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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. tetsu_sama69

    Was majorly disrespected today and it was by a member of my own family. I don't really know how to swallow that shit but man does it taste bad.
  2. Watching that new RE 7 trailer... HYPE

    1. tetsu_sama69


      I hope it is random that would be amazing. I had a nostalgia attack to the first game when they showed that room with the stairs. The hype is real.

    2. nekkichi


      re1/re2 (oh god nightmares forever) fucked my childhood up so badly back in the day, this thing comes very close so far. I'm hyped but also really way too old for survival horror.

    3. tetsu_sama69


      The nightmares were totally worth it.

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  3. Interesting line up but so far that preview was extremely underwhelming and very generic sounding.
  4. tetsu_sama69

    Of course we don't know all of the details. I know what artists go through but to make a choice like this shows there must be something pretty bad going on. I'm a long time fan and a decision like this seems very sudden and desperate considering the band's overall success and history. So don't go pointing fingers at certain people in this thread because you feel obligated for some reason to do such a thing. It's okay to defend a band for your own personal reasons but don't go and shit disturb and learn to take a joke. That's my final say on that and I'm quite interested in seeing who ends up aquiring the rights.
  5. tetsu_sama69

    LOLOLOL WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW How much deep shit do you have to be in to be this desperate! Dude, you have like 12 side projects/solo work. Deeply disappointed by this... though does that mean MH should try to win the rights?!?!?!?
  6. Not really weird at all considering this isn't their first collab with Capcom. The tech is really awesome as well and I can't wait to see how well it actually works. And fuck, it's a new song and it sounds pretty damn good.
  7. tetsu_sama69

    I feel bad for them. Because they're not getting the attention they deserve because they're not with the scene. It's painfully sad to see someone lose motivation because they don't feel they can go anywhere.
  8. tetsu_sama69

    goddammit where am i gonna get my batshit kei from
  9. tetsu_sama69

    Been following them for a long time but the recent lack of activity made me worried and now I have the answer.
  10. Thank you everyone! Will be checking out most of the suggestions, especially the ones I haven't heard yet!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Glad you'll be giving Meghan Trainor a shot!

  11. -kicks the door down- HIT ME WITH A REALLY AWESOME NON-VISUAL BAND!!

    1. Tokage


      listen to Backdrop Cinderella, they're good (or used to be at least, lol)

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


      +1 for Backdrop. Basically merry w/o makeup and no adhd medication



    3. IGM_Oficial
    4. Show next comments  72 more
  12. tetsu_sama69

  13. tetsu_sama69

    Nice shit right there. Someone please tell their vocalist he looks great with his hair back as well!
  14. tetsu_sama69

    Currently playing the new World of Warcraft expansion Legion, it feels great to get back into it for so long since they fixed so much that they had done wrong. Also playing Doom & Destiny on my mobile along with Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and Deadman's Cross.
  15. tetsu_sama69

    Wait a minute... slow down now. Should anyone really be touching this?
  16. Time to watch some great shooters and all around great gaming streams! https://www.twitch.tv/maximilian_dood

  17. tetsu_sama69

    Shout out to all the ORZ members for doing awesome!
  18. Do you think they'll be disbanded due to "musical differences" before they even announce the members?
  19. tetsu_sama69

    Well now this is a treat. My two favorite members from Zillapark as well~
  20. tetsu_sama69

    all dat photoshop tho
  21. I'm pretty sure as I was reading this my pants flew right off in pure anticipation of how fucking awesome this will most likely be.
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