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Status Updates posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. hype for ff xii the zodiac age

    1. Spectralion



    2. Tetora


      Actually wasn't aware. I heard about the chest thing after the first time I played. I don't read guides or anything so had no idea about nothing. Same with Dark Souls 3 my boys tell me I goofed up tons of storylines. 

    3. orange~


      I'm really excited for this, never really played the original past the opening. even though it seems to be everything I'd want from FF

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  2. I am living entirely off the amount of salt in some of these threads.

  3. I believe Monster Hunter World is my life now

    1. rekzer


      I got bored of it after 100 hours as there is barely any end game content. But i will play the hell out of Generations Ultimate once it's released 

  4. I can't believe how mad I got at work today...

  5. I finally got a job!

    1. inartistic



    2. fruitfork



    3. Alyx A

      Alyx A

      Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your new job and receive a fair wage! 😊

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  6. I got my new job! I start on the 7th!

  7. I got promoted somehow at work today and I'm not sure what to do with this information.

    1. ShanethVarosa


      Start spending your promotion money before it is earned, like I did. 

  8. I got two teeth pulled today... everything hurts...

    1. Bear


      Did you get any anesthesia? I once pulled a tooth without any anesthesia because my idiot dentist couldn't work shit out. Stupidest cunt I've ever met.


      Started to pull it out but as soon as I made a sound due to the pain she stopped pulling and the tooth kinda went back down in its "socket". Then she pulled again, stopped pulling when I made a sound. She kept doing this for another two times until I told the stupid cunt to just pull it the fuck out no matter what kind of sound I made. Went surprisingly well after that, and I got her to just use brute force to get the fucker out of my mouth.


      Other than that tho, never experience any pain after the tooth was gone. Have pulled three.


      You'll be fine any moment tho. :)

    2. itsukoii


      ^ lol wow


      but yeah i've actually had four of mine pulled, and all went well. i didn't need stitches, that's probably why. my mom on the other hand needed them, and so it's been a bit more uncomfortable for her

    3. tetsu_sama69


      yeah i got stitches.... 

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  9. I grew up here and 118 feels fucking inhuman

  10. I have a lot of fun with people in dub perhaps a regular friday/saturday night from my room might be a thing. Not sure yet.

    1. Atreides


      Well, whatever you decide you'll see me around. I have nothing better going on anyway ^^

  11. I have a very simple quest this year on MH. Get that real daddy Senior ORz title. tumblr_mc5w2lTdFC1r9nrs0.gif

  12. I have root canal today. feels weird as hell

    1. Zeus


      i just had a gum graft i feel u

  13. I have so much music to catch up on... 

    1. CAT5


      September was a BEAST!!!

    2. tetsu_sama69


      it really was. maybe it's a good thing i was on a small break!

  14. I hope we can have a great guest review join us this month!

  15. I made it through this hellish holiday shopping and I am needing all the rest.

    1. beni


      I hope you manage to get plenty of time to yourself now!

  16. I might be starting a new job on Monday! I'm super hyped!

    1. Mamo


      Good luck

    2. Himeaimichu


      I hope your new job will be much more enjoyable!

  17. I must live again!

  18. I thrive on this wave of upset

  19. I want this flu to go away. I'm so tired of the body aches.

    1. Gesu


      Get well soon :(

    2. Mihenno


      I'm sick too!!! X_X

    3. yomii
  20. I worked 20 hours on black friday and then a 14 hour on Saturday. I kinda wanna curl up in a ball and scream.

    1. itsukoii


      you worked TWENTY HOURS on black friday?? how are you not DEAD

    2. tetsu_sama69


      I am dead inside.

    3. qotka


      is that even legal??

  21. I'm either too tired for anything lately or I'm sick. There is no inbetween.

    1. Mamo


      hope you feel better

  22. I'm finding myself becoming very angry and spiteful of late. Feelings of past rejections came back and other old wounds came open that I thought were long gone. Awesome.

  23. I'm gonna pray for you and your favs @hiroki

  24. i'm so damn tired...

  25. I've been so tired and sick of late it's driving me crazy....

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