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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

    More time. (...and more munz)
  2. ♥ vistlip - As You Know. ♥

    1. Tetora


      Just put in cd for first time now. Like it so far.

    2. hiroki


      my favorite song off the mini too

    3. Tetora


      This release is nice and heavy, not sure what my favorite is yet. Just listened once but I like it a lot.

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  3. colorful人生

  4. colorful人生

    Life is very much worth it. While I can't put myself in your situation, I've dealt with those feelings before. Please talk to or message someone. Feel free to message me, and I'm sure there are individuals on here willing to help out as well. Things get better.
  5. colorful人生

    I try buying off of your site TWICE for this same item and I'm informed it magically became unavailable (after the full transaction & removal). Now you're telling me the price has somehow more than tripled in the past month? http://puresound.co.jp/user_data/sp_artist_product_detail.php?pid=101008044&aid=royz&bck=%2Fuser_data%2Fsp_used_product.php lol, this is what I get for not purchasing one of the last 6 or so copies that popped up. (Also, I think the recording is faulty >_>)
  6. colorful人生

    Already got those backstage passes tho
  7. colorful人生

    I'm a hoarder facing withdrawal symptoms mid-rehab and an absolute hype beast. I'm very much a shadow irl because I'm all over the place... I love all genres... I don't just listen to that "hollerin music" (Southern interpretation of any vein of hardcore metal stuffs)
  8. Get outta here ZAYN, vk was first with the unnecessary CAPiTALizatioNs. (That being said, I really like "iT's YoU")

    1. emmny


      kljlkjgk;algoEAOSL˚ OH MH GOD

  9. Still retaining that atmospheric/shoegaze-y/ambient style that I absolutely love. Pale Aqua, Predawn, and whatever has that end-bit are going to be my favorites.
  10. colorful人生

    New Shikisai Puzzle mini-album !
  11. colorful人生

    joke Hey there... Fixed it for ya...
  12. colorful人生

    Even though I've never watched FLCL (which I really should at this point), there was such a shitstorm on the internet when this news came out. Curious to see what happens.
  13. colorful人生

    Nooo... My leopard-hat kei.... I really liked them too...
  14. colorful人生

    Just "beat" Project Diva X. I was trying to go for a full completion, but I'd develop carpal tunnel continuing on the rate I was. Still a billion more things to unlock/complete, but I'm satisfied atm. Probably gonna go back to complete the other 2 on vita (Have them comp. on PS3 for eng. acc) Might go back and play pop'n music portable for psp.
  15. colorful人生

    Then there was that exclusive Shrodinger's Cat club, but I couldn't really tell if I was in it or not. (I can do this all day)
  16. colorful人生

    Tried getting into compactors, the responses were bone-crushing...
  17. colorful人生

    Try being in the John Cage fandom, the silence is unbearable.
  18. colorful人生

  19. colorful人生

    (JPN) PSN: colorfuljinsei1 Playing: Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f Taiko no Tatsujin V I just got a Vita not too long ago, so it's a tad lackluster rn (other than miku stuff)
  20. Waiting for 11 P.M to come by for PSN to update *rocks violently*

    1. Mihenno


      @Tetora & @colorfuljinsei: What are your PSN names?

    2. colorful人生



      (I'll go add mine to the thread as well)

    3. beni


      /o/ more MH PSN peeps, yash~

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  21. colorful人生

    I love this wayyy too much. While I'm a tad disappointed in the lack of new so- I welcome our new rabbit-people overlords.
  22. colorful人生

  23. Finding a ton of good music through Ebin gondola vids... I don't know how I feel about this.

  24. colorful人生

    I don't understand why my friend thinks BMTH sucks" soft". Love their latest album *shrugs*.
  25. colorful人生

    this is what my life has come to Found the original song. Love it.
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