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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. tetsu_sama69

    I don't know why I'm afraid to gush about my favorite band. Because lowkey I love them lots and i'm a fan 4 lyfe but I'm just worried that there will be CONCERNS about my sanity. IDK MANG
  2. tetsu_sama69

    I can hear the money slowly disappearing.
  3. tetsu_sama69

  4. tetsu_sama69

    Genki banana army comfirmed
  5. tetsu_sama69

  6. inb4 "must sell all tickets/must have certain number of people show to live or disbandment"
  7. I was just watching that post... man... now all the fun is gone. Make a gimmick awesome fun band and take out the gimmick fun part...
  8. My exact physical and mental state


  9. tetsu_sama69

  10. tetsu_sama69

  11. Please join us this month on recommended tracks! We love guest reviews!

    1. tetsu_sama69


      Just contact one of the red named reviewers and let them know you'd like to submit. Doombox, fitear, or Zeus are who you can contact.

    2. Ada Suilen
    3. fitear1590


      :D Great recruiting, tetsu!

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  12. I hope we can have a great guest review join us this month!

  13. All of this here and so much more.
  14. tetsu_sama69

    I went to work and came back to read more of this thread. Surprising how many people just can't understand why this decision was made despite the mods clearly explaining. Just let things go. Move on as humans or continue to post here and provide more entertainment. I do hope people feel more motivated to post the news now that it's a free environment to do so.
  15. tetsu_sama69

    Sad to see @Trombego and I wish him the best in the future but rules are rules and no one is exempt from them. I'm sure the community will be able to move on from this and if he returns then great if not I'm sure as a whole we can figure other sources out for news.
  16. I wonder what artists he will help produce with his studio...
  17. tetsu_sama69

  18. tetsu_sama69

    They're not too bad but for some reason I am getting DELACROIX vibes from them.
  19. tetsu_sama69

    Things to watch when you need to smile
  20. tetsu_sama69

    Some days I really feel like this is my life.
  21. tetsu_sama69

    Physical pain is going to check servers and they're just fucking broken all day. I gotta evolve my trash for extra exp.
  22. tetsu_sama69

    Hopefully they'll reform into a much stronger band because that seems to be a trend these days.
  23. tetsu_sama69

    Over the weekend when I was hanging out at a great park (off of 35th ave and pinnacle peak in case there are any AZ trainers this park is also known as "Charmander Park") and we were talking in the car before leaving and we watched a dude smash into a light pole. Don't pokemon and drive. You'll smash all your windows and ruin your friends pokenights because you're an idiot. Also I have a nice group of people at work who are part of Team Valor because our work uniform is red. It just kinda fit into place.
  24. That moment when you find something that makes you so happy yet you just get the sads...

    1. -NOVA-


      like finding a Dragonite in pokemon go and your game freezes 

    2. Gaz


      ^ yeah, that is a wrist cutting situation :/ 

    3. tetsu_sama69


      I've had a number of moments where the nice awesome pokemon show up and all my friends with me catch it but there I am just staring at my frozen screen and or it just ain't happening. 

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