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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. tetsu_sama69

    This is sad to hear for sure. I thought they were really getting their creative juices flowing but perhaps they've all grown so much as musicians that they simply don't feel they can keep going in a direction that they can agree on for the future. I wish the best for all of them and hope to see where they go afterwards.
  2. tetsu_sama69

    The world of vk and it's ever revolving doors. This is the life and how it is though. This one doesn't surprise me though. It didn't feel like something any of them were taking that seriously.
  3. Time to see what will be reborn from the ashes...

    1. doombox


      I'm hoping we get at least one Frankenstein monster band out of this. Too many great musicians to just disappear. ;;

  4. this entire line-up..... completely amazing!
  5. enter the gungeon is kicking my ass in all the right ways

  6. fuuuuuccccckkk... but at least now their releases will be much easier to come by.
  7. It may be a shorter album but he always puts lots into his work. I can't wait to see how this one turns out.
  8. And I got my blurbs done and YOU DONE DO THIS SEIMEI WHY

  9. Vacation week so far has been terrible... Been sick and then money problems made things fall through...

    1. -NOVA-


      Awww im sorry to hear that tetsu :(

      Things will get better dont you worry <3 

    2. tetsu_sama69


      I'm going to try to be positive. Really am going to try.

    3. freesia


      Good luck to you. *sends positive vibes*

  10. I don't know why I'm very interested in this band.... ever since I first heard them. I'm digging this so good though.
  11. Ryo should definitely make an album of all his covers because they are amazing!

  12. Happy Birthday JRD!

  13. Leave it to ensoku to do alice in wonderland-style done right. This sounds pretty fucking tasty.
  14. Definitely on the hype train for this even if it's one day. Dat new version is probably gonna be pretty amazing especially since Sou has his baby back even if it's one night.
  15. Got my vacation time! Hold onto your asses ass-holders there's gonna be some fun shit going down!

    1. Tetora


      Nice; also cool bg pic.

  16. I must live again!

  17. Tweaked my back really bad a couple days ago. Went to the doctor and now I have to be really careful. I dislike getting older....

  18. Damn, they were pretty good.
  19. Mmm, loving that preview a whole lot!
  20. it ate all my friends... otherwise I like the new setup here!

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Now I'm probably gonna get far less likes than I could for any stupid status I posted :P 

  21. tetsu_sama69

    Interesting... I'll wait to see what they sound like.
  22. tetsu_sama69

    I wasn't ready for the covers holy shit
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