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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. *sheds tear* As the creator of the new ":parapls:" emoticon. I've never been so flattered. I hope ya'll spam this in chat xD

  2. colorful人生

  3. colorful人生

    Mods? Fuma disapproves of your spooky antics.
  4. colorful人生

    Haha, there is like one frame of blue where I could barely make out his left arm and hair outline, but his eyes were closed xD. It looks like my poor meshing of two images worked in my favor, haha
  5. colorful人生

    Para pls (His one arm looks ultra buff, haha. That's what you get for spending 3 minutes on GIMP)
  6. colorful人生

    Gotta go fast.
  7. colorful人生

    This release is officially tied with their first live distrib. single for me. That spin at the chorus though, EPIC AF *_* Also god-level breakdown. I saw this when it came up at 3 A.M, needless to say I lost about an hour of sleep last night.
  8. colorful人生

  9. colorful人生

  10. ...広げた翼で~ 
    Rides in ReVellion has started to grow on me. 

    1. hiroki


      nice, i like them too

  11. colorful人生

    The band is called "AL" w/ the song being off of their album 心の中の色紙 OHP: http://www.al-revivalrecords.com/ http://mojim.com/jp110775x1.htm http://natalie.mu/music/pp/al It looks like their YT videos are blocked in the US, but maybe not where you're based.
  12. colorful人生

    Since I've revealed this elsewhere, colorful jinsei or colorful "human life" is how I perceive visual kei as a genre. I usu. have it stylized as colorful人生 since it looks cooler. Also, it's an antithesis to "Monochrome" "Heaven" huehuehue (I wasn't going to make my user colorful黄泉 "hell", since it doesn't make much sense)
  13. Yoshi's Story?

    1. Seimeisen


      Yoshiatsu's Story


      But seriously, that game is fucking weird lol


    2. colorful人生


      Idk why I was so enthralled with that game when I was 5. I played it for the first time since then a couple months ago.

      It looked like someone's acid trip.

  14. colorful人生

    Decided to go out of my typical breadth of shows and watch Shounen Maid. I found it to be adorably funny, and hopefully I can stick with it this season.
  15. colorful人生

    That was insanely quick, and I'm hoping that I'll like this project a bit better than Shounenki. The look is pretty neat.
  16. colorful人生

  17. colorful人生

    The Japanese on the forum has become self-aware and is now questioning itself. ... Do you have to unlock the "?" w/ a MH Premium Member Account? *gasp* /s
  18. Just played the FFXV Platinum Demo at a friends house... 3 times in a row... Unlocking/collecting everything...

    If I purchase this game I might disappear off the earth for awhile...

    1. Tetora


      What can you unlock?

    2. colorful人生


      After collecting enough shards you can get the Cross Shuriken and Holy Shield at the citadel. I just went around collecting all the shards and getting all the items and stuff (Radiant Sword, Shining Hammer, etc.) I was just blown away by the presentation, graphics, and very Kingdom Hearts-esque gameplay. 

    3. Tetora


      Oi, I want that shuriken! Gonna have to play again. Rolling like Yuffie, true ninja style, for the pride of WuTai!

  19. colorful人生

    Having checked on occasion in the middle of the night (couldn't sleep), it appears that you guys worked extensively in the night hours. Major kudos, and thanks for the hard work @Zeus and @nostalgia [2]! Site looks really fresh.
  20. colorful人生

    I guess I'll add my Miitomo NFC as well (it only works to add the Mii in your collection to take pictures with.) (If you follow my defunct twitter or give me your twitter ID (that's connected to Miitomo) you can add me as a friend.)
  21. I love the guys to death, but imo they need to get away from that song structure/style that's persisted since Junketsu Piranha. That being said, it still sounds like a fun song, and I'll most likely be getting this release.
  22. colorful人生

    New Spice & Wolf (狼と香辛料) 10th Anniversary LN spoilers below. Pertaining to I.rias, that's one of the reasons why I had such difficulty listening to them (up until recently.) It's kinda neat at first, but the incongruity kinda kills the vibe after a while.
  23. colorful人生

    I.rias - 【benign error】 (This song is amazing...)
  24. colorful人生

    ... seurong I gotchu (I think?)
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