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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. Let's see if I can get in some music time during my days off...

  2. I love that their having a memorial event... also RAY!!!
  3. Just trying to figure out why I feel so discouraged lately...

    1. CAT5


      hang in there, tetsu :hug:

  4. That's a pretty serious line-up... let's see what comes from this.
  5. Tonight at around 8pm or so AZ time will be do the thing~

  6. tetsu_sama69

    I didn't know I wanted this until I saw this.
  7. I think these guys are hoping for a lot more hype than they know they're going to get with this one....
  8. FUCK that was good. Just some damn good solid music.
  9. tetsu_sama69

    Sad day when people can teach kids how to gamble and get no punishments for it.
  10. tetsu_sama69

    my body is ready for more from morrie
  11. I have a lot of fun with people in dub perhaps a regular friday/saturday night from my room might be a thing. Not sure yet.

    1. Atreides


      Well, whatever you decide you'll see me around. I have nothing better going on anyway ^^

  12. rip in pepperonis dub hopefully will be back to it on my birthday

    1. Atreides


      I just rejoined, did the client crap out for you too?

  13. I have so much music to catch up on... 

    1. CAT5


      September was a BEAST!!!

    2. tetsu_sama69


      it really was. maybe it's a good thing i was on a small break!

  14. tetsu_sama69

    Definitely be adding more to this list but a couple right off the top of my head are... Codomo Dragon - Right Evil VAMPS - Love Addict tetsu69 - Shinkirou
  15. That's it. We've reached the point of completion. THE MYSTERY is indeed a mystery.
  16. Things have calmed down a bit... hopefully it will settle down for good.

    1. beni


      Take care of yourself! I hope you're doing well.

  17. tetsu_sama69

    The purest and nicest music fan
  18. Feels amazing to be a little part of a $9100 fund to help a family who has lost their mother. good job doods.

  19. A bit of Phobia just makes everything feel a whole lot better!

  20. tetsu_sama69

    It's such a mess... I love it so far!
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