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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

  2. colorful人生

  3. colorful人生

    It's all subjective, really. I don't think there's anything wrong in not liking their current music. Unless, you were a fan solely for their personalities, this skews in a completely different direction, musically. It doesn't help that EDM is such a saturated scene internationally atm., and both of these tracks don't really stand out imo. That being said.... They're welcome to do whatever they want/like obvs. We may see some bangers in the future, who knows.
  4. colorful人生

    Wow, it's been a loooong since I listened to Piko. I used to be obsessed w/ him (and Valshe) He used to be pretty popular, but now the utaite scene is so saturated to where his f/m vocal switching isn't standout anymore. I'm sure it's been difficult for him since samfree's passing, but he's fallen behind to the point where he'll never regain the popularity he once had.
  5. Pretty much agree w/ mostly everything above. If I'm not mistaken, there was a television segment on multiple generations of visual kei, and they considered R-Shitei as the iconic band of their 'era'. I would add vistlip and Kiryu to that as well. I would also consider SID to be pretty legendary, but they fall into the same "definition" problem that A.B.C (and MUCC) has fallen into. I consider them now to still be "visual kei", but others tend to separate them (wholly or partially) from the scene due to their mainstream success. (Well, Janne da Arc was a visual kei band, but A.B.C is a solo project...but A.B.C is listed in vkdb... idk what do y'all think? If A.B.C was considered a visual kei band/project, I would absolutely include them on the legendary list)
  6. colorful人生

    I used to be critical w/ DIV's releases b/c they were all over the place, but I would quickly come around and enjoy them. ACME has been the exact opposite of that w/ acceptable previews but disappointing tracks.... but we'll see.
  7. Welp, I think I've actually arrived to the "weird" side of YouTube. Thanks YT suggestions..

  8. Noraneco was a flop, but I liked Fenix and Artemis. Maybe with a more "neutral" concept, they might be decent. I'm cautiously optimistic.
  9. colorful人生

  10. colorful人生

    I'm currently reading the manga for Goblin Slayer, so I can give a bit of insight. Its overarching plot is pretty dark, but it does fall victim to ecchi moments from certain characters/scenarios. I honestly can't give away much more without kinda spoiling it, so I'll put the rest under spoiler tags... I don't think the ecchi detracts from the plot, but you never know with adaptations what the central (visual) focus will be. What I will say, is that if it's paced properly, the 3 episode rule will be a good indicator if you'll enjoy it or not. I'm personally not picking it up until I get the thumbs up that it's a proper adaptation.
  11. colorful人生

  12. For those in the U.S, Happy National Ice-Cream Day! ... Too bad I "accidentally" celebrated in advance and no longer crave some today 😣.

    1. colorful人生


      hahahaha I lied, got some Ben's & Jerry's Milk & Cookies (140 Cal ver.) an hour ago.  It was fucking delicious.

  13. colorful人生

    After dealing with depression for a few years, I'll give some of my pointers (that worked for me.) Seek Counseling/Support Group/Family When things got rough for me, and I was feeling my worst; I felt like the last thing I should do was to "push" my problems on someone else. I would conflate that idea to completely isolating myself from friends and family, not making contact whatsoever. In that distorted mindset, you feel like everyone is better off without you and no one should worry about you, etc., but that is not true at all. Everyone still worries about you, and you're making it more difficult for yourself to get the help that you need. We spend a lot of time thinking about ourselves, and our own failures/problems, so we have a tendency to think that others are thinking the same about you. That's absolutely not the case. Try your hardest not to dwell on the past b/c ultimately it's about who you become, people can change. Your past doesn't have to define you, in your eyes. I was especially scared to tell my parents I was dealing with depression, b/c they didn't really "believe" in it at the time. I too convinced myself I was purposefully being lazy and neglectful, but when you spend a lot of your day sleeping/not moving/ignoring hobbies... that's not normal... Like a couple others in this thread, feel free to inbox/dm me. I'm not a professional, but I certainly don't mind giving advice/people talking to me. Please seek guidance from another individual, that one person or persons could be the catalyst for you to get better. Don't be ashamed of seeking counseling. I think more people need counseling, it's extremely helpful. Getting a Physical/Blood Work/Medication I ended getting up getting blood work done after coming home to find out I had a sharply elevated red blood cell count compared to previous tests done. Turns out that was from my lack of oxygen b/c of constricted nasal passages -> poor sleep, hence my constant tiredness (a sleep study might reveal sleep apnea, but losing weight & allergy medicine (helps passage constriction) has worked like a charm so far.) I was pretty sedentary for a long time, so I was severely out of shape too (which exacerbates said problems.) So while I was gradually becoming more fatigued (lack of oxygen/poor sleep, shit diet, no exercise) I was also taking on more classwork/work which caused a snowball effect. If you can, seek your primary physician and get yourself checked out, you never know if it could be something else. Otherwise, don't be afraid of medication. Just make sure if you have any side-effects that make things worse, stop immediately and seek your doctor for alternative options. Diet & Exercise Yes, I did get a gym membership... I know there's a lot of hesitation b/c of costs, but I can assure you it is wholeheartedly worth it. I worked with a personal trainer for a few months and lost about 11kg/25lbs in that time-frame. I still have a lot more work to do, but I'm getting closer to a healthy weight. I feel better and I look better which has made me much happier :D. Stop the soda, stop the fast food, take vitamins/supplements, and cook for yourself. Drink water, drink water, drink water, drink, water... It seems like a hurdle at the start, but trust me it gets easier, so much easier. Also, go outside and get some fresh air, it helps too. You are what you eat/do. Getting Organized So once I got into an exercise/dieting routine, that helped kick-start my organizational tendencies. If you make a daily planner, it helps put "meaning" into everything. It helps you inject more discipline into your life, which I find much more effective than looking for motivation. No, don't wait until someone tells you to do something, or you're prompted to do something -just do it, no excuses. It might seem cumbersome at first, but it helps structure your life tremendously. You don't have to follow this in verbatim. Ultimately, everyone is their own and different things work for different people... But, I think these choices can help dramatically improve your quality of life.
  14. colorful人生

    PM'ing, I'll have to have the stuff on hold for a while until my FJ stuff gets straightened out.
  15. colorful人生

    Lyrics: http://vocaloidlyrics.wikia.com/wiki/外見と内面_(Gaiken_to_Naimen) [It's a Vocaloid cover (prod. すこっぷ)] pls give Shougo views, he updates once in a while even while in アンフィル.
  16. colorful人生

    *teleports behind you*
  17. colorful人生

    lol, she's quirky enough to pull off a hairstyle like that, but I'm surprised she went ahead w/ it for the MV. It'll probably grow on me after a while.
  18. colorful人生

    Yea, I was about to mention that the tweet was referencing the typhoon/heavy rains -> damaging/deadly floods hindering fans from showing up to the live. There's no shame in using google translate, it helps w/ context. As an aside, I swear there was an imgur gif that went viral/top w/ a bunch of people headbanging at one of their outdoor venues. That probably had the most disjointed scenes I'd ever seen, lol. Eh, it actually wasn't as disjointed as I remembered (pretty typical), still pretty funny to watch in broad daylight. Anyway, idk why Gosan has been so anal about participation :/. *That would absolutely be me on the bottom right, looool *edit I found a repost of the same vid https://imgur.com/gallery/BolIHqR
  19. colorful人生

    "Huh, this sounds pretty good looking for- WHAT DID THEY DO TO YERIN'S BANGS?!" --- ELRIS never disappoints :D. The aesthetics are on-point too.
  20. colorful人生

    Yea, it's about how they're disbanding in September, and how, while he's only been there for 9 months, he's continuing put his "all" into the band until their last live. ;_;
  21. colorful人生

    I love it when vistlip does uptempo choruses like this, and the melody is really nice, too. Pretty excited.
  22. colorful人生

    Hey, I got here before the "This was expected" and "They were (bad/garbage/sucked)" comments. I'm gonna miss them ;_;. I liked UKYO's vocal style and the band's electro-kei vibes.
  23. colorful人生

    I was kinda hesitant going back and discovering older vk bands b/c I'm already partially insane w/ all the obscure releases w/ current bands, but after going ギフト (different band)-> | Chrome Shelled -> DASEIN -> THE MICRO HEAD 4N's via YT suggestions... Ricky is fucking awesome. Reminds me when I first listened to Janne da Arc's Yasu when he was somewhat established as ABC's singer at that point (same experience w/ Hyde and L'arc.) Lots of stuff to dig up. Hopefully after picking away at early 2000's bands I can listen to some older material. I'm vaguely familiar with some "white-kei" bands which fit my niche of that era, so I can branch out from there.
  24. I love all the songs on this (really solid, melodically)...Shittt I need to listen to them more often.
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