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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. Just busted out a 15 hour day. What is my life...

    1. Atreides


      I know that feeling all too well. The soul grinder is real.

  2. How do I even survive this week? Thankfully it's the last day....

  3. tetsu_sama69

    What the fuck?! Y'all had the potential to be the next fresh big vk band. Why throw it away?
  4. got caught up only to get behind with a 40+ hour work schedule... happy holidays?

  5. Realizing that I'll always be the outsider is an interesting yet terrible feeling.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Welcome to the club.

  6. I'm gonna pray for you and your favs @hiroki

  7. And we're back to FFXIV again... damn I missed this.

  8. tetsu_sama69

    His first album was pretty fucking banger so I'm hyped for this.
  9. Played a FF XIV D&D game last night. I was a blast!

  10. tetsu_sama69

    Where the hell am I supposed to get my batshit oshare kei from now?
  11. I could understand this with the band probably not feeling the same without Riku. Will be interesting to see where they go.
  12. Why tho the band is doing so well!
  13. tetsu_sama69

    I have severe allergies going on, stomach flu decided to chip in randomly, my brother got himself kicked out of my apartment complex because he's a moron, and now my favorite chair broke.... please leave me alone....
  14. Holy shit black friday weekend + allergies from hell! please send help!

    1. CAT5


      ugh, I've fallen a bit ill myself. Take care, tetsu!

  15. I made it through this hellish holiday shopping and I am needing all the rest.

    1. beni


      I hope you manage to get plenty of time to yourself now!

  16. ;_; no day off until friday

    1. doombox


      Stay strong!! :( 

  17. Beyond tired from today and I'll be back at it tomorrow.

  18. happy b-day panda and licht!

  19. Really want to do a different kind of project before the end of the year... something with a voice recording...

  20. i'm so damn tired...

  21. just barely scratching the surface of my 60+ hour work week

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