorful人生

    Copped a bunch of releases since late last year. I don't buy as much vk anymore, so I have a lot more room to splurge on cassettes: Flamingo Funk Vol. 1 (White Cass.) Diskette Park - Stray ローマンROMAN - PALMS ショッピングワールドjp & SP - Winner's Circle Saury - Shyest ETHERNET CITY - YOUTH FOUNTAIN This release is pretty underrated. I copped PALMS on SIC Records, so I got this one w/ it. Dragonball Wave I - III I wasn't planning on getting this at first, but after some Spotify & Bandcamp listens I got pretty hooked. Vantage - Metro City (Collector Edition) Modern Living (Remix + OG) ミカヅキBIGWAVE - 星空ROMANTIC Night Tempo - Tokyo Night Drive [Not a cassette, but a magazine by the cover artist. Still looking for "Nighty Tape"] マクロスMACROSS 82-99 - Summer Touch I would pick up some other tapes I've missed on Discogs if it wasn't for scalpers overvaluing their shit. Fortunately, cassette runs are much less cutthroat than vinyl.
  20. Glad I wasn't in public when this popped up in my feed. Nice photobook... I guess? 🧐



    1. suji


      now this is the vk merch i wanna buy

  21. colorful人生

  22. colorful人生

    Bumblebee was meh. It felt like a hamfisted late-80's teen romcom tribute combined with the Transformers franchise. I think the last Transformers was so bad, this one looked amazing by comparison. That being said, it could be considered a decent kids movie... Just not my preference.
  23. colorful人生

  24. colorful人生

    I haven't checked in on Apink since they were promoting in Japan, but this is a really neat track! The instrumentals have a chill vgm vibe, but the song is still upbeat which makes for an interesting sound. --- IZ*ONE just did a partial cover of Happiness, but it was too calm for me. The original is still GOAT... cheesy af, but still GOAT.
  25. colorful人生

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