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Posts posted by peffy

  1. Thanks @Original Saku for showcasing Aragami, this is the first time I've heard of it. I love the way it looks, and the music is pretty nice too. My concern is that I'm not super into "stealth" games.. the most stealth I've played is Assassin's Creed, and those games are usually really forgiving and just let me murder everybody easily if I fuck it up. I don't think I have enough patience for "stealth" but .. definitely will keep an eye on Aragami.


    Also will be considering Vampyr. I really loved Life is Strange, and although this is a totally different type of game, I've loved vampires since the days when I watched Buffy...( holy shit, that was almost 20 years ago... o_o ) ... ( but don't mistake me for Twilight fan, blegh )  I really hope Dontnod pulls it off. .. I wonder if eating EVERYBODY is an option. hehe.


    As for Gravity Rush 2... I got the first game on Vita thanks to PS+ .. one day I will actually try it out... one day.................

  2. @Scarlet Obsidian

    Couple of questions about Suteneko



    I think this should be 早く堕ちるとこ



    The end of this line should be 今何思うの 


    Otherwise, great job (with the kanji at least, I didn't look at your romaji) :) 

    I will be double checking all the kanji once I get my CDs in, will let you know if I see any other mistakes

  3. 19 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:

    sorry peffy :(


    No need to apologize!

    I saw what I perceived to be inaccurate statements presented as facts, and felt the need to offer...... a different perspective.

    I might have sounded too harsh though, so it is I who should apologize.


    19 hours ago, Original Saku said:

    I still stand by the statement that game journalism is no where near as passionate and genuine as it was 10-15 years ago, that's just the truth... I can see it when I read reviews from back then and reviews from today or hell not even just reviews just journalism in general.


    I'll have to take your word for that. I was barely playing any games 10-15 years ago, let alone reading about them. I *HAVE* seen a few long-form articles about the industry recently that were really interesting and well-written, though. Patrick Klepek and Jason Schreier (both currently at Kotaku) are the two shining examples that are usually mentioned.


    I've been burned so many times by buying games based solely on good reviews or general internet HYPE that I no longer trust anyone else's opinion. My gaming tastes appear to be very different from most reviewers. The best purchasing advice I get is from raw gameplay videos, demos, and general information like "how difficult is it" or "are Japanese voices included".


    17 hours ago, ghost said:

    Sometimes people want to have opinions about a trendy topic so they can talk about it, but it's just easier to jump on the hype train than to put in the time into something to form their own opinions. I think those kinds of people are also likely to be cheap consumers who don't want to pay for the game.


     I feel like most of them are children with no money. Or perhaps, adults with the minds of children. They just want to be part of the zeitgeist, or some kind of social media mob. The internet has given them too much power to speak.

  4. 2 hours ago, Original Saku said:

    It is widely known that a lot of these sites get sponsor money and "review" money from companies to make their shit look good, and if that's not the case most video game journalists (the big sites mostly) these days don't even care about video games and it's just more a paycheck to them or a thing that they have to do for their job. ... the best reviews out there are from the consumer who don't have a stake in the review... I always go to you tube and check out impressions and opinions from many different people in the fandom before I even think of checking IGN or Gamespot


    I am aware that this USED to happen. Famitsu is a famous example. Another is Jeff Gerstmann, who was fired by Gamespot in 2007 for giving a somewhat-negative review to a game that was heavily advertised on that site. He went on to co-found Giant Bomb, which has been rather outspoken about not letting ad money or relationships with industry people dictate their review scores & opinions. According to him, the culture around that kind of stuff has largely changed since then. And a couple of years back, some people noticed that the big sites were starting to use "the whole review scale" and giving lower scores than they used to.


    Let's take a look at a recent, 'mediocre' example. Mirror's Edge Catalyst. If any publisher was going to pay for good reviews, it'd be EA, right? 

    Destructoid - 85

    PC Gamer - 78

    Gamespot - 70

    IGN - 68

    Game Informer - 65

    EGM - 60

    Eurogamer - no score, but a clearly mixed review


    Maybe EA should get a refund. There are plenty of examples of AAA games getting universally bad/mixed reviews. And when the majority of them give high scores to a game, the gaming community tends to agree. Recent examples - Uncharted 4, Overwatch, Witcher 3. So, sorry, I don't believe journalists are currently getting paid off to write glowing reviews.


    I personally don't even read reviews. I mostly skim through gameplay videos before I make a purchase decision. I'm only defending the reviewers because of what I have heard about the industry. I read gaming forums and listen to gaming-related podcasts, mainly from Giant Bomb and Kinda Funny, sometimes featuring a few Gamespot people, more than I actually play games. I hear plenty of "passion" in their voices. I know, from their histories, that they wanted to be 'game journalists' since they were teenagers. Some of them have been doing it for 15-20 years. I've heard nothing to suggest that these guys, at least, don't care about games and only want paychecks. (Of course, it is entirely possible that some people from other sites think this way, I cannot vouch for all of them.)


    I do agree that legit reviews/comments from consumers can be very helpful, perhaps even moreso than the major sites. However, there are a lot of biased opinions (which could be obvious or hidden), and most of all, a lot of people who clearly never even played the game just giving it 10s or 0s. This is why I said MetaCritic User Reviews are 99% trash. To me, it's not worth wading through all that shit.


    If you disagree with anything I just wrote, we'll probably never agree, so I'm going to leave it at that. I've spent too much time on this and I have no wish to derail this thread any further.


  5. 6 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:

    I've read the reviews on MC, and people who funded the game should have known full well how KS works (this is a large majority of the commenters). All I am reading is them whine about how their money was not well invested, and in turn, made them sour and not appreciate the effort devs put into the game. Shocker.


    Ok.. so I clicked through to a few of the actual reviews from major websites and not a single one of them mentioned the Kickstarter campaign(s) in the review.....?  You seem to be reacting to non-reviewers comments on the game. Or the user reviews, and everyone SHOULD know those are 99% trash.


    6 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Well seeing as a lot of their profit is from click bait articles, I am gonna assume the latter. Websites as big as them thrive on it. Often, their articles stick to the game itself, so I'm not bashing these websites. Just the sheep that follow their every word like a religion, and don't give games a chance.


    Your stance on this clickbait review thing is puzzling to me. When nearly every site is agreeing with each other and giving the game a score in the same range, that is not clickbait. No one's gonna click on one specific 6/10 review when every other review is 6/10. For example, if some site had given Uncharted 4 a 1/10 while every other site gave it 9/10 or 10/10, I MIGHT consider that a clickbait review score, IF they did not have any good reasons for it.


    And I fail to see what the "sheep" have to do with the reviews themselves. You have every right to be angry that a lot of people will take one look at Gamespot's 5/10 score and decide they don't want to bother touching the game, but that doesn't make it Gamespot's fault, and that doesn't mean Gamespot's review is unfair, biased, or clickbait.


    You seem to be angrier at internet trolls than at reviewers. If that's the case, I don't know why you mentioned reviewers in your post at all.

  6. 1 hour ago, YuyoDrift said:

    Just played 2 hours worth of Mighty No. 9, and coming from a long time MegaMan fanboi, this was not a failure of a game as everyone has been led to believe. I knew the hotshot reviewers on the internet were fishing for attention.


    On the contrary, it appears that the reviewers were right. I had summarized the reviews as "If you're a die-hard Mega Man fan, you might like this." You appear to be a die-hard Mega Man fan, and, big surprise, you like it. So far, anyway.


    Reviewers can (or should) only give their honest opinion of their personal experience with a game. Every person has different opinions. Just because you do not agree with the reviewers does not mean they were "fishing for attention".


    By the way, 16/22 reviews on MetaCritic gave it a "mediocre" score, in the range of 50-70. They were not calling it a "failure". I know the internet likes to pretend anything below 90 is total shit, but let's be real here.

  7. 9 hours ago, Bear said:

    I think my biggest complaint for the season is the lack of Tywin Lannister, and the lack of Tywin, Tyrion, Cersei, Varys, Littlefinger and co. sitting around a table and talking.


    Agreed. I did touch on this back when episode 1 aired and Roose got killed. The political scheming was one of the most interesting aspects of the show, but all the best schemers have been separated or killed and it's had a negative impact on the show, IMO. You could say the High Sparrow vs Cersei/Olenna/Margaery has replaced it, but I find that whole subplot extremely off-putting. I've been anticipating the gruesome deaths of the Sparrows all season (shout out to the Mountain ripping a Sparrow's head off), and will be super pissed if they survive the season finale. I am even willing to sacrifice Cersei, my 2nd favourite character, to get rid of them.

  8. ohhhh dude


    You can create a female character in the new South Park!! HYPE!


    It didn't bother me much in Stick of Truth, because they basically had cross-dressing options, so I just pretended I was a girl pretending to be a boy dressed as a girl. But for this game, it sounds like characters will react to you differently based on your gender. That could be cool! OR that could be supremely offensive to me but I will probably love it! Might do two playthroughs if the game is great.. one as a boy, one as a girl.

  9. 9 hours ago, Bear said:

    Very surprised anyone would multitask when watching Game of Thrones, or anything at all, to be quite honest. If anyone came into my house and picked up their phone/tablet/whatever the fuck during a film/episode without it ringing I'd stop the film/series, throw 'em the fuck out and continue watching it alone. That's like blasphemy to me.


    LOL yeah, if I was watching with other people I absolutely would not multitask. But I always watch GoT alone. 

    Besides, I probably have some undiagnosed form of ADD. I usually have some sort of English-language video running on my second monitor while I'm working on lyrics, because if I'm only focusing on one of those things, I get bored or feel like I'm wasting time. And I'm not a film/TV enthusiast like you clearly are =p


    2 hours ago, doombox said:

    I really want to see Kivara, Melisandre, and possibly Thoros meet. They all have a different champion so it will be wild! 


    +1 !!!!





    6 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    On the other hand, Jon's character hasn't developed much at all. His revival has been wayyyy too smooth. He comes back and all he experiences is a little, initial disorientation? bleh.

    Yep, I expected a LOT more to come out of Jon's resurrection, and have been sorely disappointed on that front so far. Still, it's possible it will come into play later on.


    6 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    It was great to finally see Ramsay meet his maker, and in the most ironic way possible. Call me sadistic, but his death still wasn't satisfying enough for enduring 3 seasons of his smug sickness! XD


    Sure, would've been nice to spend 4 episodes torturing him, chopping his dick off, flaying him slowly, feeding his fingers to the dogs one at time, etc. But I don't think we'd want to see the Starks stoop to his level. Letting his beloved hounds eat him alive was a nice compromise.



  10. (back on topic)

    I'm still inching my way through Yakuza 0. I'm only on chapter 4 (out of 11, I think) after ~25 hours.. so many sidequests lol. Chapter 4 is the 2nd chapter featuring Majima, and it's set in Osaka, so the Kansai dialect is messing with my reading ability. Can still make out what's going on, generally, anyway.


    Actually starting to have a little trouble with the combat.. for some reason, in this chapter the enemies suddenly started attacking me non-stop (as in punching and kicking me), and they knock Majima down very easily. Super annoying, especially when 3 of them corner me and break through my blocking. I even dropped the difficulty down from Normal to Easy, but it didn't affect their attack speed. Don't know if I'm doing something wrong. Had to change my playstyle to "super cautious" and just dodge nonstop until I can get one guy to separate from the group. It's not what I consider a fun way to play.



    In Shovel Knight, I made my way through what I think is the final dungeon, despite what I consider an excessive amount of "bullshit platforming". But I was super hyped to take down the Sorceress. Only to find out that I have to get through a boss rush first. Totally killed my hype. On my first try, I died at Polar Knight after forgetting he creates spike traps, and then didn't feel like trying again. That was a few days ago. I'll probably try again when.. IF.. I feel like it. Maybe. 

  11. episode 9 thoughts



    - Jon's got some thick-ass plot armour. It was kind of funny how often he avoided injury/death. Like somehow not getting immediately cut down when he faced the entire cavalry charge by himself, or avoiding every arrow in multiple volleys, or when a dude was charging at him from behind and another guy smashed the first dude at the last second..

    - Which is not to say I didn't actually feel nervous for Jon throughout the battle. The scenes where he (stupidly) charged in by himself, and when he was being trampled (though I don't know how he didn't get seriously hurt during that), and when the shield guys circled his army, and even at the end when he was bashing Ramsay's face.. I was worried that while he was looking at Sansa, Ramsay would pull out some hidden knife and stab him.

    - Lol @ the "White Gandalf" eleventh hour save by Littlefinger. I don't quite understand why Sansa kept her meetings/letters to Littlefinger a secret from Jon, I hope she will explain herself.

    - Lol @ Rickon. Poor kid.

    - RIP Wun Wun. :(  I have to ask why he never made a giant weapon for himself. Like, how funny would it've been if he had a huge hammer and just knocked away 30 soldiers in one blow?

    - Ramsay's death was perfect. Very pleased by that.

    - Where the hell was Ghost?

    - Relieved that Tormund and Davos survived. Eagerly anticipating Davos confronting Melisandre.


    - Surprisingly, I liked Dany's scenes. Despite the dragons being totally OP. Her conversation with Yara was very nice.

    - Loved the part where Grey Worm cut the 2 guys' throats in one swipe.


    - The entire episode was beautifully filmed. They did a great job of portraying the chaos and brutality of a medieval cavalry+archers+foot soldiers battle. One of the few times where I actually stopped multitasking and stared at the whole episode in awe.



  12. I got numetal to send me the pictures, too.

    You did quite a good job with this, considering how blurry some of the photos are. But I will give you these corrections.

    Some things are important, like incorrect kanji.. some things are very minor.



    ぐるぐる should be ぐらぐら

    路地里 should be 路地裏  (this appears twice in the song)



    日替り should be 日替わり

    飽きたらボイ should be 飽きたらポイ (BOI -> POI) It is hard to tell from the photo, but based on the meaning, POI makes more sense. POI is sort of slang for "throwing something away carelessly".. so 飽きたらポイ means "throw it away when you're bored of it"



    奇を街うことで奇を街えない庭つきたゴミ 庭つきたゴミ should be 奇を衒うことで奇を衒えない底つきたゴミ 底つきたゴミ (VERY hard to see in the photo, but 奇を衒う/ki o terau is an expression meaning "to display one's own eccentricity", and you can hear him say 底/soko, not 庭/niwa)



    それから叫ぶ should be そこから叫ぶ


    imitation hero.

    差出し入うろ覚えの should be 差出し人うろ覚えの  (差出し人/sashidashinin means "sender")



    As always, if anyone is interested in the romaji (or the corrected kanji), it is available here:


  13. 1 hour ago, YuyoDrift said:


    So someone please tell me Mighty No. 9 is not as bad as the reviews are saying....... ANYONE?!?!??


    I haven't watched any game play, and won't until my copy arrives in the mail and I play it for myself.



    The review excerpts I have skimmed over all seem to say that "if you're a die-hard megaman fan, you might like this, kind of, maybe"

    Good luck

  14. Absolutely 100% D'espairsRay


    They were the second VK band (or, the first with male vocals) that I absolutely fell in love with, and were basically my gateway drug into VK as a whole. This was in early 2010 when they released LOVE IS DEAD, which I found amusing due to the obvious similarities to "You Spin Me Right Round". So I dug into their back catalogue and became completely obsessed. I even saw them live that year, only to be totally devastated shortly afterward when they announced Hizumi's illness and their disbandment.


    I framed the poster they signed for me and put it next to my bed. :miss-bone-33:

  15. I very much appreciate that you typed them out instead of dumping the scans on me :D I'm sure it looks horrifying..

    Thanks again <3





    Could you please check these things..

    Track 1


    In the first chorus, the line それまで見て見ぬか .. I don't hear the か

    The last line of the second chorus, ー僕は人ではなくあなったー , I think the あ  is a typo?


    Track 2

    In the second chorus, pls check the line やわらかお肉にワイン .. he sings "やわらかお肉" and then something else

    In the second-last line, check the kanji for 指肪.. could it be 脂肪 ?


    Track 3

    In the line あー嘘言癖者なの嫌い。,  could it be 虚言癖 ?





    Edit 2:

    Never mind, someone just sent me the scans, lol

    I was right about all the stuff mentioned above, plus there are a few other minor errors... and you missed a line from the 3rd song.


    Posted all kanji & romaji here http://hiphopvomit.blogspot.com/2015/01/index-kuroyuri-to-kage.html

  16. 3 minutes ago, Original Saku said:

    Yes true but you also have to think not everyone has Windows 10 nor wants it (like me). I think the amount of money they would make from steam from people on older OS would offset the cut that valve takes honestly.


    It's probably also part of Microsoft's wider push to make the whole world upgrade to Windows 10. 

    It's like how Nintendo refuses to put their games on other platforms. "You wanna play Mario Kart 8? Too bad, give us money for a Wii U." Never mind that they could potentially sell millions more copies if they went multi-platform.

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