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Status Updates posted by colorful人生

  1. In a weird twist-of-fate and lacking headphone jacks, I'm using my iPod Classic on a regular basis again. I miss the PMP days.

  2. It's that lovely cough-drop/lozenge & humidifier time of the year.

  3. lol, so TinyPic (and Photobucket) is down which basically hosts all the images I've put up on this forum. Hopefully they'll be back up...

    1. platy


      They go down often, won't be long 'till they pop back up.

  4. MH is back ;_; . I thought you were gone forever...

  5. Must.Catch.Them.All
    (Got a Horsea, Kakuna, and a Squirtle so far)

    1. togz


      I JUST downloaded it and only have my starter Pokemon right now. I chose Charmander.

    2. colorful人生


      Ok, got myself a Venonat and a Goldeen driving in circles. I hope the servers become less trafficky since it's been hard to load up the game D:.

    3. YuyoDrift


      fuck I almost got an eevee


    4. Show next comments  30 more
  6. nice to see the coming together of western & japanese artists over a.. r63 of bowser... and all the other nintendo characters... may god help us all...

    1. tetsu_sama69


      internet needs to simmer down just a bit

  7. non non biyori is a cute series 💙

  8. Now that you can remove the game whitelist, I kinda regret not picking up one of those $20 PlayStation TV refurbs back in 2015. Now they're selling for double/triple on ebay ;_;. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess...

  9. ppl need to accept that 2010s post-hardcore & crabcore are dead, just like other (micro)genres that have come and gone. just b/c bands adopt genre-fusion and/or give up the emo sweep & skinny jeans doesn't mean they're suddenly "radio-rock" sellouts, lol. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      I forgot Crabcore was even a thing. Nowadays it sounds like some sort of meme

    2. Tokage


      that emo sweep & skinny jeans shit isnt even 'og' post-hardcore sweaty ;) 

    3. colorful人生


      Yeah, I forgot about the earlier eras. I'll just refer to them as 2010s or "mainstream". 

  10. purple rain, purple rain

  11. R.I.P. Etika

    1. Alkaloid


      I never watched his videos, but the whole situation is really sad.

    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      holy shit...I saw some vague post about something going on a few days ago but I didn't look into it cause i thought it was just some "cancel" drama which I avoid...wow this really  fkn sucks...RIP man..your AoT vids brought me a lot of happy times alone

    3. lichtlune


      R.I.P wtf :( 

  12. RIP Stefán Karl Stefánsson (Robbie Rotten). He was number one *sad alto saxophone sounds*

    1. platy


      At least he went knowing many people cared about him. Rest in Peace. 

    2. Seelentau
    3. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      man this year sucks

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  13. Ripping hair out over just realizing the usefulness of MusicBrainz Picard... I HATE TAGGING MUSIC

    1. Chi


      Musicbee always auto tags shit for me when musicbrainz data is avaiable for that release. I dont think im gonna switch music players ever again lol

    2. colorful人生


      @cat It's just tagging software that will tag tracks using MusicBrainz' database. @seurong I also use MusicBee, but I like fixing tags prior to importing tracks. Picard has been helpful for a lot of the J-pop/Doujin Artists I've been importing recently *_*.... I wish I could say the same for VK tracks -_-

    3. inartistic


      The asshole in me will never agree with public databases, but I have to admit that's an awesome tool! Hadn't heard of it until now. You should tell everyone :P

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  14. Rub a Dubtrack : https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/monochrome-heaven_145247137777434
    Anything goes.

    1. Jun_


      I'm joining. 

  15. So long MEGA, hello DBREE~... At least for hosting files on MH. No dumb ads either.

    1. Abelcain


      Ok. Thank you 🙂

    2. DarkPaladin


      Can somebody update me, what happened with MEGA?

    3. colorful人生


      Nothing, lol. It was acting up yesterday, but I was just looking for "good" alternatives that don't have a storage cap. There are plenty of others but they're clunky. 


      DBREE has been popular w/ modding communities, etc. Prides itself on being minimal, etc. So I figured I start using it.


      I'll still use MEGA, but I'll keep it to stuff I want secure.

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  16. So... I have a gift card and it's U.S only. Someone with a U.S based rarez shop is gettin my munz.

    1. Biopanda


      *wink wink* we gotchu boi~

  17. Speaking to a niche crowd here, but if anyone likes the LEM or ネオン, 心音starry is on closetchild.

  18. Starting to warm up a bit to bands like Deviloof and DIMLIM. I'm used to their music from an instrumental standpoint w/ heavier metalcore on the edge of being deathcore-ish. The vocals are still really bizarre to me though (albeit impressive.)

    1. Mamo


      You can read my thoughts in the Deviloof artist topic.

    2. colorful人生


      Kaika and DIMLIM's Shochou prompted the change. I'm not too acquainted with/ the JP deathcore scene, but there are a handful of Western bands I like (Suicide Silence, Oceano, and others inc. Melodic Deathcore bands). This latest release by Deviloof has been really impressive, technically/musically. 

    3. colorful人生


      It's also nice to get out of my my "chill" music grotto every now and then. It's good workout music, haha.

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  19. super star is not bad on 1.5 and 2x speed. nightcore ver. pls

  20. those feels when you're off your A game and miss ultra-rarez 💀. Belated congrats to whoever got the Ray C stuff on Mercari.

    1. hiroki


      what was it?  o.0

    2. colorful人生




      That last CD ; ; . It was 2~3 months ago, but I haven't searched for zigzag stuff in a while :/. 

    3. hiroki


      fuckkk i wish i never saw this .____.

  21. TIL Fuma sings and has a YT channel... 10/10 Taste =P
    He's def. more suited for older songs, imo.

    1. Alkaloid


      His cover of Nirvana's Polly was really good!

  22. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - "Carol of the Bells" is my fucking jam, every single year. A close second is "Jingle all the Gay!", lol.

    1. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Right their concerts are always awesome.

  23. Well, someone went 88 mph. :P

  24. Well... Got the Android 9 (Pie) update...I already hate how it looks/functions. 😞

    1. マジゲイ誤算


      Really? I actually love the UI on it.

    2. Himeaimichu


      I haven't got the update yet. I doubt my phone even has the space for one, and every time I update it, the data and album art for my music gets fucked

    3. colorful人生


      Everything felt too rounded compared to my current setup, but when I switched back from my 3rd party launcher (Nova) to the Pixel Launcher I realized they implemented a ton of features that Android 9 needs to function "normally". I still think everything is still a bit too round, but I found it meshed well w/ the rest of the elements, compared to using Nova Launcher. The whole experience still feels very iPhone-ish which I still have to get used to. 


      I have some trivial gripes, like how when you pull the notification bar, another clock and different battery indicator pull down over it (It looks better w/ the dark theme (dark -> light elements from status bar -> setting bubbles), but I have light turned on.) The gesture ver. of the navigation bar is asymmetrical with a really small back button to the left but nothing on the right... etc. 


      I do like how they moved the volume popup and the swipe gestures. I've been using swipe gestures for years via different launchers, so implementing it to all of the Android experience is convenient.  



      1. Still getting used to the bubble design, since I never really liked it.
      2. At the moment you really have to stick with the stock launcher for everything to "work". Everything is very ergonomic, but I feel like I'm using a knockoff iPhone. I prefer having control over how my phone feels, hence why I used custom launchers.
      3. I'll have to design another KLWP theme to match the experience.
      4. There's def. some buuugs but they'll be fixed in time (og Pixel XL has lost the ability to fast charge.)


  25. when u accidentally type youtube.co and you're suddenly watching daddy yankee & miyavi vids in spanish. how did i get here

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