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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

  2. non non biyori is a cute series 💙

  3. colorful人生

    I still don't understand how certain artists completely went under the radar for me esp. in 2010 when I was rabid for new bands. I love that intro *_* - Something I've been nostalgic of recently.
  4. colorful人生

    I'm a bit disappointed in this one ;_;. I can't dig that trap-y, pan-flute synth chorus *sigh*. Everything else is nice, esp. Jennie's rapping & the drop.
  5. colorful人生

    tbh, not really. It's all K-pop, since fans are usu. rabid about anyone's opinion on band "x". I've ran into a handful of other react channels but they have only a couple hundred/thousand views. I'm gonna be honest but some of them are kinda cringy... I know some of those YTs prob have acc.s here ;_; Don't kill me. I understand it's hard to be entertaining on camera... *Oops my bad, you meant not the react ones. What specifically besides reactions? --- Only channels I know off the top of my head work w/ existing content: Catness Productions (Face Morphing/ Top 10 Lists/ Synthesia) SAKURA MUSIC (Band Release/History Compilations) R.I.P LMN J (What got me into VK in the first place) (It used to be LMNJ2010 & 2009 for the respective years)
  6. colorful人生

    lol, I read this two different ways: Visual Kei (or ex) Youtubers (e.g. VAMBI, Sick^2's Hiroshi, etc.). Idk if there are any other "regular" YouTubers w/ a VK background, but there are a lot of VK band channels w/ extraneous content. I like VAMBI's insight into what it was like as a bandoman, and he's pretty fun/entertaining. I find a lot of the "popular" JP "YouTubers" (daily content / not those who use the YouTube platform to show off actually interesting content) insufferable b/c its either mobage, kusoge, or stupid fucking clickbait/drama shit. The U.S has pretty shit content too (esp. the latter of that list) , but we've used the platform since the beginning so the content variety & amt. is much larger. Shoutouts to PDR tho, he's boss. Fuck UUUM. Youtubers w/ Visual Kei Videos (e.g. MacRyanMac) MacRyanMac is not bad at all, but I've only seen a handful of his videos. I don't really watch VK react videos b/c there's nothing that wouldn't have already been touched on in MH discussions, news posts, etc. If the reactions aren't entertaining you're usu. watching it to validate your own opinion and/or genuinely trying learn someone else's.
  7. I'd much prefer this format. Even w/ event stream format, I don't like how bulky the calendar system is. It might take some work, but I think hyperlinking the album names (or "[PREVIEW]") to a PV or preview would be super helpful too. I'm assuming it's one thread w/ multiple posts for each month? I've always wanted to do one w/ smaller J-indie bands in a similar month format since I often forget when certain releases come out and never end up listening to them ;_; . I'm following enough channels/playlists (Audioleaf, iPodofMine, and YT sugg.) on YT to where the algorithm gives me a constant stream of new stuff, so it would be pretty easy to do if I get the "go-ahead".
  8. colorful人生

    Forgot about this thread, droppin' my favorites (mainly older stuff.)
  9. Troye Sivan has released a ton of fantastic tracks recently, and "Dance to This" is no exception. Love mellow bops like this and Grande is an added bonus.



  10. colorful人生

    Oh man... This is a tough one, being one of the first few vk acts I followed. All the best to Kiyozumi & the rest of the band.
  11. colorful人生

    *sits down in rocking chair* "Piracy: an act of robbery on the high sea-" *cough* "Piracy: the unauthorized use of another's production, invention, or conception especially in infringement of a copyright" The warnings you get that precede DVD contents, plastered on CDs, etc. are constant reminders that piracy is clearly DEFINED . We've moved the conversation beyond the point of piracy b/c this forum promotes the sharing of copyrighted content. We can crunch all the numbers we want about vk band revenue streams, but in a legal sense all of us who participate in this are in the "wrong". The arguments and debates on this forum really stem from our subjective stances on the value of content in its physical and digital form. In my subjective opinion, I think piracy (in the scope of vk) has been helpful for promotion both overseas and within Japan. While it's dodgy, I would have NEVER gotten into Visual Kei if it weren't for those who uploaded material on streaming and download sites. I would go as far as saying that the sharing of content has been quite helpful in promoting artists & amassing fans who spend $ on them. The largest revenue stream for most vk bands are lives, and , generally, only fans that are really engaged w/ the bands are going to go in the first place. Most people aren't inclined to show up to a live w/o hearing the artists' work (it would be a waste of money). CDs and DVDs are products as well as promotional tools, and making that material available to a larger audience grows that promotional value. Piracy might take away a little revenue,but I believe that there is net growth in the long run. In the context of overseas content consumption: The delivery methods of piracy have changed a lot in the past few decades, transforming from physical -> digital -> digital + streaming. In our scope, most of us have witnessed the piracy shift from P2P (Peer-to-Peer e.g LimeWire & Torrenting) to DDL (Direct Download e.g. MegaUpload/Mega/Mediafire) to YouTube uploads. As Visual Kei (and Japanese Music) has shifted from niche P2P sharing to largely accessible streaming & social media, the impressionable audience has gotten much larger. Those who discover these bands and this genre are so enticed/entertained that they want to consume, even participate in buying all this content, but then it hits them. Shipping fees, CD prices, live-limited content, and the list goes on. You're too far physically to participate in lives and it's too expensive to keep up (or completely unreasonable for those who don't make their own money, teenagers.) Of course there is going to be pirating. Now here's where I stand. No one is entitled to upload anything, but I've made it my small mission to close the gap for overseas fans w/ my channel & my uploads here and elsewhere. I put a lot of "$" value in substance and promotional value in "content" (if that makes any sense). I don't like uploading everything I have in FLAC or even 320 b/c of the time & effort it takes to acquire "those" releases in the first place, but I'm willing to share everything on YT (it's gotten much easier to upload w/o your channel being suddenly taken down). I don't think everyone is entitled to having "pristine" copies just willy-nilly, but I think it would be a mistake for me not to at least share. From the bottom of my heart, I want people to love VK because is something I've grown to love. It has been a refuge, an eye-opener, and a catalyst for my exploration in music. In addition, if the content I share can get at least one person to love or maybe even invest in VK as much as I have, then I'll be happy to continue being a pirate. (I hope this doesn't sound too scatterbrained. I've been coding most of the day and I'm a little eye-strained. Please ask me to clarify my points if need be.)
  12. colorful人生

    I wish I had this much enthusiasm about anything looool. So much hype tho. Actual reveal w/o the screaming & cuts:
  13. colorful人生

    I started playing Beats around 2011 since I could just import .sm files from Stepmania, then Cytus came out and I bounced between those two for a while. Cytus was pretty fun, but when they started out you had to pay $5 for new chapters (until the app got "x" downloads) and I got tired of that pretty quickly. I played a bit of Deemo, Voez, and then a little bit of Arcaea, but I still fell back to Beats and continue to play it to this day. A lot of the newer rhythm games that have Chinese Vocaloid tracks that aren't super polished, but every now and then I'll find a song I like. I just wish we could get Jubeat/Jukebeat and REFLECBEAT+ for Android, but I doubt that'll ever happen T_T. For the most part I stopped playing everything but Beats , True Skate, and roms on a bunch of emulators (Gameboy, PSP, N64, Gamecube,etc.) Now, Google Daydream VR games are actually pretty fun like Eclipse: Edge of Light, Ultrawings, and Virtual Virtual Reality.
  14. colorful人生

    y'all msg me when you find Wilson also nips and their 10/10 sns culture
  15. colorful人生

    I'm so excited for all my Adamas & Sclaim stuff to get here. So underrated.
  16. colorful人生

    I like the songs (especially 哀四季恋) , but the vocals sound kinda weak? He still lowkey reminds me of Shin from ViViD tho.
  17. colorful人生

    So what are everyone's favorites so far on Artificial Selection? Admittedly, it's been quite a while since I really sat down to listen to them (Instant Gratification was the last album I listened to.) I just happened to get notified on Spotify since I follow them, so I'll have to add Mothership to my workout music cycle. Son of Robot, Care, The Rattler, Hair Song, and Bloodsucker are pretty good. Tilian's voice feels more murmured/breathy compared to previous releases (or maybe his voice comes off more sibilant due to the mixing). I felt it was a good mixture of abrasive and soft/melodic. I'll need some more time w/ the album, but it's pretty status quo for what they've released so far (?). For those who've been more involved w/ them as of recent, what are your thoughts?
  18. colorful人生

    Portal to my childhood~ I've only played like 2 VNs b/c they're too damn long (just watch/read adaptations), but the music is hella good. Neknoneko Soft (Mizuiro, Lamune, etc.) music is my guilty pleasure.
  19. colorful人生

    Haha, they've been active since '09, and they've had a small following here on the forum, going by the previous news topics. @doombox was posting said news topics which is how I got into them. If you like them, The Winking Owl is another great pop-punk act (they released a split-single together in 2012.) "VOICE", "OVER", and now "Beautiful Lie" are available on Spotify:
  20. colorful人生

    I always admired how candid, yet appreciative he was about other cultures. Everything he did felt so "embedded" and didn't feel like some run-of-the-mill travel 101 show- it was a heart-to-heart (albeit a jaded one, haha). I was never one for stories about the culinary world, but I'm tempted to read "Kitchen Confidential" just to pick at his brain again. This and that reply chain... Already love these meme bois
  21. colorful人生

  22. colorful人生

    R.I.P Anthony Bourdain you magnificent bastard. I loved No Reservations and Parts Unknown T_T.
  23. ❤️ DGD - Artificial Selection 

    1. YuyoDrift


      eyyyy I forgot it came out!



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