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Posts posted by peffy

  1. 8 hours ago, paradoxal said:

    I just noticed that the profile panel looks a bit messed up:




    Looks the same for me. (I'm also using Chrome)

    How did you not notice it before o-o  It's been bothering me since DAY ONE

    But I didn't think it was important so I didn't mention it.

  2. general show complaints


    (episode 1 spoilers)



    - I have never found Daenerys to be that interesting. She's using up a looooot of screen time hanging around Dothraki/desert cities, I really hope her story pays off in the end.

    - Arya has been "training" a lot, I hope this blind combat training doesn't take too long. She just had that awesome Meryn Trant murder scene, but now she's kinda back to square one..

    - The entire Dorne storyline seems to be so poorly handled. The Sand Snakes' acting and dialogue has been crap. It's kind of crazy that Doran and Areo got killed after getting so little screen time. Could've been cool to see actual fight scenes with Areo & Trystane, but no, they just get one-shot killed. (Yeah, Trystane probably wasn't much of a fighter, but it would've been funny to see the whip girl toy with him for a bit).



    Anyway, I generally like everything else in the show.

  3. I will volunteer. This is my job, kanji & romaji =)


    edit: Actually, rocklyric has lyrics from Metamorpha and Paradox already


    If you disable javascript you can copy & paste 


    edit 2: I can still do the romaji for you. Also, if you already have the scans you might as well send them, because sometimes rocklyric has mistakes.

  4. 1 hour ago, Seimeisen said:

    九尾 was EVERYTHING to me and 天照 was really good (sans b-sides). I still haven't listened to 彩, because I the artworks/band look were all so hideous that I just block that one out of my mind (lol). Their previous album was rather solid, it just took a few listens for it to grow on me.



    Haha, I thought 天照 was alright but I reaaaaaally liked all the B-sides from that single. 彩 is similar for me - OK A-side, but really really liked the B-sides. Don't think about the visuals too much! I don't even remember what the band look was, lol.


    Kiryu in general is still capable of putting out some mediocre stuff and some omfg mind blowing stuff, I don't expect this new album to be any different.

  5. Vita Report:

    I just finished Hatoful Boyfriend. I was expecting a lot of dumb silly parody pigeon dating... but it surpassed all of my expectations. There wasn't really a lot of dating... I was surprised at how short each path was, but shit eventually goes down.

    I will be playing Puyo Puyo Tetris on and off. I understand the basics of Tetris, as it's a game I first played when I was like 6 years old. However I suck horribly at Puyo Puyo. The focus isn't really on clearing the board, it's on making long chains of matches that will crush your opponent. Too advanced for me. The dialogue in the story mode is written for kids, which means it looks like a lot of hiragana with few kanji, which actually makes it harder for me to read X_X


    PS4 Report:

    I've somewhat made peace with Tales of Zestiria. Dropping it to easy mode and doing some hardcore herb picking/eating is making battles go a bit faster. Way too much backtracking though, especially for the side quests. ... on second thought, maybe battles are just going faster because I spent the weekend backtracking through old areas with weaker monsters. Shit.


  6. Getting pretty hype for tomorrow's episode

    Too bad there's no way to legally watch this show (in Canada) without subscribing through a cable tv provider. I'm not paying that much to watch one show. (and this is the ONLY tv show I watch)

    Time to frequent torrent sites again. =/


    7 minutes ago, beni said:


      Reveal hidden contents



    fan theory "spoiler"


    The most obvious thing would be for Melisandre to resurrect Jon. It seems way TOO obvious, there has to be some twist there.


  7. 7 hours ago, Uglymouth said:


    The releases will contain one "ticket" each, if you buy all three singles and send all three tickets with your name, phone number, address and post numer to ains office in Takadanobaba, Tokyo, you will get a live DVD sent to you


    I can't be bothered to decipher all the legal disclaimers, but.. I assume they aren't going to ship it overseas. T_T

  8. MInami's cutesy voice makes me want to murder people.

    I'm not familiar with Lustknot, the sample provided sounds kinda average.

    Kaya has a great powerful voice, but I do notice him going a little off key at times (especially in Freya, unless the song is just written that way, which would be odd).

    My personal favourite is Mahiro, it is not easy to sing like that. He's also pretty versatile.. I was really impressed with what he did in "Tsukubai" and My Dragon's first single.

    Buuut, in terms of "most skilled" I'd have to go with Ran. Perfect falsetto, wide range, and sounds pleasant. First time I listened to Xepher I was kinda blown away.


    (all of this is IMO, I'm not a trained critic)

  9. 1 hour ago, The Reverend said:


    I'm not sure I've ever been to a (non-VK) show that cared about taking pictures/video as long as you weren't bringing in professional equipment.


    Especially since everyone's phone is their camera now... I imagine it'd be really hard to enforce rules like that.


    Well, this was 6 years ago. Plus, the club had security staff that would pull you aside if they saw you recording. 


    1 hour ago, violetchain said:

    Was it Miyavi? Most of the Japanese concerts I've been to have discouraged (flash) photography, but Miyavi is the only one where I remember actually having my camera confiscated after the bag check. It was kind of sad since even Miyavi himself was practically begging people not to take pictures and a minute later a bunch of phones were up.


    It was D'espairsRay in Toronto.


    I assumed most 'pro' level shows would prohibit taking photos/videos, guess I'm wrong hehe


  10. 1 hour ago, YuyoDrift said:

    So the GazettE requested that no one bring any cameras or any recording devices. Fuuuuuu


    I better be in the damn live DVD then lol


    Is this not standard for most concerts?


    I've only been to one VK live, and they searched my bag and confiscated my camera at the front door T_T;;

  11. 1 hour ago, YuyoDrift said:


    You do it for the ratchets trophies! lol


    I never pegged you for a Kiseki series fan. I always seen the series to be lackluster, but I've never actually played it. Would you recommend?




    I'm not a fan, this was the very first game in the series that I ever played, and will probably be the last. I liked the battle system.. kind of reminds me of a mix between Final Fantasy X (turn based & you can see the order of upcoming turns) and Chrono Trigger (positional attacks). I've seen people recommend the series because of the story & characters. But I stupidly picked up the Japanese version, so some parts of the political/military aspects were lost on me. Also, it probably has more resonance if you'd played the previous games. 


    I super hated the pacing, though.. you can be stuck clicking through 30 minute cutscenes/dialogue, and doing a series of super boring fetch quests in between combat dungeons/field areas. I got to the point where I was like "I don't fucking care why your cat's missing, I'm not going to read 5 minutes worth of pointless chit-chat just to accept the quest, I'm going to skip all of this and use a walkthrough to complete it."


    However, some people really like that part of the game. *shrug* I've seen this particular game compared to Persona 4, because of the school setting and somewhat similar "social links" mechanic.

  12. One that immediately comes to mind, because I noticed it when Kanon Wakeshima covered it..


    hide - Beauty & Stupid


    "あなた好みの Sixty-nine

    いやよやめては OKサイン"


    "栗の花咲きゃ Bye bye bye bye"

    If you don't understand this line.. it means "Bye bye when the chestnut flower blooms" 

    Chestnut flowers are known to smell like semen.  When it "blooms", he's probably talking about orgasm.

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