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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. Grabbed myself RE:7 for an awesome deal TIME TO GET SPOOOPY

  2. I'm finding myself becoming very angry and spiteful of late. Feelings of past rejections came back and other old wounds came open that I thought were long gone. Awesome.

  3. TFW the games are just right 2G5OTcc.jpg

  4. Sometimes I consider changing my name here but I've been with this one for so long it feels weird to let it go.

    1. fitear1590


      Just know that even if you change it, we're probably all still gonna call you tetsu ;)

    2. chemicalpictures


      I can totally relate to that. I have only two handlers around the web, it feels somewhat strange that only in MH I use a totally different one

    3. tetsu_sama69


      Honestly it's not even much of a name change lol it would just be tetsuya instead 

  5. Edgy pose is edgy but I'm here for the hype!
  6. Mmm, looking forward to my days off. It's supposed to rain and I get time to enjoy a new content patch on FF XIV :D

  7. mystical buttcheeks

    1. shiroihana


      massive boobs

  8. I have a very simple quest this year on MH. Get that real daddy Senior ORz title. tumblr_mc5w2lTdFC1r9nrs0.gif

  9. tetsu_sama69

    Versailles comeback isn't as strong as they hoped to get more people to need a bargain version so they're disbanding.
  10. wow nintendo that's really rough for a launch

    1. Tokage


      Mario Odyssey legit looks beautiful as hell

    2. chemicalpictures


      I'm really hoping for a kick ass virtual console for switch. Imagine all the possibilities they have at their hands! Then it will be my first Nintendo console since N64

    3. tetsu_sama69


      Yeah I can understand the hype for Zelda but is that really enough to drop $300+ on it because it doesn't come with the system along with the paid services. But like... 2 games on launch. That's pretty rough. I'm not saying their future releases are bullshit. Just what you're getting at launch seems really really bad especially with the price points for controllers. They seem to be really depending on 3rd party to sell them on this one so far and that's really not good. 

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  11. @itsukoiishit-kei 4 lyfe yo

    1. itsukoii


      shit kei over all kei


      shit kei will take over one day

    2. tetsu_sama69


      It already has... in your heart.

  12. Really nervous about how my plan for my end year list will go...

    1. ghost


      I'm crankin' on my EOY list as well XD I'm wondering if I can finish by the end of this week...

  13. every time i listen to Don't be Afraid it's RIGHT IN THE GOTDAMN FEELS

  14. tetsu_sama69

    This dank band is so amazing.
  15. tetsu_sama69

    I can chill on it while I game since I usually use it anyways to chat with random gaming buddies. I have no issues with voice chat and I'm quite talkative if there are other with similar interests there with me. I'll add the server later tonight when I get home from work. @Original SakuI'd help out with modding if you need a hand.
  16. Why do I like this image so much?


  17. tetsu_sama69

    Sounds pretty good. Hopefully the new members will break the chain of putting "remastered" versions of their Rail Tracer songs on their releases.

    1. PsychoΔelica
    2. returnal



  19. Possible super dicks out vee kay dub for new years Eve until midnight az time let me know if anyone wants in on that

  20. Taste the rainbow For a band with 20+ years of activity and plenty of hit singles along with great albums it's hard to pick an area to to focus on when it comes to the work of L'Arc~en~Ciel. They are my favorite band of all time and I thought it would be great to share some of the variety of music they've released throughout their career. This mainly focuses on the b-side tracks from the many singles they've released and these usually are not featured on albums either. There was a compilation album for re-mixes and P'UNK~EN~CIEL but those were from a few years back I thought I would share my favorites from their b-sides. P'UNK~EN~CIEL (2004 - 2012) P'UNK~EN~CIEL started in 2004 where members swap their traditional roles in the band to play "punk" versions of their songs. Instead of their typical line-up they change to tetsuya on vocals, hyde on guitar, yukihiro on bass, and ken on drums. It's definitely one of my favorite "alter ago" bands if you can call it that, mostly because my favorite member takes over on vocals and he's already a very outgoing, fun dude and it definitely shows when he takes over during lives. Originally they started the idea with their first line-up with original drummer Sakura with the name D'ARK~EN~CIEL but record label issues at the time prevented the single they were featured on to not be released until a much later date. First up on the thrill ride is the most classic of classics "DUNE" and it's a revamp that's a punch to the face of tasty pop-punk flair. The song already has a very memorable guitar riff that has a heavier twist to it in this particular version and gives it new life. It shows when the song reaches the guitar solo taking you a ride of it's own. "HONEY" is already a very energetic and upbeat song on it's own so throwing it into the P'UNK blender gave it an interesting result. It starts with a slower paced rhythmic dance through the verses that almost makes you think that this song is sticking to it's more melodic source. That is until it surprises you with a sucker punch of fast punk style delivery of the chorus that makes it difficult to not get up and mosh to or at least head-bang happily to at your desk... WHAT? DON'T JUDGE ME.... L'Acoustic (2011-Present) Instead of a role swap L'Acoustic is pretty much as it is shown, redone versions of previous tracks played with acoustic style. It began when they stopped P'UNK~EN~CIEL for a much different and smoother type of b-side. There aren't many tracks they've done in this style but I do like it a lot. It's some of their best lesser known songs in a really chill style. Some of them haven't been released on singles yet but they're still nice to hear from the live versions. "Kasou" is already a very chill song but the studio version has more a dark vibe to it given the funerary nature of the song. Making it a purely acoustic track seems to bring it more to life, making it feel like a song that could be played at a wake. It brings you closer to the emotions of loss that are sprinkled throughout the lyrics and instrumentals. The acoustic version of "I'm So Happy" gives it a very lounge vibe with very gentle instrumentals and vocals that sound very unclean. As you listen to it you almost feel as though it's being played in a smoky room with a soft jazz quartet playing a beautiful love song that touches everyone who listens to it. yukihiro remixes When yukihiro took over drums for the band in the latter half of their career he showed off his technical skill by making fantastic remixes of their releases. Most of the tracks have a very psychedelic feel to them but are sometimes the perfect mood setters. They're not entirely my cup of tea but if you're into trippy remixes/tencho/dub then these might interest you. B-sides (1991 - present) Sometimes there is no variation/remix track and instead a regular b-side track is featured like most releases from any band in circulation. Some of them are my favorite tracks and I feel they are special little gems hidden in the rough, especially bravery which is possibly my favorite song from their entire discography.
  21. Fuck you 2016 give me princess Leia back

    1. PsychoΔelica


      It's hard to keep up.

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