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Everything posted by colorful人生


    1. Tetora


      They done did it.

  2. colorful人生

    CHISA DID YOU JUST TRY TO PULL A YO-SHIT w/ 甘美な嘘と退屈な薄紅....you deviant... I love you... That's my favorite track by far... jk, the whole mini-album is stellar (having listened to all of it at this point.)
  3. 12 A.M JST can't come soon enough... *stares at Itunes*

    1. Seimeisen


      I'm actually sorta looking forward to the new Royz album, too.

    2. Tetora


      Seimeisen gonna act tsundere like they aren't hugging a Subaru bodypillow as they type that before kissing their Subaru poster goodnight, brushing their teeth with their Royz toothbrush, and then feeling guilty as they change their phone alarm from Right Evil to Emotions, and falling asleep to dream of the new album's first edition bonus.

    3. colorful人生


      I dare dream to be a fan of that level. *eyes glimmer*

    4. Show next comments  156 more
  4. colorful人生

    when i'm out to battle
  5. Hikaru (ex-LUCHe.) is bae... So is Pitty (Morrigan)... In all seriousness, m!sa from "Story of Hope" is super cute. Notice me senpai...
  6. colorful人生

  7. colorful人生

  8. colorful人生

  9. colorful人生

    Well, found out what drunk me is like (via vodka and goldschlager...), and everyone thinks I'm hysterical (so that's a plus.) I don't care much for beer other than weird specialty stuff like "Not Your Father's Root Beer". Spent some time with my new pair of Mad Dogs... The tracks I listen to either sound phenomenal or like absolute garbage (mainly vk shite recordings.) (Once I get back to my dorm I'll do some comparisons with my ATH-M50s and do a bit of a side-by-side review on the main headphone thread.) It's pretty much v-shaped, analytical, and in-your-face v. spacious, separated, and "quick" (punchy, responsive bass and crisp but rolled off highs.) (m50s and dogs respectively)
  10. Came back from my spring break trip to a parking fine -_- ...

    1. Tetora


      Those jealous buggers.

  11. colorful人生

    adventus (sounds neat) Bonus: Vocals (My singing voice is Chisa-ranged, which is why I love playing DIV or Nexx songs on long trips.) (band chuuni is leaking, lol)
  12. colorful人生

    Got one of the last five pairs of Mr. Speakers Mad Dogs that were in stock (I was going to buy the Pros, but he doesn't make them anymore. I can upgrade to them later though) I also have a pint of Sapporo in one hand and Tempura Seaweed Chips in the other... Yay for being 21 *A*.
  13. colorful人生

    Here's mah cue, lol. Download TOR Browser: https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en Use these instructions: https://malwaretips.com/threads/how-to-change-ip-address-on-tor-browser-into-specific-country.27653/ to switch to any country that allows said video. (Preferably the closest one to you, but I have mine set to {JP} b/c UVERworld videos) Enjoy! If you are streaming and don't like the quality, use clipconverter.cc to download the video within TOR. This seems to be the best free option that I know of so far. I'm subscribed to a VPN, but that's mainly for personal security/anonymity. Dependent on your internet connection, your speeds may vary. --- Also, the #1 rule is... DON'T DOWNLOAD HOLA BY ANY MEANS. They exploit their users, and free VPNs & Proxy Services are typically shite anyways, esp. Chrome extensions. I use PIA which is like $40 USD a year (Although, idk if I wanna keep using a U.S based VPN, but it's been fine for me so far.)
  14. Oh god, everyone is saying "Damn, Daniel" to me b/c my white vans. MEMES STOPPP!!!! D:

    1. YuyoDrift


      Next thing you know, you'll be swatted.

    2. Mihenno


      Daaaaamn colorfuljinsei, back at it again with the white vans!!!!!!

  15. colorful人生

    This is a bit off topic but I did a post on bypassing this stuff. Download TOR Browser and follow these instructions: https://malwaretips.com/threads/how-to-change-ip-address-on-tor-browser-into-specific-country.27653/ Substituting {US} w/ {JP} or the nearest country that you can watch the vid from. PM me if you have any problems.
  16. colorful人生

    Little softer than what I imagined, but still pretty freakin awesome. Chill factor 10/10
  17. colorful人生

    I find this topic, to some extent, relatable as well. My current music library is roughly 14k songs, but It peaked at 22k at some point. Being such a completionist (to some extent I still am), I wanted to have every soundtrack, character song collection, etc. for whatever anime series/movie that I watched. Then during my senior year of HS a good friend of mine w/ similar interests jokingly challenged me to play the tracks on my Ipod on shuffle, some stupid soundtrack track came out and I had ZERO idea where it was from. We chuckled a bit before switching tracks, but in my head I came to the realization that I wasn't even familiar with half the tracks I even possessed. About a year or so later (out of laziness), I went ahead and purged 7,000 songs and that was that. Now that CD collecting is front-and-center as one of my hobbies, I've started chomping down at some of the "illegal" bits of my library. Also using Apple Music JP on the regular, it's very possible at this point for me to go entirely legal. Yet, my greatest fear is ~10 years from now if I become disinterested/dispassionate about the music I'm currently interested in... While I'm confident that I'm not fickle my music tastes, I have no clue what the future has in store.
  18. colorful人生

    Just spent the past two hours fixing my broken glasses with superglue + removing said superglue off the lenses. This is just after I healed up my sprained ankle that I got falling down the stairs doing laundry on Sunday. CLUMSY AF
  19. That slew of lyric references at the end though + throughout the song XD. (Io, small world order, etc) While I was expecting this to be a more vague/artsy type song (before listening to the PV), this is a lovely camaraderie track *sniff*.
  20. colorful人生

    -99 Yay, your turn Nagisa!
  21. colorful人生

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