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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. How did I miss this?! Glad Shougo still does these covers <3.  http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32986655

    1. ricchubunny


      omg im super glad to see you active here again 

  2. colorful人生

    I stopped being remotely surprised after seeing the 500+ comment Reddit thread created by one person w/ upvotes & gilding (The $200 top spot Reddit video is an eye -opener too). I wish I could link it, but I completely forgot the title (It might have been removed for spam/guidelines (?) ). I'm positive AI algorithms will get better at spotting stuff like this, but in the meantime it'll continue to be used as a tool for promotion whether malicious or relatively harmless. .. Speaking of fake accounts, can I get my boy Harambe back? I forgot the password...
  3. colorful人生

    Pre-ordered/Bought: EVERSSIC - SAIL ON MUSIC SheepSLeep - Reborn ABOO - MELLOW-mp- Neverland - Nu:world I.rias - VawdyxTidy Type-A (I expected Planet Child to upload the MV but they never did.) I'll def. be snagging these for the channel: -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ - あっぱれ珍道中 HAKLO - What's HAKLO?
  4. colorful人生

    That's unfortunate. I hope he'll still continue his drum covers. As for POIDOL, they're on a roll right now. They'll pick back up pretty quickly.
  5. colorful人生

    I'm always in awe of his performances. He usu. comes off as some music theory mad-scientist but composes really soulful/emotional material. Also, cheeky microtones at 2:16
  6. colorful人生

  7. colorful人生

    Shoutouts to TRUST shitposting from 2013. I always wish the best for bands but Yua/Rion is consistently horrendous : /.
  8. colorful人生

    This is much more refined aesthetically & musically compared to their Lux days. Only downside is they took everything down on the Lux channel on YT... I hoped someone saved the Mosaic Disco MV because I didn't T_T.
  9. colorful人生

    Semester sucked, but I have almost 70 hours in FFXV (fuk u pitoss ruins) and the new zigzag single shipping in a week or so. Have a ton of stuff I need to compile for some lists I was supposed to make like months ago (that I've put off forever...) > _ >. I have a tendency to make a shit ton of plans w/o actually fulfilling them *screams internally*. ERM, HBBD to anyone I've missed since August, also I now stan NU'EST (kpop) and ren is bae. (BTS & B1A4 are GOAT this year too.) Might be tearing up the DL section a new one, since I got dem new CDs and stuff.
  10. Happy Birthday (new "MH News Guy", lol)!

    1. hiroki



      thanks :D

  11. colorful人生

    I think whatever I was going to end up commenting, ended up/were expressed here anyway.... I was also beat by the 'David Bowie Meme School' alumni, so I'm kinda late on that too.... You fabulous meme-loving fucks <3 Seems that the introduction thread also got migrated here, hello fresh faces (jk ur all fab af)! Soooooooooo... I've said my piece... Gonna inch back over to other parts of the forum that are a bit less salty/fiery since I don't plan on cooking steak today and someone already got roasted.
  12. ... I'm away for like 2.5 weeks enjoying the fresh air/ 'pokemans' on afternoons, doing summer classwork, and getting posts/uploads prepared and come back to this... CAN MH NOT BE THE SALT OF THE EARTH FOR AT LEAST 5 SECONDSfire_community.gif

    1. Mihenno


      We thought something bad happened to you LOL

    2. Chi


      i was wondering what happened to you!!

    3. YuyoDrift


      welcome back

    4. Show next comments  129 more
  13. colorful人生

    *puts down popcorn* I should probably clarify my position here. Personally, I do find that racism still exists and is still very prevalent, and I have also witnessed it first hand as someone who has grown up in the Southeast. I know the communities of closet-racists and have witnessed it in action, but I also am familiar with communities where I couldn't observe a single shred of discomfort or hate. To add upon this, I do believe we should always be talking about the broader picture of race relations, but I also believe that behind these recent particular incidents we need to focus solely the "nature of circumstances" / the individuals directly involved (and their circles.) I understand that individuals are upset, I don't blame anyone for that... but that does not justify the disgusting knee-jerk rhetoric that's been spewing out as of the last 24 hours on myriad social media platforms. Like time and time again, we need to take a step back from the aisle and try and fully grasp what is going on (on both sides) instead of being driven by emotion. We can't drive systemic change yelling with our hands plastered to our ears. What I don't like seeing is this. Disenfranchising someone because of their cultural and geographical background. Carmelzors may have a limited perspective on these particular issues, but trying to devalue what has been clearly thought out and researched on the grounds of "living halfway on the other side of the world"... I don't 100% agree with everything he says, but given the context of this conversation, I find that assumption quite brash. (Again, this is in the context of what I've seen so far. I have no interest in the other shouting matches that have occurred outside of this discussion.)
  14. colorful人生

  15. Must.Catch.Them.All
    (Got a Horsea, Kakuna, and a Squirtle so far)

    1. togz


      I JUST downloaded it and only have my starter Pokemon right now. I chose Charmander.

    2. colorful人生


      Ok, got myself a Venonat and a Goldeen driving in circles. I hope the servers become less trafficky since it's been hard to load up the game D:.

    3. YuyoDrift


      fuck I almost got an eevee


    4. Show next comments  129 more
  16. colorful人生

    OH MY GOD.... BOIIIIIII DIS SOME GOOD SHIT Summer Anthem 2016... (This and hopefully アンフィル's upcoming single).
  17. I've always loved the news, journalism, etc. , but on days like these (and many before) it's hard to keep the TV rolling. 

  18. colorful人生

    三部作シリーズ「幻ノ世界ノ秘密____。」 is the fourth release, aka. the 4th part of the map. It was always going to be a limited release, so it still more or less ties everything together as a last live benefit. On a side note, I'm glad they're putting the first 3 up on Like an Edison. I've been having trouble finding めとろのおわり ;-;.
  19. lol damn, CD/photobook combo on Mercari sold for 10k yen (though it's a lot of stuff). Good luck for anyone trying to purchase the thing, there is severe competition. Though, there are two more dates, so who knows.
  20. colorful人生

    TIL people still play v62/63 Maplestory Private Servers... So I played the game for the first time since 2009... It's not the same ; _ ; ... Where are the megaphone spammers, gachapon updates, and "mesos ploxxxxx" messages? People trolling on HHG w/ Dragon Roar and LudiPQ. Though, I'm pleasantly surprised people still play it :D. I guess it's not my game anymore.
  21. colorful人生

    Excuuuuse me. This is obv. AOTS, hands down.
  22. colorful人生

    U call? Though seriously, while I'm just having a bit of fun in here, could this thread be actually removed? I mean, I live on shitposting but it's been getting really salty w/ the whole Trombe witchhunt. I think we severely underestimate Trombe's contributions to the forum, and while at some times he's exercised a bit more control than necessary; we really need him whether we like it or not.
  23. colorful人生

  24. colorful人生

    When did America become California? .... ;_;
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